Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 254: Revisit the casino

He has always been the youngest of the Dragon Tiger Club. Although he is indeed not to be underestimated in terms of overall strength, he has never been regarded by the other two bosses.

But Ah She himself didn't think so. He felt that his intelligence was far beyond the two of them. If it wasn't for his relatively junior qualifications and insufficient strength, the two of them might not be his opponents.

Ah She is also a very ambitious person. Of course, he does not want to succumb to others. If he can, he hopes to be the boss of the entire Dragon and Tiger Society, and even can unify the underground forces of the entire Jiangdong City.

"Summer Dragon's industry? What kind of thing are you."

Jiang Shengling asked strangely that he had no idea of ​​the West Lake Clubhouse at all.

"This is the clubhouse under the jurisdiction of the Dragon Tiger Club, but it can also be said that it is the private industry of Xia Long. It is now managed by Liang Kun. It involves a lot of things, mainly including song and dance halls, nightclubs, chess and card clubs, and international tender models. And high-end casinos and so on."

Seeing that Jiang Shengling wanted to understand, A-she naturally didn't hide anything, and said everything.

"His main business direction is to be an international young model. Simply put, it is to pull international pimps. The high-end casinos used to be relatively small, but now after Cheng Hu's place is gone, his business is getting better, but it is still Rely on membership."

"High-end casino?"

Jiang Shengling was taken aback, but he didn't expect that this West Lake club would also have this business.

"Yes! His range is relatively high-end and relatively small. In addition to the introduction of existing members, he needs to have tens of millions of assets to prove. However, most people use gambling to make friends, mainly for doing Business, gambling is next."

A snake explained.

"But it's a little different now. Because the business on Cheng Hu's side has gone bad, the resources of those gamblers have also flowed out, so now he also runs a casino for ordinary people, the threshold is relatively low, but it is still quite strict. of."

"It turned out to be so, so is his casino also in the West Lake Clubhouse."

Jiang Shengling became interested suddenly. He made a lot of money in that casino last time. Since this casino is also related to the West Lake Club, he also thought about it.

"No, the high-end casino is indeed in the West Lake Clubhouse, but the one that is more difficult to enter, the more common ones are elsewhere. Jiang Shengling is interested in this?"

Ah She asked a little strangely, if Jiang Shengling really wants to play, he can introduce a good place.

"Okay, then I have to go inside. Normal ones will do. You can arrange it for me."

Jiang Shengling said directly.

"Okay, this matter is on my body."

A-she said quickly, as long as Jiang Shengling is not going to that high-end casino, after all, although A-she says he is very energetic, there are only a few high-end circles, and newcomers generally have to be censored for a period of time.

Although it’s okay to introduce one or two people in with the identity of A-she, of course there is no problem, but now the internal situation of the Dragon Tiger Club is worrying. His relationship with these two bosses is only normal. At this point, naturally it is Try to avoid getting too close to any of them.

But if you just want to go to that kind of ordinary casino, although it is said that you need to be introduced by acquaintances, and there is a certain barrier to entry, this problem has no effect in Ah She's view.

After making a casual call to one of the little bosses below, he directly asked that person to lead Jiang Shengling.

Jiang Shengling took a taxi to the so-called casino, because it is illegal to open a casino in Huaxia, so you need a deceptive facade wherever you open a casino.

From the outside, it was just an ordinary wine shop. After the person called by the snake took Jiang Shengling in with Jiang Shengling, he went directly into a small private room.

Then I found a switch behind the air conditioner in the small private room and pushed the air conditioner on. There was another channel inside.

After Jiang Shengling followed in, he found that there were three or five people guarding the door, all in black uniforms. In the future, these should also be bodyguards watching the scene.

After seeing Jiang Shengling and the others came in, although they said they looked at Jiang Shengling with some caution, because the person who brought Jiang Shengling in was still relatively high on the road, so after just a few casual questions, he put Jiang Shengling directly. Go in.

After the person who brought Jiang Shengling in came inside, he asked Jiang Shengling to have fun by himself, and then he found a reason to leave.

Ah She told him on the phone very clearly that this is a distinguished guest and must be treated politely. But the task was only to let him bring Jiang Shengling in, and after he entered, he could walk away.

This also made that person feel very strange, since it is a distinguished guest, shouldn't he accompany him well.

In fact, there is Ah She's own plan here. After all, this place belongs to Xia Long, and his relationship with Xia Long is normal. They can cooperate, and of course they can also become enemies.

He knows exactly what Jiang Shengling's character is, and it is estimated that something will happen in it. If Jiang Shengling has any needs for him, of course he will help.

But if there is no special explanation, Ah She still thinks it is better to protect himself as much as possible, and don't get involved if there is nothing to do.

After the person left, Jiang Shengling also began to observe the decoration inside. The decoration here is very new, and it is estimated that it has only just been completed, and it is also very luxurious.

But compared to Zhang Chao's place, it is obvious that he needs to be more professional, but fortunately, it is also not bad here. Basically, everything is ready.

After all, this venue has only recently begun to be built, especially after learning that Zhang Chao's casino was shut down, he immediately vigorously purchased various equipment, hoping to absorb all the guests from Zhang Chao's side at once.

There are also many ways to play here, except for the most basic mahjong machines, slot machines, and fishing masters. There are other kinds of card tables, maybe the gameplay is not as rich as Zhang Chao's side, but the most mainstream gameplay is also readily available.

Because this is not the reason to be a high-end casino, so it directly covers all levels. This casino has a price of one million eight hundred thousand yuan, down to one thousand eight hundred yuan, and there is no restriction on low bets at all.

In other words, as long as someone accompanies you to play here, you want to play a round for five yuan or five million per round.

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