Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 376: Make a comeback

"What the **** does Mr. Jiang do."

Zhang Ming asked a little strangely. Jiang Shengling was not only extremely terrifying, but even Yang Xu respected him very much. This also shows that Jiang Shengling may have a very high status or have a different background.

"Don't know too much."

Yang Xu did not answer, but shook his head.

When Zhang Ming saw Yang Xu's expression, he also knew what it might be confidential. There were many things that could not be publicized. Although he still wanted to know, he didn't continue to ask more.

Standing on the side, Ye Bingxin fell into deep thought again this time. Compared with the previous case in Qinjia Building, the case that happened this time can only be said to be more serious, involving more people and wider scope.

From the perspective of benevolence, Jiang Shengling is indeed like a ruthless killer, killing people without blinking, and clean and neat, it is simply an inhuman killing machine.

But from my own point of view, if Jiang Shengling hadn't appeared today, she might have really been dead. Although the people on the other side are said to be some vicious thugs, is it really okay to kill them in this way?

Ye Bingxin had never encountered such a problem before, and now she was very entangled in her heart. She didn't know how to define Jiang Shengling as a person, whether he was a murderer or a justice defender.

There are still a lot of things to get on the scene, and Jiang Shengling certainly didn't have time to stay in it for so long, so he returned to the villa almost in time.

Wang Kexin and Zhong Mengyao had already waited anxiously for Jiang Shengling's return in the villa. When they saw Jiang Shengling's return, they immediately stepped forward and asked concerned.

"What the **** is going on, calling you and not answering, what's wrong with you."

Wang Kexin saw a lot of blood on Jiang Shengling's body, and her face was full of tension. She made several calls to Jiang Shengling all night, but because Jiang Shengling's cell phone was smashed during the fight just now, she couldn't get through.

"It's nothing, it's just a small thing."

Jiang Shengling waved his hand and said that these problems are not too big for him.

"Is this a trivial matter? Jiang Shengling, you are bleeding here, do you know."

Zhong Mengyao suddenly saw several bullet scratch marks on Jiang Shengling's hand and exclaimed.

"It's okay, you see, isn't there no bleeding anymore."

Jiang Shengling smiled and said that the traces on this hand really did not bleed anymore, such scars were nothing to Jiang Shengling at all.

"No, this must be dealt with, otherwise what should I do if I am infected."

Wang Kexin's expression was very serious, and she hurried to find the medicine box.

"OK then."

When Jiang Shengling saw Wang Kexin's nervousness, he had no choice but to smile. In the past, when he was traveling through various rainforests, he didn't know how many scars he had on his body. Under such conditions, where he could find something to treat, and he couldn't even find a bandage.

But he still took it all with his strong body, so it seemed that this kind of injury was nothing to him.

Before long, Wang Kexin brought a small medicine box and took out the ointment bandages and so on.

"Hurry up and sit down, what are you doing out?"

Wang Kexin said with the ointment and bandage in her hand.

Jiang Shengling had no choice but to let her do it casually. Sitting on the sofa, she explained everything about the container area. Of course, she tried her best to be as concise as possible, so that all the dangerous fights were taken away.

After Wang Kexin and Zhong Mengyao knew that Jiang Shengling was going to assist with the case, they also relaxed in their hearts. This is a matter of business. As long as Jiang Shengling doesn't go out and do some illegal and criminal things.

"Don't worry, these small problems have no effect on me. You don't have to worry too much. I just need to sleep at night."

Jiang Shengling smiled and said.

"it is good."

Wang Kexin bandaged Jiang Shengling and nodded.


Early the next morning, Qin Chengfeng was sitting comfortably in the huge conference hall listening to the good news last night. Things were hardly unexpected, and his face was full of pride.

"Chengfeng, this trick of yours is really amazing. I didn't expect those people to be fooled so easily."

Qin Qi also laughed. After hearing the news, he admired Qin Chengfeng even more. Although Qin Chengfeng was indeed young, many of his ideas were no less than those of the elderly.

"This time the whole Jiangdong City can be said to be chaotic. The so-called heroes in troubled times, like this situation, must have someone to stabilize them. This is what we need, and at the same time, it is also what the government needs. It should be our Qin family that will make the move."

Qin Chengfeng gently sipped a cup of tea, smiled at the corner of his mouth and said.

"Chengfeng, do you want to integrate the entire underground forces? The underground forces in Jiangdong City have not been integrated for a long time. If it is really successful, this will definitely be recorded in the annals of history."

Qin Qi frowned, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"This is not a necessary process. I just want to develop our own power. As for how big we grow, it depends on the specific operation. But our Qin family must have our own power in Jiangdong."

Qin Chengfeng said.

"Yes, for so many years, the Qin family's influence in Jiangdong City is not very large. I think this is why the last time I entered Jiangdong was a failure."

Qin Qi nodded and said.


Qin Chengfeng thought in his heart that he would never allow himself to fail a second time. This time it can be said that he made a comeback. After he really developed, he would do his best to let Jiang Shengling die.

After getting up in the morning, Jiang Shengling's injury last night was completely healed. When he walked out of the room, he saw Wang Kexin making breakfast.

"Jiang Shengling, why don't you rest for a while after you are injured, how is the wound now, will it still hurt?"

Wang Kexin immediately asked after seeing Jiang Shengling.

"Look, it's all right now."

Jiang Shengling smiled and said that the wounds on his body had stopped bleeding, and even the flesh and blood had almost recovered, and it would be completely indistinguishable from normal people in a short time.

"Your body is really leveraged. I didn't expect it to get better so quickly."

Zhong Mengyao also came over, seeing that Jiang Shengling's wounds were almost healed, and he was a little surprised.

There was a knock on the door suddenly, Zhong Mengyao hurried to open the door, only to find that Yang Xu and Ye Bingxin were both standing at the door.

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