Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 513: Terrorist attacks

But at least his current impression of Sun Lao wouldn't be particularly bad. Although this man's brain is indeed not very good, but at least it is still believed.

"Today, I will leave it to your family members to deal with it. When your family law is finished, I'll do the calculations with you when I come back."

Jiang Shengling looked at Sun Shi and said, and then left.

Because this incident involved many major cases, Ye Bingxin had already reported it to the bureau, and soon a large number of police officers came over.

Both Sun Shi and Sun Shang were taken away, and all the people in the ring were also brought back. As for Cheng Hu, he was actually run away. Jiang Shengling was not in a hurry. Anyway, he finally It is still possible to catch this person.

After all, he also believed in his own toxicity. Even if Cheng Hu really slipped away, he probably won't be alive for a few days, and Jiang Shengling doesn't need to worry about him running away.

Through the interrogation of Sun Shi, Jiang Shengling quickly learned the location of You Du. When Jiang Shengling arrived, You Du was just preparing to leave by smuggling. Jiang Shengling also directly helped him and **** all his hands and feet. He was tied to a big rock and was thrown into the water.

As for where Jiang Shengling would smuggle with the current in the future, it is not clear.

After getting up early the next morning, Jiang Shengling was going to see the injured girls first, but Ye Bingxin said that there was new progress on her side, so he had to go to the detective agency to take a look.

It seemed that Sun Shi didn't have much life until he angered Jiang Shengling. It could almost be said that he was asking what to answer, and he immediately drove a large number of people into the water.

Combining the contents of Cheng Hu and Sun Shi's mobile phones, Ye Bingxin cooperated with the people in the bureau and arrested many people back, including Liu Hui from their detective agency.

Liu Hui, as a figure in the ground snake, of course ran wherever there was meat. He had cooperated with Cheng Hu several times, and now he was also caught after being bitten out.

At this point, it can almost be said that all the forces of Cheng Hu and You Du have been arrested, but You Du is dead, and Cheng Hu's whereabouts are unknown. Sun Shi is not the most central figure, so there is still A small number of locations are not found so quickly, but the latest confession can also be found by slowly interrogating the latest confession.

After Jiang Shengling came in at this time, Ye Bingxin said directly to Jiang Shengling.

"Jiang Shengling, I remember your relationship with Minister Pei is very good, right? Because the case involved this time is related to the killer department, Minister Pei asked if the case should be transferred to them."

"Pei Changdao? He is so free to help you take care of these messy things."

Jiang Shengling asked strangely.

"Originally, if these things involve too dangerous organizations, it's best to transfer them to higher-level departments for handling. If Minister Pei is willing, I certainly think it's good."

Ye Bingxin also nodded and said, she knew more or less that the assassin department was not only Jiangdong City, but also a higher-level organization.

If people from their city bureau are responsible, the obstacles encountered in the process of handling the case can be said to be quite dangerous, but if people from the National Security Bureau take over, then those people will even want to obstruct. , You have to weigh yourself whether you have this guts.

"Then it's good to say that, but that's it for you to ask me to come over?"

Jiang Shengling nodded and said, if this matter is handed over to Pei Changdao, he is still more at ease, after all, this section can be regarded as his own enemy, it is better to kill them all.

"The other thing is that I want to ask you, what you meant when you said at the Sun's house that night to settle accounts with Sun Shi, he is about to be handed over to the judicial department, and there should be a trial result soon after the prosecution. "

Ye Bingxin said to Jiang Shengling that this is the case according to the conventional process. Taking the crime committed by Sun Shi, because he is not the main character, I am afraid that at least it will be a fixed-term sentence of several decades. Many new confessions, such as those about his murder, would not necessarily be sentenced to life imprisonment or death.

"Such a sentence is really good for him, and I certainly won't make him so comfortable."

Jiang Shengling smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, I am afraid that even if he is actually sentenced to death, it will take almost a year before he can be executed. Jiang Shengling can't wait so long.

"Oh, I know your character, and I know that you will definitely try to kill him. I can promise you to let you find him, but there is only one requirement, that is, he must not be allowed to die. He must let the people die. Come on trial!"

After pursing his lips, Ye Bing said to Jiang Shengling.

"Captain Ye, someone came outside and said he wanted to break the news, but he said only to you, you should come and take a look first."

Suddenly, a detective agent came outside and said, behind him there was a man wearing a peaked cap and covering his face, looking a little bit as if he was afraid of retaliation.

"Okay, you come with me."

Ye Bingxin took a look and said that many people have come to voluntarily surrender to the crime today, so it is not surprising to such a person who broke the news, so he stood up and said.

"be careful!"

Jiang Shengling glanced at the person. Although the person was wrapped tightly, he couldn't tell who it was at all, but Jiang Shengling still saw a fierce light in his eyes. This is definitely not what the news should be. Look like.

Before Jiang Shengling's words were over, the man wearing the peaked cap suddenly took out two fragmentation grenades from his pocket and threw them directly into the office.

Suddenly, there was a strong blasting sound, and everything in the entire office was blown to pieces. On the spot, two clerks in the office were blown off with one hand.

But fortunately, Jiang Shengling immediately reacted, holding Ye Bingxin from outside the glass window, and came to a room next door, which was able to withstand the impact.

The person here was Cheng Hu. It was indeed as Jiang Shengling expected. Cheng Hu could be considered a martial artist after all. He knew that he was poisoned before going far that night, and he tried all kinds of things. The method didn't work, and found that he had been extremely poisoned, so he gave up the idea of ​​living. Today, with a lot of gunpowder, he was ready to die with Jiang Shengling.

After throwing the bombs, Cheng Hu hurried out. While running, he took out the bombs to throw them everywhere, and he had already found time to plant several timed bombs around here, preparing for a terrorist attack here. .

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