Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1468: Manslaughter

"And at that time, I went to Europe to open up the market again, so I have never been able to explain to the second lady. She just prepared to marry Zou Hongyun in a vague way. Until the night of the wedding, I didn’t know who it was. Telling her the truth, the second lady actually decided to elope with me regardless. After she found me, she took me away from the Meng family. I still remember that we talked to each other a lot of things that day, and both of them were drunk and drunk. , And the relationship happened naturally."

Meng Xinghe sighed when he said that, shook his head and said.

"Meng Meng, your personality is very similar to your mother. They are so rash and cute. As long as they fall in love, they will be desperate. She said that she would like to be with me forever. With Cici, how could I leave them alone, mother and daughter, in desperation, I can only tell her about this matter, the eldest lady is very smart and calm, and she knows how to take care of the overall situation. She was also very open-minded in this respect. She knew that if this matter was spread out, the Meng family's face would be lost, so for the sake of us, she could only admit the relationship between the three of us and did not tell anyone."

"It's just that how can paper in this world contain the fire? Even though we are trying to cover it up, we are still known to others. Mr. Meng is so angry that he has made me his chief enemy and said that he must kill. It’s just that I’ve gotten rid of my hatred, but something else happened at this time. The second young lady released Zou Hongyun’s pigeons on the day of her wedding. This was a great insult to the Zou family. Since then, the Meng family and the Zou family have never reconciled. ."

Meng Xinghe recalled the past and continued.

"At that time, the head of the Zou family was not Zou Hongyun. It was his father. The Zou family has always been a single pass. So after the marriage fell through, the Zou family soon found another partner for Zou Hongyun, who was also powerful and powerful. People, it’s just that Zou Hongyun is still a love type. Although only the second young lady knows her, she has already fallen in love with her, saying that she will marry her anyway in this life, so the marriage has been dragging on like this. Until his father's health deteriorated, he finally died of regret."

"Zou Hongyun only learned about the relationship between me and the second lady later, and this kind of thing made him even more irritated, so he also counted his father's death on my head, and since then has become my deadly enemy. To kill me, almost all the power of their family was mobilized."

When Meng Xinghe said that the corner of his eyes seemed to be beating a little, he glanced at Meng Meng slightly, and then said again.

"At that time, the two big families of Hongmen were chasing me all the time. I had no choice but to escape everywhere. Usually sometimes I couldn’t stay in one place for more than 24 hours, but fortunately their two sisters have been Follow me. It happened at that time that Cici and Meng Meng were born. Although it was a frightening and embarrassing day of fleeing, it was the most complete moment of our family reunion, but perhaps God didn’t want to see it. My life is a little better for Meng Xinghe. I actually made a mistake and killed my woman. The second lady was killed by me."

"What did you say? What did you just say! You actually killed your wife?"

Meng Meng kept his ears up and listened carefully. When he heard this, he stood up directly, looking at Meng Xinghe with disbelief in his eyes.

Meng Xinghe's breathing began to become extremely difficult again. He covered his chest and sat on the chair, lowered his head, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"Mengmeng, don’t do this first. Dad is also very uncomfortable. Let me help him. In fact, at that time, Dad and the others were being hunted down, so they could only hide themselves. One time, Dad became very sick at night. , The little mother got up and cooked the medicine next to him and waited for him to wake up, but after his father woke up, because he was in an unfamiliar environment, and for a while, he couldn’t recognize who the person in front of him was, so he thought it was a killer. I came here, so I killed it by mistake..."

Meng Qian was also extremely excited at this time, and the whole person said tremblingly.

"Stop talking, I don't want to know this!"

Meng Meng gritted her teeth and roared out. She was already trembling all over, staring at Meng Xinghe like an angry little lion, and shouted.

"Meng Xinghe, do you just want to say these things to me? Are you trying to tell me how you killed my mother? I have always been a person since I was a child. I can only be myself. Do you know how I came here all these years? I am eager, I am eager to one day you can come together in front of me, I wonder if I will forgive you for so many years. I made a mistake."

Meng Meng gritted her teeth, her eyes flushed.

"But now, but now you actually tell me that my mother was killed by you! What did you tell me for? Want me to face the truth more directly, face this **** truth? You, you really Yes!"

Meng Meng yelled emotionally, and suddenly her eyes became dazed, and she began to look a little unsteady, and then she was about to fall to the ground.

Ye Shengling hurriedly helped her. Seeing that her white eyes and heartbeat were still normal, she thought it should be blood attacking her heart. She immediately rubbed a few key acupoints. It didn't take long for Meng Meng to wake up again, thinking about it. Ye Shengling cried loudly in Ye Shengling's embrace of everything that just happened.

After Meng Xinghe's breath was relieved at this time, his face was also full of tears, his expression seemed very haggard, and he felt that his whole person was much older than just now, and he said weakly on the sofa.

"Meng Meng, I know you must hate me very much in your heart, and I also know that nothing can get rid of my charge. I am a beast that killed people, even if it was a manslaughter, it can't change this fact. I am sorry for you, and I am ashamed of your mother. I want to tell you all these things today because even if you hate me forever for it, I still hope you can understand the truth. After all, this is you. Right."

Meng Qian looked at her sister crying, and at this time she also stepped forward and said softly.

"Meng Meng, when I first heard about this news, I was also very uncomfortable. I know you must be very painful, but why isn't it like that?"

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