Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 369: Boarding

The ship was still slowly docking. Just when they had entered the docking area, Que Debiao brought a large number of K Gang members to the shore and shouted directly.

"Sweep it down directly for me."

The K gang originally had other arms business, so the weapons in their hands can be said to be very professional and complete. Now they have a heavy weapon gun and they bombard the ship.

Several foreign workers in the bow of the ship didn't know what was going on. They all wanted to escape, but they all fell to the ground.

It didn’t take long to kill those people clean, and then those people on the shore saw that Gang K had started, and everyone was shocked. Gang K was indeed the biggest poison force, and all the actions were very generous. .

The people in the front were really afraid to do anything when they saw that Gang K was so fierce, but because the people behind pushed them, they ran into the boat.

So the people further behind were also anxious, and they didn't care about it. Even if the K?? members were holding guns, they were not afraid, and they ran into the boat desperately.

Gang K also sent a lot of people to the boat at this time, but they spent such a big move to **** the boat off, not just to share with these people, almost all of his people are hot. Weapons, his request today is all, he is going to contract this ship.

However, the other gangs are not vegetarian, and you can guess that today’s competition should be fierce. Almost everyone has a variety of weapons on them. Even if they can’t get a mission device, they can He took a long knife from his waist.

The ship instantly turned into a purgatory on earth, and everyone was fighting for those fans, and it didn't take long for the ship to be full of corpses.

Gang K can be said to be the most advantageous party, because he has the most people and the most complete personnel equipment. It quickly controlled the situation and was the first of all forces to board the ship.

After they had killed most of the other gang members on the ship, Que got the bid and boarded the ship happily. As long as there were enough people on his side, there was no fear that someone could beat them.

If all of this batch of goods can be taken back, then it will really be considered worthless, and you will get something worth more than 3 billion in vain.

And the news said that this time the goods totaled 1.5 tons. I am afraid that the total value will have almost reached 5 billion by then. Such a price is enough to make any force crazy.

Just when Gang K thought that they had been under control, the killers had already come up at this time. The killers had also sent a large team this time. Although they didn't have many people, it was only five or six. Only ten.

But which one of these is not a master who can be an enemy to ten, so the people in the killer department soon fought against the people of the K gang. The general personnel had the advantage, and the individual strength of one side was stronger, so it almost became a game. The war of attrition was very anxious and could not end quickly in a short time.

Que Debiao directed the people under him to stop the killers from coming up. At the same time, he also took people to find the location of the fans. This ship was not small, and it was naturally very time-consuming to say it.

"Fuck! We were fooled, I just **** found five tons of sand here, where is there any powder."

At this moment, a cry suddenly came from the power combustion zone at the bottom of the ship, and because of these words, almost everyone stopped their movements and began to run towards the bottom of the ship.

Isn't they desperate to get these billions of fans? If it weren't there, they wouldn't have to.


The originally very arrogant Que won the bid. At this time, the whole person was stunned. The people on the boat had no time to attack each other. If there were no such things, they really did not need to continue fighting.

On the contrary, those people on the shore still didn't know what was going on, and they fought directly on the shore, and the scene was still very intense.

Ye Bingxin was also on the shore at this time. There were indeed many members of the detective agency on their side, but they still couldn't hold up so many members of the community in the liberated area. Their strength was quite limited, and they couldn't control this scene at all.

"Captain Ye, our people were also attacked there, and I'm afraid there will be a lot of casualties."

One of the detective agents rushed to Ye Bingxin's side and said.

"What? A lot of casualties!"

Ye Bingxin was also shocked, but he didn't expect these people to be cruel enough.

She really underestimated the severity of the case this time. In fact, it was not an underestimation. She almost summoned all the personnel that could be transferred from the entire detective agency, but there was still no way.

After all, there are thousands of members of the societies. I am afraid that even if the police force is called for support, it is not very useful. For this kind of thug, it is estimated that only armed forces can be used to suppress it.

Up to now, Ye Bingxin can only call for support. After all, with their current strength, let alone completely unable to control this kind of scene, I am afraid that their people will still be killed or injured in this riot. few.

The people on the boat did basically stop their movements. After all, the voice of the person who shouted was really too loud. Most people rushed to check it out for themselves, and there was no time to take care of others.

On the contrary, the people on the shore didn't know the situation on the ship. They thought that four or five billion people were waiting for them on the ship.

Que won the bid and went down to check it personally. In fact, he didn’t need to check it. With so many people under his hand, he had almost turned the whole ship over and searched it, but still didn’t receive anything. It also shows that there is really nothing they want on this boat.

They were deceived!

So under this circumstance, the first thing he thought about was how to get out of it. After all, with so many communities here, they must be extremely irritable with each other. I am afraid that more and more people will have troubles.

And most importantly, they are obviously already making a lot of noise here. If it takes too long, it is estimated that the suppressed team will soon come down, and then they will really be wiped out.

"Listen to the people on the shore, we have already checked, there is nothing on the boat, there is no fan in it, please retreat quickly."

Que won the bid and went directly to the ship's control room, shouting with the ship's horn.

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