Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 323: Pharaoh's Scepter

After Meng Qian heard this, her face became pale, and she gritted her teeth and hung up the phone.

Although Meng Qian didn't turn on the speakerphone, Jiang Shengling's ears were amazing, so he still heard clearly, and immediately understood what was going on.

At this time, the situation is really very serious. Obviously, when Meng Qian was still playing gunfight in R country, Bai Heran had quietly entered the Meng family. The reason why Meng Qian was dragged here was also for this reason. .

Unexpectedly, Jiang was still hot. This old fox had already expected this step. Meng Qian was obviously being overcast. Taking advantage of the Meng family's no master, Bai Heran turned his back on the guest.

Although this news has little to do with Jiang Shengling, it is actually not very good news for him. After all, he has to sell all his rough sapphires to Meng Qian.

Now if Meng Qian has lost the ability to control the assets of the Meng family, then it means that she has no money. If there is no money, how can she buy her own gems.

But anyway, he wanted to sell his rough sapphire. It’s not a big question to whom to sell. Jiang Shengling suddenly wondered whether or not to contact Bai Heran now and ask him if he wants his own things. NS.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shengling also felt that his thoughts seemed a bit too realistic, and he would just abandon his teammates for the sake of money. He still couldn't do this kind of thing.

"You said what should be done now, it's useless to stay in Country R, ​​so let's go back."

Jiang Shengling knew that Bai Heran was supposed to hold Meng Qian. Now that he knew what the other party was thinking, he might as well go back now to see if there is a way to save it.

"No, Bai Heran is a fake staying in Meng's house. He just wants to force me."

Meng Qian said with certainty that she still had a thorough view of this matter, and immediately thought of what Bai Heran wanted to do.

"Now that this thing happened, he wanted to force me to show up, and secondly, he wanted to force me back. As long as I go back, I will completely lose the ability to investigate. Now that the truth is near, I must do it. Know exactly how Dad died."

Meng Qian was very resolute. Jiang Shengling didn't know how to persuade him. He didn't know what to say about this kind of thing. After all, this was also a family affair.

It's just that although Meng Qian said that she could support an entire Meng family, maybe she really had two brushes, but this was only for business.

Compared to the level of sophistication, I am afraid that Meng Qian is not the opponent of Bai Heran, the old fox at all. These people are all real old gangs. In terms of using conspiracy, Meng Qian still looks a little too tender.

It's just that although this kind of thing is really not easy, Jiang Shengling also knows that it is better not to persuade Meng Qian, after all, this is the murder of her father, if it is placed on anyone, it is definitely impossible to accept.

Even if the enemy is these old and cunning people, Meng Qian still has no choice. Thinking of this, Jiang Shengling also feels that it is a bit too difficult to bear all these burdens on Meng Qian alone.

"Okay, since you want to stay here, that's okay. There are some things that are not convenient for you to say, you don't need to tell me, but I still want to make it clear that you can really do what you said after you get it. Do you know the truth of the matter?"

Jiang Shengling thought for a while, and then asked.

"Yes, these items have never participated in any auction before. They were in the hands of a private seller before. My father personally negotiated the purchase, but because of the purchase itinerary this time, he was killed in the middle."

Meng Qian gritted her teeth when she thought of this kind of thing.

"As far as I know, my father was in ambush, but he escaped by chance, and was finally betrayed by the people around him, because my father cares about these things very much, and that's why he personally talked about it. I think the cause of his death must be related to these things."

Meng Qian suddenly said with some regret.

"Originally, when I came here this time, I was going to spend a lot of money to take these photos, but I didn't expect that Bai Heran would still be obstructed. This also made me suspect that there is an inevitable connection with this thing, but it is a pity. In the end, I only got one piece."

"It's not bad to have one of this. Now let's first think about how to obtain the others. I think that the Eastern Han Dynasty simplified book should be in Bai Heran's hands. We still need to inquire about the specific situation."

Jiang Shengling said directly.

"By the way, apart from this Eastern Han Dynasty simplified book, there is one other thing, but he didn't appear at the auction, so I didn't tell you."

Meng Qian suddenly said to Jiang Shengling.

"Not at the auction? Is it a private seller."

Jiang Shengling was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that Meng Qian wanted to buy a lot of things, but now the assets of her family have been controlled by others, where there is still money to buy such things.

"Yes, it's a Pharaoh's cane, but the price he offered is too ridiculous. Obviously, there is no intention to sell it. If you can, I hope you can help me talk about it. Anyway, as long as you can give it to I'll do it."

Meng Qian said bitterly, she has indeed paid a high price, and when their family is already so tight, you are still willing to spend a lot of money to buy it, but the seller obviously doesn’t have any. The willingness to change hands is asking for ten separate spectra, so Meng Qian can only think of other methods.

"As long as you can get it, I can give you an extra payment."

"That's okay, I think you invite me to Country R this time, you really want to squeeze me out, and I will do everything."

Jiang Shengling was a little depressed. He was really too busy on this trip. There were all things big and small. According to his usual practice of charging, he had to spend at least 100 million for this kind of thing, and it was definitely worth tens of millions. Friendship fracture price.

"What is squeezing! Please pay attention to the words."

Meng Qian gave Jiang Shengling a white look. After a few days of getting along, the relationship between the two of them has improved a lot.

"Let's leave at about the time, this kind of thing is better as soon as possible."

"Where to go, it won't be your Meng family's partner again. I don't trust these R people at all. You have to figure it out first."

Thinking of the fact that several families under Meng Qian's hands had betrayed her, Jiang Shengling no longer believed in Meng Qian's popularity, and immediately seemed to resist.

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