Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1480: An explanation

Meng Xinghe's emotions at this time seemed to be a little crazy, and his emotions became extremely agitated.

"It’s my result that I lost to you today. Don’t think I don’t know what you want. Don’t you want that money too? Why are you saying so much? Come on, you are so powerful, come and kill me directly, you You can sit firmly in your place, come and kill me!"

Ye Shengling did not immediately pick up the stubborn, but her face no longer had the contemptuous smile just now. Instead, it was a cold solemnity. Ye Shengling's voice became calmer and said.

"Mr. Meng, it seems that you still don’t understand the purpose of my coming today. If I really want to kill you or want to solve you, you don’t need to come in front of you personally, and you don’t need to think too much. The fund you mentioned is a treasure to you, but it is not important at all to me. I brought Cici and Meng Meng with me today. The reason why I asked them to come together is because I want to Let them also know the cause and effect of things."

"Mr. Meng, don't you think you owe Mengmeng an explanation? She is a child who has no mother since she was a child. Today I will ask you for her, why on earth her mother died."

Ye Shengling’s words were not loud, but they sounded like thunder to others. The three of them were stunned in an instant. After all, Meng Xinghe had just explained the cause of Meng Meng’s mother’s death, but Ye Shengling Actually, I have to ask again, yes, this is obviously something tricky.

This matter has indeed always been one of the things that Meng Meng cared about the most. Now she was shocked when she heard this, and it took a long time to ask in disbelief.

"Ye Shengling, what do you mean by this? Could it be that my mother..."

"Ye Shengling! What do you want me to say? You beast, you have already slandered me so much, do you even want to count this thing on my head? You **** shut me up!"

Meng Xinghe seemed to be frightened at this moment. He immediately stood up, walked to Ye Shengling, pointed at him, cursed, and then he looked at Meng Meng again, shaking his head in horror on his face. .

"Mengmeng, don't listen to his nonsense. He is just swearing. He is trying to lie to you. This vicious **** bastard, we father and daughter finally meet each other. People are provoking."

After Meng Xinghe had spoken a series of words, he immediately seemed to have no confidence. He immediately turned his head and ran to a cabinet. He hurriedly opened the cabinet and wanted to take out one of the wooden boxes.

But Ye Shengling's speed was faster. He kicked the wooden box directly to the ceiling with a kick. The wooden box was smashed on the ceiling and shattered, and the contents scattered down. There was actually something inside. More than a dozen bullets, and a revolver.

The revolver fell on the ground and scattered. Meng Xinghe's face became dull, and then the whole figure was paralyzed on a sofa chair like being emptied of soul. There was no blood on his face. His illness was caused by his emotions. The drastic change on the above exploded again, and his whole person breathing began to become extremely difficult, even if he had exhausted all his strength and wanted to inhale, he still couldn't help it.

He reached out in a panic and took out a box from his clothes, but as soon as he opened it, all the pills in it were scattered on the ground. Ye Shengling looked at him sadly, and after shaking his head, he finally picked it up from the ground. After taking two or three, he opened his mouth, and then threw it in.

Meng Meng finally recovered from this meeting. She ran forward and wanted to spit out the few medicines in Meng Xinghe’s mouth, but she was hugged tightly by Ye Shengling, and then she could only rush into Ye Shengling’s arms. I couldn't cry for a while.

Meng Qian was also unbelievable. Such a thing would happen. There was no expression on her face for a long time, but she just looked at these things sluggishly and said without emotion.

"Impossible, I don't believe, Dad, how could you do this? How could you do such a thing."

After Meng Xinghe took the pills, he slowed for a while, and finally recovered. He tried to ease his breathing for a while, but her face was still very ugly, and his whole body seemed to be The eggplant that Shuang had beaten was normal, and he tried to try to explain something for himself. He looked at Ye Shengling, and finally swallowed it back, lowered his head, and constantly hammered his chest and coughed.

"I think you can’t believe it. In fact, when this happened, no one else knew about it. It should be safe to say that it should be safe. But you are very surprised. Why do I understand? So you I just want to continue to defend myself."

Ye Shengling said, and at the same time took out a note from his pocket.

"Mr. Meng, everything in the world has cause and effect. Even if you don’t want to admit it, the things you’ve done are good, but they have all happened in fact. At this time, many things are linked together. It’s really not seen by anyone, but that doesn’t mean that no one knows. You are a conscious person. I believe you want to be more decent. Do you want to tell the rest for yourself, or let me continue. What about this story?"

"Ye Shengling, what is this."

Meng Qian looked at the note in Ye Shengling's hand and said strangely.

"This note was found in the old man's room. In fact, it can be said that he left it to me on purpose."

Ye Shengling said, opening the note slowly. The note looked like cursive script, usually with dense lines written on it, but after careful identification, it could be seen that this was obviously from a doctor. Hand, this is a medicine list.

"Cici, maybe you should be able to recognize it. This is a medicine list. Although the doctor's font is weird, you can still see it carefully."

Meng Qian smoothly took it from Ye Shengling's hand, and after watching it carefully for a while, she said in surprise.

"This, this seems to be the traditional Chinese medicine my father usually takes."

After Meng Xinghe heard this, the expression in his eyes became even more vicious. He pointed to Ye Shengling and said weakly in his mouth.

"What do you want, what do you want to say!"

He stretched out a hand and waved it twice in the air, as if he wanted to seize the medicine list or attack Ye Shengling.

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