Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 336: What are you doing?

After a few hours of flying, Jiang Shengling quickly returned to Jiangdong City. As soon as he came back, he directly sent a text message to Wang Kexin, telling her that he had arrived in Jiangdong City.

Wang Kexin actually watched Tianjiang Shengling a lot at home, and now that after receiving this text message, she immediately left the company's work and wanted to go to the airport to meet Jiang Shengling in person.

For Wang Kexin, a workaholic, this is really a rare thing. Zhong Mengyao also felt very incredible about it, but when he thought of the relationship between Wang Kexin and Jiang Shengling, he was relieved.

Originally, Wang Kexin also called Zhong Mengyao, but because Zhong Mengyao still had something to deal with, she said that she would finish the matter first.

Xiaobie wins the newly-weds. Although Wang Kexin is indeed the feelings he has for Jiang Shengling, after all, the two of them have a special relationship, and there are many things that cannot be said straightforwardly.

But after going out for a few days before coming back, Jiang Shengling can already clearly see that there is a hint of tenderness in Wang Kexin’s eyes, and he is also very happy, thinking that this high cold wife will finally miss herself.

Jiang Shengling wanted to hug him directly when they met, but Wang Kexin was still very shy. Seeing that there were still many people around, she directly rejected Jiang Shengling.

Because it was not the reason for the meal now, Jiang Shengling did not go back either, but followed Wang Kexin back to Shidaier, and waited until later to come out for dinner with Zhong Mengyao.

After Jiang Shengling and Wang Kexin returned to the general manager's office together, it didn't take long for Zhong Mengyao to walk in with a nervous expression, his expression seemed very anxious.

"Jiang Shengling, are you back? There happened to be something, and there was some movement over the Qin family."

"The Qin family? What are they doing?"

Jiang Shengling scratched his head and asked. He didn't expect that the Qin Clan would really not give himself time for a moment, and he would do things right after he came back. This was not a clear attempt to oppose him.

"The Qin family has just sent a message directly to the outside world, saying that it is to invite colleagues in the business community to hold a dinner together. It seems that their Qin family now has a new foreign cooperation project and wants to find managers and investors."

Zhong Mengyao looked at the content on her mobile phone and said.

"And this time the host turned out to be Qin Chengfeng, and the time is tonight."

Qin Chengfeng? Jiang Shengling was taken aback. He didn't expect that this kid had been beaten and disabled by himself, and the Qin family was still in the mood to engage in these things.

"The host is Qin Chengfeng?"

Jiang Shengling is really a little strange. It stands to reason that Qin Chengfeng should have disabled limbs. Even if he can recover slowly, I am afraid that he will have to make a wheelchair for a long time. It is impossible for him to sit in a wheelchair. This cocktail party, then this is too hard.

"Yes, this is what the posted information shows, and we don't know the details. Seder is not on the list."

Zhong Mengyao said.

After Wang Kexin heard the news, she was also worried, frowned and looked at Jiang Shengling, a little afraid that Qin Chengfeng would do anything more.

"Do you think he will come to us again, Jiang Shengling, you have to be careful."

"I don't know if he is smart enough, but at least the old guys in the Qin family should know how to weigh the pros and cons. Obviously it is not a smart choice to provoke me. I hope they don't do stupid things."

Jiang Shengling thought for a while and said that he didn't know if the Qin family would feel resentful towards him, but at least he should not dare to trouble him anymore, after all, their Qin family couldn't afford to lose.

Regarding Qin Chengfeng's words, Jiang Shengling didn't care. Even if his limbs could recover, he would be just a useless person and would pose no threat to himself.

"Then you still have to be more careful, I'm afraid he will retaliate against you."

When Wang Kexin saw Jiang Shengling not caring at all, she still reminded her.


At this time, in Chenghu's hotel in Jiangdong City, in the presidential suite on the top floor, a man with a full face looked even more distorted because of anger.

He is the leader of the largest organ trafficking gang in Jiangdong City, You Du.

You Du is a new force in Jiangdong City. It has just started a few years ago. The reason for the courage is that the business is flourishing, and the organs are exposed to drugs. He has seriously violated the criminal law.

Especially drugs, this is a new business he has only recently come into contact with. After bringing in a few drug manufacturing experts from Mexico, he directly put the drug manufacturing factory in Jiangdong City, and directly produces and sells himself, forming a complete The profit of the industrial chain is simply unimaginable.

However, Jiangdong City's crackdown on drugs is very strict. He can only try to hide it with some business on the surface, and can only hide in the suburbs and other places.

But this is still unsafe. The drug manufacturing factory hidden in a pharmaceutical factory in the outskirts of the country has been sold in one pot. This is a big source of his supply, and the loss caused is very huge. When You Du just received this news Angrily, he threw the phone directly.

Then he immediately called Cheng Hu. His drug manufacturing factory also has shares in Cheng Hu. One is in charge of production and the other is in charge of sales. Both of them spent a lot of money to build these factories. Now there is no such thing. Now, how can You Du take it.

He felt that the main reason for this incident was that Cheng Hu was too high-profile. This kind of thing should have been hidden underground, but he didn't expect that Cheng Hu didn’t know why he was spotted by the detectives and kept investigating all day long. These things.

So after Yu Du knew that the detectives were investigating so closely, he also thought that he should find an opportunity to slowly move the factory out, but it was too late.

"Brother Hu, this factory hasn't been set up for a long time, and now it's just being dealt with. What to do, you should always have an explanation."

You Du's face was full of discomfort. After all, his work was still low-key, so that he could still be found by others, which is really a bit wronged.

"Well, to be honest, this is indeed a problem on my side. I have already asked someone to look for new places. This time I paid 80% of the money. Don't worry, I can start the factory again soon. "

Cheng Hu is also a little embarrassed. He is also very upset about this kind of thing. Their drug manufacturing factory has just been built, and the money has not yet been made. Now they need to invest again. For his capital, it is also a big deal. Share pressure.

"Brother Tiger, we who are in business should be honest with each other. What is your current situation? There is no need for me to say anything, I think you know it yourself."

You Du looked at Cheng Hu coldly, and said with a sneer.

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