Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 503: White gold

"Brothers, since the boss is not here anyway, these chicks will die if they go to the processing plant. It's better to give our brothers a refreshment, what do you think."

These little brothers were all under Cheng Hu's hands. They naturally knew that the boss was in the business of trafficking in human organs, and they thought that Wang Kexin and the others were also brought in to dig their organs.

It's a pity that such a beautiful chick had her organs dug into her heart, so I might as well make good use of it while she's still alive.

"It makes sense, I haven't been eating meat for a while, hehe, then let's come."

The few people also looked down at the girl in their hands, and they all showed yin smiles, and they all agreed.

They immediately put Wang Kexin on the ground, and then they began to take off their clothes and prepare to do something. Anyway, they could do it in a few minutes, so they shouldn't be able to make a mistake.

Just as they finished taking off their clothes and were about to reach out and untie Wang Kexin and their collars, this was a white shadow suddenly passing by. In an instant, none of these people could react, and their heads just rolled off. On the ground.

Their eyes even wandered with yin, and their heads were cut off inexplicably.

The white shadow only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared here, as if it had never been here.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Zhang Ming was inquiring about it for a while. He probably figured out the structure inside. After hearing the movements of Cheng Hu's younger brothers, he hurried towards them. come over.

As soon as Zhang Ming came in, he saw the headless corpses all over the floor and the girls who had been robbed. He was shocked and hurried to their side. After finding that there were vital signs, he finally It was put down and came in.

It's just that he can see that these girls have some injuries of varying degrees. Knowing that the medical team needs to come in quickly at this time, so he hurriedly called Ye Bingxin outside with a pager.

"President Yang, I have found the hostage who was kidnapped. I have confirmed that the hostage is not life-threatening and can carry out an assault on this building. At the same time, I need the help of a medical team here."

Zhang Ming said to the pager.

"Okay, no problem, report your position and we will go in and support immediately."

After Yang Xu heard that there was nothing wrong with the girls, he finally let go. If something happened to any of these girls, he could hardly guarantee that Jiang Shengling would do anything radical.

After Zhang Ming reported the location, the special forces members who were originally hidden in the forest rushed out. There were many security guards around, and suddenly saw a large number of people rushing out, almost shocked.

Ye Bingxin took the lead. The security guards passing by didn't say a word. They just knocked down with a punch, and rushed in with a lot of people.

There are also a lot of security forces on the way, but Yang Xu has already given an order and doesn't need to be polite to these people, so he also directly subdued all of them.

"Attention everyone, there may be extremely dangerous gun thugs inside, and everyone will load the bullets. If necessary, do not use your hands softly."

Yang Xu used the walkie-talkie to issue the order to all the special forces, and then a bunch of special forces rushed into it.

At this time, Cheng Hu had just sneaked out of the door of this building. Just before he was about to come out, he saw a large number of special forces rushing in, and he hurriedly hid in.

He really didn't expect that Jiang Shengling would come here with such a hand, and bring so many people over, I am afraid that today he is going to knock down this ring directly.

Of course he knew that he could never stay here, nor could he be caught by these special forces. He knew very well that Jiang Shengling knew these people very well, and falling into their hands would be equivalent to falling into Jiang Shengling's hands. It is probably difficult. Run away to death.

But he didn’t dare to stay in this building for a long time. Just now he got caught fire. If he is caught, he probably won’t be able to survive. He didn’t know what to do for a while, so he rushed upstairs and prepared to find it. Opportunity to slide down the pipe of the outer wall.

Along the way, he did not distinguish whether he was an enemy or a friend. Cheng Hu himself was also a practitioner, so no matter who he encountered on the road, he would stun directly, and jumped down when he came to the third floor.

On the side of Brother Huo, he now knows that all his net worth and lives are on these girls. Cheng Hu should not be able to escape in a short time. If he can find those girls safely, it will be fine. , If he can't find it back, he knows he has no chance of survival.

He could feel the violent air emanating from Jiang Shengling, like a beast that had been angered, and even staying beside him felt very depressed.

Damn, how could I get such a terrifying monster. Brother Huo secretly groaned in his heart at this time, wanting to find a chance to slip away, but he didn't have the guts.

A few of them followed the guidance from the monitoring room and walked all the way to the path that Cheng Hu had walked. They arrived at the room where Zhang Ming was in a short time.

"Brother Jiang, come quickly."

Brother Huo hurried into the room. From the monitoring point of view, the little brothers of Cheng Hu didn't go out after coming in here. He was really worried now that he was going to die, for fear that those people would do something out of the ordinary.

Jiang Shengling rushed in. As soon as he came in, he saw Zhang Ming was also inside. Then he hurriedly came to the side of the girls. After checking them one by one, he saw that they had passed out although they said they had passed out. He didn't suffer any serious injury, so he let go of his heart.

"Mr. Jiang."

Zhang Ming had just heard the footsteps outside the door, and suddenly there was a figure passing by him, almost drawing his gun in fright, but fortunately he saw that it was Jiang Shengling, and said in surprise.

Then he found a few people pouring in outside the door, and immediately recognized their identities. He knew that these were the killers.


"Zhang Ming, you can take them outside first, and send them out quickly."

Without a word, Jiang Shengling picked up Wang Kexin and Zhong Mengyao and walked outside the door, and put them on a chair in the aisle. Although Zhang Ming said that he was a little unclear, he also picked up Sun Manyu and went out.

"Take care of them."

Jiang Shengling gave Zhang Ming an order, then walked into the room again, closed the door, and locked it.

"Mr. Jiang, this is..."

Seeing Jiang Shengling's behavior, Huo asked a little strangely, and an unpleasant feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

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