Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 367: Ninety-nine percent are women

All three of them were in the villa in the afternoon, but Jiang Shengling suddenly received a call in the middle of the afternoon.

Yang Xu called in very urgently and said hurriedly as soon as he got through.

"Captain, are you free now, can you help me."

"what's the matter."

Jiang Shengling also frowned and asked, after all, Yang Xu is now the president of a large detective agency, so if it's not a major event, it shouldn't make him so nervous.

"There has been a large-scale fighting among members of the community, and it is far beyond control. It seems that the number is still increasing. Ye Bingxin has been transferred to help. Now I don't know what is going on there, I only know that it is very It’s critical, can you come and help."

Yang Xu was very anxious in his tone. Although he was very strict with Ye Bingxin on weekdays, he also knew that Ye Bingxin's background was really not small, and there must be no accident.

"Okay, you send me the address and I will leave now."

Jiang Shengling also nodded and agreed at the time, but he still felt a little strange. It is reasonable to say that the large-scale armed fight in the community did indicate that something major would happen, but it should not be considered a particularly serious matter. It stands to reason that Yang Xu does not need to be so nervous, is it possible to say that there are other tricks in it.

After Jiang Shengling greeted him, he left the villa directly.

Seeing Jiang Shengling hurriedly set off, Wang Kexin and Zhong Mengyao were of course already experienced. This guess was that someone wanted to ask Jiang Shengling for help, and this person didn't have a day off.

"Ke Xin, look at your man, well, believe it or not, I bet that 99% of the people who called him to help this time are women."

After Zhong Mengyao watched Jiang Shengling go out, he also pouted and said.

"Uh, what happened then."

Wang Kexin was a little strange.

"What's wrong with this, don't you know how dangerous this is? There are too many women around Jiang Shengling. You must know that these are all dangerous to you. Whenever you don't keep it in place, someone will want to hug you. , Men are animals that think in the lower part of the body, are you sure Jiang Shengling is an exception?"

Zhong Mengyao said with a smile.


Wang Kexin really hesitated. Of course, she was not sure if Jiang Shengling was such a person. After all, she had never seen Jiang Shengling's lower body, so she didn't know how it thought.

"Don't hesitate anymore, know that when you are still thinking about these things, maybe someone has already started to act, isn't you in a hurry?"

Zhong Mengyao continued to persuade.

"This...but he has something to do when he goes out. I can't stop him. Maybe it's really urgent. What else can I do?"

Wang Kexin spread her hands and didn't know what to say.

"It's not easy, I will teach you a way, you just have to do what I said."

Zhong Mengyao smiled, and then whispered to Wang Kexin in a low voice.


At this time, on the other side, Jiang Shengling drove to the position Yang Xu said. At the same time, because this has involved fighting in the community, the Dragon Tiger Club, as the largest community organization in Jiangdong City, I am afraid that this matter is also related to them. A little relationship.

So while on the road, Jiang Shengling made a call directly to Ah She, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Snake, I heard about what happened in the container area, do you know what the situation is?"

After getting through the phone, Jiang Shengling asked straightaway.

"Yes, I just learned about this not long ago. It seems that it’s because there are too few of them recently. Almost all the people on the road are out of stock now, but some people say that there is something new in the container area. If the goods are shipped ashore, they can be purchased directly on the spot. Of course, this has attracted the attention of many forces. Almost everyone wants to buy. I'm afraid this will be a big battle."

A snake said on the phone.

"Is there such a thing? They even boldly spread the news directly, and the most important thing is that they are still so frantically trading in the loading area, so that there are people who come to buy goods. They are not afraid of phishing law enforcement."

Jiang Shengling said strangely.

"This possibility shouldn't be great either. After all, this circle is not very big. We can quickly find out what happened to someone. Moreover, this batch of goods is indeed shipped directly from the Golden Triangle, and there is only It's just a transit point, and Mexico is his starting point."

A snake said.

"The reason why they believe this transaction is so important is that there is almost no possibility of phishing law enforcement. This time the amount is really too big, so big that they don’t believe that this method will be used for phishing law enforcement. ."

"Big? How big is it."

Jiang Shengling asked.

"From the news they released, there should be almost 1.5 tons. I am not very clear about the specific figures, but from the usable range of their ship, I think there is at least one ton. This is really the biggest single transaction in recent years."

Ah She also said with a sigh.

"But the other party is also a ruthless character. Since they have proposed to trade directly in the loading area. Now those forces are like hungry wolves. They have been out of stock for a long time. Now I have seen so many goods landed, where can they be returned? Will take care of where to trade."

A snake said.

"Furthermore, in fact, those people may be more willing to trade in the loading area, so that they can still compete fairly. If they find a buyer again, maybe some people can't even drink a mouthful of soup. Although the amount of more than one ton is a lot, there are still some people who can eat most of it. If there are two more powerful ones, they will be able to take all of them."

"Well, it seems that this time is really a big deal."

Jiang Shengling also sighed and said, no wonder Yang Xu said that there would be a large-scale fighting over there, after all, this is all white money.

Although this is an illegal and criminal behavior, let’s not discuss its nature. From a commercial point of view, this is indeed a market situation where demand exceeds supply. In other words, no matter how much you have, there will always be someone willing to pay. .

So those who have a lot of cash in their hands can eat it all at once. Anyway, they will eventually be able to sell it all slowly. By then, it will not be easy to earn all the money at will.

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