Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 506: Can't leave one

He already wanted to let You Du die right away, thinking about what method should be used to trick You Du out, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed that a light flashed out from behind, and there was a car chasing him tightly. Own.

Cheng Hu was shocked, thinking that this would not be Jiang Shengling, how could he be able to find himself so quickly, he didn't care who was chasing after him, he hurriedly stepped on the accelerator and wanted to throw it away.

At this time, Jiang Shengling smiled coldly in the car, thinking that this kid still wanted to run, which was simply whimsical. After constantly flipping the paddles to hang up the gear, he quickly approached Cheng Hu.

At this time, Cheng Hu regretted why he didn't buy a Bugatti Veyron, and why his broken car was so easily overtaken by Jiang Shengling.

But this is what he is worried about. Whether he drives Pagani or Bugatti, he will eventually be overtaken by Jiang Shengling.

Jiang Shengling drove extremely fast, and when he approached Cheng Hu's car, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and then slammed the front of the car into the rear of Cheng Hu's car from the side.

Cheng Hu's car skills were not very good. After being hit by Jiang Shengling, he couldn't control the whole car. Then he rolled over to the ground and rolled on the ground for several times before turning to the side of the road. The cars are already sturdy.

Jiang Shengling jumped off the car and walked slowly to the side of the car. After unloading his car door with one hand, he stretched out his hand and pulled Cheng Hu out of the driving position.

Fortunately, Cheng Hu's car had enough airbags, so he was not directly hit to death. At this time, his face was covered with blood, and he looked terrifying.

"Jiang, Brother Jiang, I, I know that I was wrong, I really know that I was wrong, just let me go this time."

After Cheng Hu came out, he knelt on the ground and knocked his head like garlic.

"You still want to kill me, do you think I might let you go."

Jiang Shengling said with a sneer.

"No, it's not me, it's You Du, the kid who wanted to kill you, and I was just bewitched by that kid. It really wasn't what I meant."

Cheng Hu shouted again and again, as if he was an innocent person.

"Don't worry, that person is going to die too. By the way, there should be another person named Sun Shi in your gang."

Jiang Shengling asked Cheng Hu.

"Yes, yes, yes, he is You Du's cousin. In fact, the two of them are brothers. You Du was originally from the Sun family, but he was kicked out, so he changed his name."

Cheng Hu nodded and said again and again.

"Since this person named Sun Shi is also yours, you should also have his record."

Jiang Shengling asked, he has been misunderstood by the Sun family now, so of course he has to pull out Sun Shi, the black sheep.

"Yes, I like recording when I do business with anyone, and I often take pictures to prevent them from threatening me. Jiang, if you like it, I will give you all these things."

In order to save his life, Cheng Hu immediately ignored everything. There were a lot of secrets in his mobile phone, but at this time he also took it out and gave it to Jiang Shengling.

Jiang Shengling fiddled with his mobile phone for a while, and found that there was indeed a lot of information in it, which should be enough for the Sun family to understand.

But at this moment, Cheng Hu quietly took out a small ball from his waist, and then pressed the upper button, a strong light emerged from it, followed by a violent shock.

Cheng Hu was obviously prepared for this a long time ago. The moment he pressed the button, he ran to the side, but Jiang Shengling was shocked.

"Damn, dare to do this with Lao Tzu."

Jiang Shengling was furious. He knew that Cheng Hu was using a shock bomb. Although he was shocked, he was still able to determine where Cheng Hu was at this time, but he was not in the mood to waste it with this little guy. Time, after throwing out a highly toxic silver needle, he ignored him.

Jiang Shengling didn't believe that he was still alive if he was poisoned by himself.

It didn't take long before Ye Bingxin learned that Jiang Shengling had drove out, so he also caught up along this road, and finally caught up with Jiang Shengling.

"How about it, have the Sun family under control, let's go directly."

Jiang Shengling didn't pay attention to so much, and said directly when he got into Ye Bingxin's car.

"Well, it has been completely surrounded over there according to your instructions. President Yang will also handle the affairs of that building, Jiang Shengling, are you going to find someone from the Sun family to settle the account?"

Ye Bingxin asked nervously. She was really afraid of Jiang Shengling's impulse. After all, Jiang Shengling's massacre of the entire Qin Family Mansion last time really left her an extremely deep impression.

It's just that the last time Jiang Shengling killed most of them were armed organizations. Most of these people were illegal existence, and they were basically black households. To put it ugly, no one knew about them even if they died.

It’s just that the Sun’s family is different. This is a very old family in Jiangdong City. If something goes wrong, it will definitely arouse strong public opinion.

"Yes, someone from them dared to attack Kexin. Of course I wouldn't let them live so comfortably."

Jiang Shengling smiled at the corner of his mouth. He knew that he would be able to find You Du if he found Sun Shi, and the most important thing at the moment was to catch Sun Shi, the inner ghost first.

"You, don't worry, how can you be sure that this matter was done by someone from the Sun family? Is there any other possibility..."

Seeing that Jiang Shengling had a vague murderous aura at this time, Ye Bingxin was also anxious, and said quickly.

"You don't have to worry about this matter, you don't have to speak for them, they won't miss you."

Jiang Shengling said lightly, of course, he is indeed extremely dissatisfied with those in the Sun family, thinking that there are not many good things in there.

"Jiang Shengling, you have to be clear, I am not helping them to speak, and now I am not standing at a high moral point to persuade you, but as a friend, I really don't want you to do anything impulsive."

Ye Bingxin said, she really didn't want Jiang Shengling to do such a dangerous thing.

"You are afraid that I will kill people, don't worry, I'm not in the mood for those who shouldn't be killed, and none of the ones that should be killed can get away."

Jiang Shengling sneered and said to Ye Bingxin.

Of course there are people here who deserve to die, and there are people who really have nothing to do with this matter. Although Jiang Shengling said he was very bloodthirsty at this time, he could still tell right from wrong, only knowing that those damned people died.

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