Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 327: Enter the villa

There are at least two security guards waiting in front of him on the path forward. Although it is said that they can always wait until they change their sights, the possibility of two people changing their sights at the same time is too low, and it is not known when they have to wait, Jiang Shengling Of course it is impossible to wait forever like this.

Up to now, he has no other way but to estimate their patrol rules first, but while he was still calculating, suddenly one of them was urinating next to a tree with his back facing away. At Jiang Shengling's position, the other seemed to be a little sleepy, and he picked up the cigarette and started to light it.

However, the wind in this position was too great, and he also found other places to smoke.

This was an excellent opportunity. Jiang Shengling rushed out of the utility room without saying a word. His speed was very fast, and he was also able to control his own footsteps. This step was extremely subtle and would basically not be taken by others. Find.

However, when he just ran out, the person who was urinating did not know if he had peeed on his own shoes. He just pulled up his pants and prepared to turn around. Jiang Shengling was taken aback, even if he could calculate it, he couldn’t figure it out. People can even urinate with kidney failure.

It can be said that he is very embarrassed in his current position. It is of course impossible to continue to run forward. If he looks back, I am afraid it will be too late. This is obviously a dilemma.

Although he tried not to make any noise here, Jiang Shengling knew that in this situation, he could only choose the best way, and directly took out two flying knives from his waist. go out,

The security guard who had peeed on his own shoes had an extra knife in his throat, and then he fell straight down. Of course, Jiang Shengling would not let the other one go. After all, one of them had an accident, and the other was also very soon. You can realize it, so you have to kill them together.

The poor man who was still smoking, had not even smoked halfway, he inexplicably got an extra throwing knife on the back of his head, and he also fell to the ground, he was quite unsatisfied.

Fortunately, it was considered remote here. Although Jiang Shengling killed these two people, it should not be discovered by other security guards for a while.

But after all, the death of two security guards here is also likely to arouse other people's vigilance, so now it must be a quick decision. Jiang Shengling hurriedly accelerated his speed, and then rushed into the stairs of another building. .

When he came to this stairwell, according to the mark on the map before, he should be in the position of a servant's room now. This area should be the place where all the servants of the Ito family live.

I have to say that Ito is indeed rich and powerful. It's just that a servant's room is very spacious. It seems that there are really many people in his family.

Jiang Shengling could vaguely hear that there were voices of people inside, but it was no wonder that although the security guards were still patrolling outside, there were always other servants, such as gardeners and nanny.

However, in addition to hearing some sound of sleepy breathing, Jiang Shengling felt as if he also heard the sound of someone doing exercise, and there was a man and a woman still panting loudly.

Grandma's, these adulterers and silver women. Jiang Shengling originally didn't want to disturb other people's good things, but they happened to be stuck in Jiang Shengling's forward path, so they could only be a villain and demolish the pair of wild mandarin ducks.

After Jiang Shengling touched it quietly, the two punches knocked down the two people. These two people were just stealing the sun, and it was still not dying, so Jiang Shengling also left them alive.

The servant's room is directly connected to the inside of the villa, so Jiang Shengling can also walk all the way through this corridor, but he vaguely saw some red dots coming up from a distance, so there should be cameras inside the villa.

Although the security force in the villa can be increased, the surveillance cameras should not be installed so quickly in a short time, so Jiang Shengling can also follow the guidance of the map and try to avoid it.

When no one was paying attention outside, he made a long circle before sneaking inside. Just as he was about to enter the villa directly, there was a sound of footsteps inside.

Damn, according to the map, there should be no guards here. It seems that Ito is really careful enough to at least increase the security force by more than three times.

Jiang Shengling just wanted to retreat, but found that there were a lot of patrolling security guards walking outside, so he couldn't look back now, he could only wait here, if it really didn't work, just kill the person directly.

The footsteps inside were getting closer, so Jiang Shengling also picked up his spirit. After seeing that the man was almost here, he raised his hand and threw the knife out.

However, at the moment his throwing knife was thrown out, he seemed to hear the sound of a bullet coming from behind him. Jiang Shengling immediately turned his head, only to find that the security guard who was patrolling outside the door fell straight down.

This place is still within Meng Qian’s observation range, so she must have shot this shot. It seems that the young lady’s marksmanship is not too bad. Jiang Shengling smiled and dragged the body of the security guard outside. , Continue to walk inside the villa.

He also encountered two or three patrolling security guards along the way. Although Jiang Shengling didn't want to make such a big movement, because there was no extra space on this road, Jiang Shengling would definitely be spotted no matter what angle he was in the past. So I can only kill these two people again.

After walking inside and entering the inside of the villa, Meng Qian could not see the inside at all, she could wait outside.

Once inside, Jiang Shengling didn't rush in immediately, but first listened carefully to see if there was any movement inside, only to find that several different voices came from here.

I walked quietly to the edge of the stairs and looked down, but found that two people seemed to be talking, one of them looked respectful, and the other didn't know what was looking around.

This is not a real meeting room. The map shows that after coming from the servant's room, it should be an underground wine cellar, but Jiang Shengling would certainly not care about such a place.

According to the clues provided by that map, the Pharaoh's cane is likely to be hidden in Ito's bedroom safe or basement, but there is no clear sign of how to enter the basement.

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