Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1493: Gaul Military Academy

Ye Bing calculated the number of these people in front of him. There were probably dozens of them. This is almost a kind of professional habit of her. Ye Bingxin has made several great achievements one after another and was called to the capital for further studies. He is likely to be responsible in the future. The aspect of this is a matter of national security, so it is naturally very sensitive to such things.

If this group of powerful combatants is not a soldier, then it must be a group of extremely powerful thieves, but what will this group of people do in Jiangdong City?

Ye Bingxin found a place and stood up. She pretended to tidy up her clothes. In fact, she was secretly observing these brawny men with unknown origins. At the end was a young man with an aura of energy, following him on both sides. There are several foreigners who are also very strong.

The person exuded a unique feeling, Ye Bingxin felt very familiar, and suddenly his heart tightened. Whether it was in dressing style or other aspects, the appearance of this person was completely a copy of Ye Shengling. generally.

But even so, there are still some differences in temperament and other aspects. Ye Bingxin was almost disturbed. After carefully identifying it for a while, he was sure that this was not Ye Shengling.


Ye Bingxin walked forward two steps, and asked the man and said, since the other party had come off a French flight, it might be French.

But the man glanced at Ye Bingxin, but said.

"Hello, what's the matter? You can speak Mandarin to me. I'm just an international student going to Europe."

As soon as the young man stopped, dozens of people also stopped one after another. Ye Bingxin further confirmed that this person should be the core of these people.

"Hello, I want to ask you, did you come to Jiangdong City to play?"

Ye Bingxin asked kindly.

"No, we are from Jiangdong."

The man shook his head and said, judging from his accent, Ye Bingxin could be sure that it was indeed from Jiangdong.

Ye Bingxin didn’t intend to ask more, but she turned around and suddenly found that a foreigner was carrying the bag on her back. The sign of the Saint-Ercey Military Academy was written on her back. These people actually came from the Military Academy, Ye Bing Xin's heart froze in an instant.

Because she herself had been to the military academy, she naturally also had an understanding of the internationally famous military academy. The Gaul Saint Cyr Military Academy is very large. They surrounded a field similar to a military base in a suburb of France. In this place, there are various military practice fields, in addition to military factories, and various naval and air force learning bases. This is basically an all-round military training academy.

The reason why Ye Bingxin understands this is also because she once wanted to go there for further studies, but the threshold there is extremely high. The tuition fee is an astronomical figure every year. Generally, the ones that can be sent there are special training missions. Of the elite.

So Ye Bingxin immediately knew that the group in front of them was a group of soldiers, and they were also a group of foreign elite units. Since they came from the Saint Cyr Academy, they were indeed extremely threatening, but This person again said that he was from Jiangdong, which made people feel quite puzzled again.

If they were originally from a certain unit in the country, if they were sent to a place like Saint Cyr’s College, they would never come back in this way, because this must be a confidential incident, and their team There were foreigners in it, and Ye Bingxin didn't believe that these people belonged to a certain team in China.

Ye Bingxin didn't think these people belonged to Jiangdong Army, so after greeted them, he went to the other side and dialed Ye Yingjian's number.

Ye Yingjian also attached great importance to this matter. After checking the information immediately, he told him that no one had been sent to Saint Cyr's College in recent years. Therefore, it is very likely that this group of people belonged to foreign military forces. The entry of soldiers into the territory of China, especially such elite arms, can almost directly be regarded as a manifestation of declaration of war.

So this matter was not trivial, Ye Bingxin didn't dare to be stunned. After hanging up the phone, he immediately ordered his people to come here and be ready to be surrounded.

Ye Bingxin knew that these people were extremely dangerous, so she had to stop them here. Seeing these people were ready to leave, she was also thinking about how to hold them.

What she didn’t know was that the group of people who had returned from Europe was Chen Zhen. They had graduated from school ahead of schedule under Ye Shengling’s instructions, and were about to return to the Hazard Harmony Army. In fact, Shentong Island was very early. I have already bought a big water fish, but this extremely lethal underwater warship has still stopped on Shentong Island and has not been launched.

Ye Shengling is not saying that he feels sorry for the money. Although the price of this submarine is indeed high, the most important thing is that their loss of combat power at sea is immeasurable, but even if it is reluctant, they still pay. No one really knows how to drive.

Ye Shengling has now shifted his focus to Banda. Although he thinks that his international status has been qualitatively improved, any status needs to be achieved by fists. Banda is relatively close to the sea, so it needs more. The powerful sea force escorted him, and now he must bring these people back.

They couldn’t go directly to Southeast Asia, and Ye Shengling wanted them to guide and raise Ah Snake’s power by the way, so these people also came to Jiangdong by the way, but who would have thought that they would meet Ye Bingxin’s responsibility? A master of criminal investigation in the national security field.

At this moment, the few of them had never thought of Ye Bingxin’s identity, and they were still there, talking with each other, Ye Bingxin’s face was full of nervousness. She felt that the reason why this group of people came to China, if it were not for some reactionary activities, would be the most At least he came to participate in gang-related activities. If these people are really allowed to stay in Jiangdong City, who knows what they will be like. Although Ye Bingxin said that he was standing a little far away from them, he was still there all the time. Follow the movements of these people.

Chen Zhen and his party had already walked out slowly. Seeing this group of people were about to go outside, Ye Bingxin saw that his people hadn't come yet, so he hurried forward and asked.

"Um... I'm sorry to bother you, I came to Jiangdong to play, you said you are from Jiangdong, right? Can you recommend any affordable places to eat and live around you? I'm the one People don’t have much to rely on here, and I’m a little afraid of being trapped."

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