Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 247: Boyfriend or friend

"Yaoyao, how did you talk to the guests."

Suddenly, a man walked out of the villa, his face was very gloomy, and he looked like a very stern character.

"Oh, good second uncle."

Zhong Mengyao looked back and found that it was his second uncle, so he couldn't say anything, he could only vomit her head in embarrassment.

Wan Nan also wanted to continue talking with Zhong Mengyao, taking advantage of Zhong Mengyao's window of the car to greet his second uncle Sun Shi, he also walked forward, but found that there was still a man sitting inside.

And this person is Jiang Shengling, who made Wan Nan very faceless last time, and the person who pretended to be Zhong Mengyao's boyfriend last time. Wan Nan still didn't know that Jiang Shengling was just pretending, and now he is naturally full of anger when he sees Jiang Shengling.

"Why are you kid."

Wan Nan looked a little ugly. He had pursued Zhong Mengyao for so long and had never been invited by Zhong Mengyao to come to this villa, but he did not expect that Jiang Shengling would come out of the villa together with Zhong Mengyao.

"Mr. Wan, do you know Jiang Shengling?"

Sun Shi, who was standing by, looked a little strange, and said after looking at Wan Nan.

"I do not know him!"

Wan Nan didn't really know Jiang Shengling, so he coldly snorted.

"Hello, I'm the marketing director of Sidaier Group and Yaoyao's friend. My name is Jiang Shengling."

Jiang Shengling got out of the car and looked at Sun Shi and said that he had seen Sun Shi for the first time, so he introduced himself.

"I know you. You rescued Yaoyao from the accident last time, Mr. Jiang, you did a great favor to our Sun family."

Sun Shi said lightly, but his expression was completely meaningless and joyful.

In addition, Jiang Shengling said that he was just a marketing director in Zhong Mengyao's company. For a person of this kind, he could easily grab a handful of them. Naturally, he didn't pay much attention to Jiang Shengling.

Jiang Shengling could also tell that this second uncle didn't have a special cold for him, but it didn't matter, anyway, he wasn't a person who looked at other people's faces, so he didn't say much.

"Jiang Shengling, let's go quickly, don't talk nonsense here."

Zhong Mengyao didn't want to talk to Wan Nan more, so he quickly grabbed Jiang Shengling and said, it seemed that he was very affectionate.

As soon as Jiang Shengling saw Zhong Mengyao's actions like this, she immediately understood her thoughts. She definitely wanted to use herself to persuade Wan Nan to retreat, and she must now act as an extra.

But at any rate, he also charged the appearance fee, and coupled with his acting skills are also in place, he immediately grabbed Zhong Mengyao's little hand and said with a smile.

"Then let's go quickly, I can't wait."

Wan Nan looked at them with such affectionate expressions, his face was very ugly, but he still asked.

"What are you going to do? Is there something to do when you go out."

"Yes, go out to do something, sleep outside when it's too late, and won't be back tonight, Mr. Wan is not well served."

Zhong Mengyao smiled and said.

As soon as he said this, Jiang Shengling felt a little bit unbearable. After all, it was easy to make people think about it. Going out to sleep together so late must have that meaning.

After Wan Nan heard this, he couldn't hold his face at all. Zhong Mengyao hadn't considered his feelings at all. Even if he really liked Zhong Mengyao, he couldn't accept being ignored.

So immediately looked at Zhong Mengyao and said angrily.

"Zhong Mengyao, uncles and aunts have already told me that this Jiang Shengling is just your colleague, not your so-called boyfriend at all!"

"What do you mean, anyway, when we wait until we are going to go out to sleep, as for whether it is a boyfriend or a gunmate, you understand for yourself."

Zhong Mengyao didn't throw away Wan Nan, and he gave him a scornful look and was about to leave.

"You! You guy!"

Wan Nan's entire face looked a little distorted, but facing Zhong Mengyao, he couldn't say anything vicious, so he could only point at Jiang Shengling fiercely, and then strode into the villa.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhong Mengyao didn't pay attention to Wan Nan anymore, and it didn't matter how Wan Nan felt.

Jiang Shengling didn't say much. After the two got in the car again, they drove away from the villa.

Sun Shi knew that Wan Nan was really obsessed with Zhong Mengyao, so he didn't say much, just smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, Mr. Wan, forget the unpleasant things. The little star you told me last time, I have already contacted, and I will call her over to accompany you next day."

"Okay, thanks a lot."

Wan Nan nodded, but he was still upset when he thought of Zhong Mengyao's face just now.

His usual hobby is this one. He likes girls with **** and long legs, so he only wants to get this type of woman, no matter what the identity of the other person is.

But compared to such people, Zhong Mengyao has more temperament in them than them, so this is why he wants to get Zhong Mengyao.

"Yaoyao, where are we going to eat."

In the car, Jiang Shengling saw that Zhong Mengyao's mood seemed a little wrong, and he didn't know what was wrong with her, so he had to ask.

"Go to the night market near my house."

Zhong Mengyao was sad, her face was indeed a bit ugly at this time, and there were some thoughts hidden in her heart.

She thought to herself that she didn't want to find a boyfriend, but now that there are not many people who can break into her heart, the only one is still...

Zhong Mengyao looked at Jiang Shengling, shook his head, and cast aside those unrealistic thoughts, and didn't think about anything more.

Hearing that Zhong Mengyao wanted to go to the night market, Jiang Shengling didn't ask much. Following Zhong Mengyao's guidance, he quickly found the place.

The business here is really good. The roadside is full of cars, and the parking spaces are a bit hard to find. After Jiang Shengling put the car in, they walked down and came to a shop.

In this kind of night market, it is not comparable to other places, where fish and dragons are mixed, and most of them are low-level people, so people like Jiang Shengling and Zhong Mengyao who are obviously not at the same level as them immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Especially Zhong Mengyao next to Jiang Shengling became the focus of the audience. After all, Zhong Mengyao came to such a place, it was like a fairy descended to the world.

Zhong Mengyao is not only a figure but also a face, she can completely beat the audience.

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