Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1465: What can't you say together

Meng Qian felt like her whole body and heart were pumped. She felt that the world in front of her was very strange to what she knew. Meng Qian couldn't help standing up and taking a step forward, but because of her chest Hurt couldn't help groaning.

"Cici, what's wrong with you."

The man, that is, Meng Xinghe walked up quickly, put his hands on Meng Qian's shoulders, and said with extreme worry in his eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Is there any physical injury? Do you need me to ask the doctor to come over."

"It's okay...I...I, father..."

Meng Qian wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say when she opened her mouth. She looked at herself as "resurrected from the dead".

Like father, tears flowed out in an instant, her head was buried in Meng Xinghe's chest, and she burst into tears.

Meng Xinghe gently patted Meng Qian's back and said in a voice full of magnetism.

"Okay, well, everything is over, Cici, don't you think we are all right now? It's been so long, we can still stand here, we should all be more happy."

After Meng Xinghe finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Meng Meng again. There was a slight change in his expression. He reached out and tried to hold Meng Meng, but Meng Meng quickly took a step back in horror and hid in Ye Shengling’s. Behind.

Meng Xinghe looked a little sad, shook his head and said.

"Meng Meng, we haven't seen each other for so many years, you are already a big girl in the blink of an eye, Meng Meng, I... I am your father."

Meng Meng's face clenched her teeth tightly when she heard this. In fact, Meng Meng didn't have the concept of a father since she was a child, and it's not just that she didn't even have this concept. Even her parents had never really had it. For a person who has grown up in such an environment since he was a child, he is absolutely desperate for family affection in his heart.

But the same is true. Meng Meng has great resentment for everything she has experienced. She hates her father and mother and her family. She feels it is impossible for her to forgive them no matter what. I believe there is any reason to abandon myself.

So even though Meng Meng was extremely touched in her heart, she still insisted on her emotions forcibly, but it was always like this, her tears still flowed down.

"Mengmeng, you... don't you want to see Dad?"

Meng Xinghe's emotions seemed to be a little excited, and his breathing seemed to become heavy. Then he fell back a few steps as if he was a little unsteady. Meng Qian hurriedly helped him to the sofa chair and handed him After a cup of tea, Meng Xinghe closed his eyes for a long time, and his breathing gradually calmed down.

"Dad, you need to take a break first, your body may..."

Meng Qian said with concern on her face.

"It's all right, I want to talk to Meng Meng."

Meng Xinghe shook his head, then looked at Meng Meng and said.

"Mengmeng, I know that you hate me in your heart, and I also understand that I feel very guilty for both of you, mother and daughter. I know that I have not been a good husband, nor have I been a good father, and I have not given The feeling of your home is also sorry to your mother. If you still hate me like this, I also understand your feelings, but what I must tell you is that since your birth, I have been missing you all the time, I I really miss you and hope to see you one day..."

Meng Xinghe said, tears were already dripping down her face, and two tears had dripped from Meng Meng's face. She didn't want to listen to Meng Xinghe's words anymore, she shook her head and said loudly.

"Don't tell me this, don't tell me this, I don't want to know these things! And I don't want to know who you are, and I don't want to have any relationship with you, Ye Shengling, you take me back quickly, I don't want to stay Here it is!"

Meng Xinghe sighed with great pain on his face, wiped his already flushed eyes with a handkerchief, shook his head and said.

"Okay, I see, Meng Meng, since you don't want to stay here, I won't force you. No matter what choice you make, I will definitely support you. Xiaoye, in fact, we already know each other. It’s been a long time, but I haven’t seen each other until now. I’m very grateful to you for protecting them for so long. I also know that you have experienced a lot during this period and you must have many questions. Mengmeng first go for a walk, I want to talk to him."

"Mr. Meng, if you have something you want to say to me, why should you let them go?"

Ye Shengling looked at Meng Xinghe, his face suddenly smiled untimely, his expression did not seem to be touched by this situation at all, but he seemed to be sitting tightly, watching Meng Xinghe continue to say.

"These two are your relatives. You also said that you are thinking about them all the time. Since they are all a family, there are things that you can't sit together and talk about, it's impossible for Meng Xinghe. Some things do not want to be known by them?"

The expression on Meng Xinghe’s face changed from warmth to an extremely cold look in an instant, like a murderous look that suddenly appeared in an instant, even in this atmosphere of family affection, it still made Ye Shengling feel like The thorns are on the back.

However, this feeling disappeared very quickly, and Meng Xinghe's face still returned to the kind of peace it had at the beginning. He laughed, the expression on his face still gentle.

"Hahaha, Xiaoye, it seems that you are still brooding about those things. Of course you are right. We are all a family, and we can sit together and say anything. In that case, let's say it in another place. Cici, come over with you too."

Next to this is Meng Xinghe's dedicated lounge, but although it is said to be his dedicated lounge, it is quite simple, even simple.

A small office desk, apart from a few stacks of documents, only a telephone and an old foreign oil lamp are left on it. The decoration inside can be said to be completely inconsistent with this golf resort. No one will question which village cadre's office this is.

Meng Xinghe will not be particularly inconsistent when he comes here. From his appearance, he is not at all like the business elite and financial crocodile described in Economic Weekly. His temperament is not fierce at all, if he just said He also seemed very kind when it felt like this kind of meeting.

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