Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 315: Isn't it because he wants to rob?

"Small things, it's just money, I have a way to make it right away."

Meng Qian laughed suddenly, as if thinking of something.

"Is there any way you want to borrow money? If you really think so, then you are really naive. I am afraid that even if there is a family in R country who wants to help you, it is probably in Bai Heran. Under the persecution of the forces, I dare not do anything."

There was a trace of contempt in Jiang Shengling's eyes.

"What's more, I think your Meng family is nothing more than that. Even these three lackeys have betrayed you, so there is no need to think about other things."

"Who said that we are going to borrow money, we rely on ourselves, what kind of money is this, we can earn it back in minutes."

Meng Qian raised her head and said.

"Well, you are not going to do anything illegal, right? You don't want to rob, right? Then I won't accompany you. I still have a bottom line."

Jiang Shengling didn't know exactly what Meng Qian said about making money, but if you want to make money back in minutes, I'm afraid there is no other more convenient way other than robbery.

"Thank you for looking smart, why only think of such a crude method. We want to make money, and some are methods. Quickly clean up and go out soon."

Meng Qian didn’t know if she borrowed a set of clothes from the owner of the guest house, and after throwing it to Jiang Shengling, she could barely wear it, and because this suit had some kimono elements in it, it looked more like a local. a little.

They are now wanted criminals, and they have been hunted down by evil organizations, so of course they have to hide their identities as much as possible. Now this pair of costumes can be said to be excellent. Originally, Asians are not much different in appearance. Two people try their best to put on a hat, and it is not easy to be suspected from a distance.

They were still in Tokyo at this time, but they were already far away from the city. Fortunately, they were still in town. After stopping the car on the side of the road for a long time, Meng Qian used their few money to get on. An expensive taxi rushed directly to another town.

It doesn't look much better here than the small town just now, but there are indeed a little more people. Jiang Shengling suddenly worried that Meng Qian would not really want to rob.

"If you really want to rob, the target is these R country people anyway. From my personal standpoint, I don't object, but there are really a lot of people here, or we should change to a more remote place."

"What do you think, don't talk, just follow me."

Meng Qian glared at Jiang Shengling, and then walked into an alley as if he were familiar with the road.

This small town is obviously far away from the Tokyo metropolitan area. In addition to the town, there are large tracts of farmland in other places, but fortunately, because it is still within the radiation range of Tokyo, it is not very downright, especially It seems that there is a very ecological environment here, and it also attracts a lot of people, but it is not a depression.

Jiang Shengling watched Meng Qian walk into that kind of alley step by step. The crowd became less and less crowded. This kind of place was obviously more consistent with the kind of crime scene. He really couldn't think of Meng Qian's other than robbery. What way.

Turning left and right in the small alley, Meng Qian finally led Jiang Shengling to see an izakaya, and this izakaya was also very special, as if it was served by a maid to accompany the wine.

Jiang Shengling felt a bit inexplicable right away, he didn't want to bring himself to experience the local customs, then Miss Meng was really too polite.

"Ms. Meng, in fact, I helped you escape. It's just what I should do. You are so polite, but I have never come to this izakaya before. The experience is not entirely a bad thing."

Jiang Shengling smiled and was about to go in, but was directly pulled by Meng Qian, and then dragged into the back door of this izakaya.

"What are you thinking about, when is it, you still want to enjoy, I tell you, wait, you have to make a lot of money for me, have you heard?"

Meng Qian took Jiang Shengling and walked inside, no matter what Jiang Shengling's eyes were still on those lovely maids.

Unexpectedly, this izakaya still has a back door, from the back door to another room, through a long passage, there is a cave inside.

This is a very typical R country house. From the outside, Jiang Shengling certainly could not guess what was special in it, but from a distance, he suddenly heard bursts from the depths of the room. the sound of.

Vaguely, he felt as if he had heard the vibration of some machines and dice, and immediately understood what Meng Qian meant.

When I walked outside a gate, there were two bodyguards guarding the door. Seeing Meng Qian and Jiang Shengling walking far away, they left, and came forward to question.

"What do you guys do."

The man asked with a pure and authentic Osaka accent.

Although Meng Qian said that because there are still many businesses in the family in country R, ​​she still didn't understand what these people were talking about, so she answered directly in Chinese.

"I'm from Huaxia. I'm a regular customer. I just came here a while ago. I want to try my luck today."

This is a casino hidden behind an izakaya. The reason for choosing this place is not only because it is the largest casino in the neighborhood, but also because it is really safer.

The reason is that they are far away from Tokyo. Although this kind of small place also has evil forces, they are also local snakes, and they have almost nothing to do with those big societies.

Therefore, Meng Qian knew that the people from the Mishima family or Bai Heran should not be able to reach here. For the time being, this place is still safe. Combined with Jiang Shengling’s strength, he made a lot of money here. There shouldn't be any big problems.

"Huaxia, Soga."

Seeing that Meng Qian had also been here, they stopped asking more questions, but directly sent Meng Qian and Jiang Shengling in.

In such small places like them, no one would usually come to investigate, and Meng Qian and Jiang Shengling saw that they were tourists coming from other places, so they didn't need to be careful, and just let them in.

The casinos in Country R are very different from Huaxia. Although they are also hidden, they don’t seem to attach importance to those environments. They don’t create a very luxurious look. It is difficult for people to have a sense of the casino. A feeling of awe.

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