Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 362: It's also a stupid

Seeing Jiang Shengling's violent behavior, Ah She was frightened, and at the same time, she felt lucky that she had just firmly believed in Jiang Shengling.

This is indeed due to the ability that Ah She has seen Jiang Shengling several times, so even when confronting their boss, when necessary, he still chooses to believe in Jiang Shengling.

But this time Jiang Shengling refreshed his impression again. You must know that in the whole Jiangdong City, in their circle, among the people that A She knows, except for those in the assassin department, there are basically few who can fight. To survive the summer dragon.

But their boss, Xia Long, was just a kick, and he was directly knocked down by Jiang Shengling. Although he didn't know the situation of Xia Long, it should be more ill-fortune.

Since Ah She has decided to cooperate with Jiang Shengling, he often analyzes Jiang Shengling's specific strength. Now he also has a general description of Jiang Shengling, his approximate strength level.

Jiang Shengling didn't think it was a strange thing after he defeated Xia Long, and then he turned around and came to He Weiwei's side.

After casually checking He Weiwei's body, Jiang Shengling also determined that He Weiwei's body was just one scar, and that was the acupuncture point that was stunned by Xia Long.

And it seems that I shouldn't be here too late, He Weiwei has not been violated in any way, so after simply transmitting a little energy into He Weiwei's body, He Weiwei also slowly woke up.

After she woke up, she saw Jiang Shengling the first time she was stunned. After a while, she took Jiang Shengling's hand and held on to it, and she started crying.

"Okay, okay, I have solved these people, don't be afraid."

Jiang Shengling was also a little pitiful for this hapless girl. Her fate was already miserable enough. Why should life be so unfair to her? Any ill-fated thing could happen to He Weiwei.

"Brother Jiang, I knew you would come to rescue me, but I'm really useless, I have to trouble you every time."

He Weiwei said flatly.

"It's okay, it's just a small thing, well, I'll take you home."

Jiang Shengling stood up and said, and at the same time glanced at that Liangkun. When Liangkun saw Jiang Shengling turned towards him, he almost didn't get scared to pee, his face was terrified and even a little distorted.

"Liangkun, you are the culprit in this matter, right?"

Jiang Shengling looked at Liangkun and said coldly.

"No, no, it's really not me. I don't know that this thing was done by my subordinates. They brought it from a debtor. I really don't know anything."

Liangkun felt that he was the really unlucky person. He hadn't thought of provoke Jiang Shengling at all, but the people under his hand made trouble for him over and over again. What is this really called?

Even the boss of their club couldn't hold on to Jiang Shengling's move. Liangkun was quite self-aware of himself. He felt that Jiang Shengling could just press himself to death with a little finger, so he had no idea of ​​resisting at all. .

"Are you sure you really don't know."

Jiang Shengling frowned, and his tone became even colder.

With such eyes and tone, Liang Kun was originally extremely scared in his heart, and his limbs were a little cold, but now he felt like he was in an ice cellar, and he even started to tremble a little.

"I, I, I. I really didn't know that it was this young lady. I have seen it before, and where I dare to make this kind of mistake again, this is all done by my subordinates, and I don't know at all."

Liangkun saw Jiang Shengling's eyes as if he were about to kill, and quickly began to shirk responsibility, and said all the responsibilities of his superiors and the responsibilities of his superiors, saying that he was just a misunderstanding.

After Liangkun said a lot, Jiang Shengling probably understood what was going on. He didn't expect poor He Weiwei to be sold again this time, and unfortunately he was in Liangkun's place again.

Perhaps this is because **** is poisoning people. The reason why He Weiwei has two such relatives is completely because of their exposure to this kind of thing, so that these two people have lost even the most basic conscience and have no humanity. .

"Really, what about the Wu Fu you mentioned."

Jiang Shengling asked, since it's here, let's settle the account together.

"Yes, I have asked my little brother to find him. I let them go very early. I'm afraid it's almost the same now."

Liang Kun hurriedly said, no matter who Jiang Shengling troubled last, just don't find him on his head anyway.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and was about to call Song Yin. The first thing Song Yin said was that the person had been found, and he was already downstairs in the hotel. After Liang Kun urged him, he smiled. Let Jiang Shengling wait.

"It didn't take long for Wu Fu to be brought in by two men."

"Brother Kun, this kid is Wu Fu. He is He Weiwei's uncle and the one who sold it to me this morning."

Song Yin said to Liangkun, and at the same time, he was a little strange why Liangkun brought Wu Fu here so urgently. Could it be that he saw that He Weiwei was so good-looking, so he decided to add more money? This is not Liang Kun's style.

After taking the others out, Liangkun left Wu Fu alone. This was already Jiang Shengling's family affair, so he didn't mix it up at all.

"Uncle, how could you treat me like this? How could you collude with those people!"

He Weiwei was originally the kind of cowardly person, even if she encountered this kind of thing, if she met Wu Fu after returning home, she would not know what to say.

But now because of Jiang Shengling's presence nearby, He Weiwei's courage has grown a lot, and she pointed directly at Wu Fu's nose and cursed.

"Weiwei? What kind of collusion? Boss Song bought you and you have the money to treat your mother. I think this shouldn't be an unprofitable business."

Seeing that Liangkun was here, Wu Fu simply went straight to the showdown, and said without concealing it.

Jiang Shengling didn't expect Wu Fu to be so brazen. He could say such words without a heartbeat, and his face was a bit bad at the time.

He really couldn't stand Wu Fu anymore. He also kicked it out with one kick. Wu Fu's physical fitness was much worse than Xia Long. After being kicked heavily against the wall, he immediately fainted.

A large pool of blood flowed from the back of his head, and it seemed that he would be brain-dead even when he woke up.

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