Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 916: War reporter

Ye Shengling was also a little confused about the sudden scene. He hadn't got the money he just won, so why would he run out of two men in black? This was not deliberately messing with himself.

However, the first thing those people dealt with after they came in was Qian Ying, which obviously had nothing to do with Ye Shengling.

"Alert! Alert!"

Qian Ying pulled out her gun and shouted, and they gathered around her.

These people are all cultivators, and their level is not that bad. After picking up the gun, they shot them wildly.

It's just that the two men in black were extremely quick and easily escaped their bullets. After the opponent fired a few shots, they had already prepared the darts in their hands, with six or seven shots in a row. The dart was thrown out, and as the sound of breaking through the air sounded, the people around Qian Ying fell to the ground one after another.

Both of them had a throwing knife on their chests at the same time, and they were bleeding gurglingly at this time. These masters were killed by the two blacks, and they had no ability to resist at all.

Ye Shengling's pupils shrank sharply when he saw this scene. These two men in black were definitely not waiting. Dandan was only able to see that their strength was far from the way they dodge bullets and throw darts. Go beyond those security guards.

And judging from their performance, they may have reached the strength of the world. You must know that in the duny world, there are very few people with such strength appearing.

Ye Shengling naturally thought of the safety of Zhong Mengyao and Sun Manyu for the first time, and hurriedly came to their side.

"Ye Shengling, what's wrong."

When Zhong Mengyao saw Ye Shengling coming over, he also asked nervously.

"I'm not very clear, but you should leave here now, Yaoyao, you will go home with Manyu now. You should have A snake's phone number. Let him come and protect you back."

Ye Shengling quickly said to Zhong Mengyao. #@$&

"Well, let's go now."

Zhong Mengyao also knew that this place shouldn't stay for a long time, so he nodded when he grabbed Sun Manyu.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, I will definitely protect these two."

Zhao Hui still owes Ye Shengling a favor, so he can stand and talk at this time.

"Okay, trouble you." %&(&

Ye Shengling nodded, Zhao Hui is considered a cultivator, his strength should not be bad, and with his help, he can feel more at ease.

"Ye Shengling, what about you, don't you still want to stay here? They didn't come to find you, let's go quickly."

At this time, Zhong Mengyao also saw that the two men in black who broke in seemed to be aiming at Qian Ying. This is really a rare thing. The object of those people's troubles is not Ye Shengling, but since it has nothing to do with Ye Shengling. , Then it couldn't be better, it's the business to leave here quickly.

"It's okay, you go back first, I'm here to find out the situation."

Of course Ye Shengling didn't intend to leave like this now, but instead pulled a chair and sat down and said.

Zhong Mengyao glanced at him and rolled his eyes. At first glance, he knew that he was fighting. What else is there to understand? Is he going to be a war reporter? He actually sat down swaggeringly.

However, she also knew that Ye Shengling's strength was very strong. He must have his own reason for wanting to stay, and if the two sisters stay here, they will probably only become Ye Shengling's burden, so she didn't say much, just follow. Zhao Hui went out.

The reason why Ye Shengling stayed was really because he was already curious about these people. It has to be said that these two people are already the strongest opponents he has encountered in this period of time.

To be honest, among the people that Ye Shengling has encountered during the recent period, those who have reached birth strength, apart from the previous Kan Qingyi who abused Ye Shengling, it is estimated that only Zuo Chan who killed himself in Xiangjiang before is left. , And there is the master of Pei Changdao, the leader of the dust.

Needless to say, there is no need to say that these people are the leader of the dust. Ye Shengling believes that he will not be his opponent. As for that Kan Qingyi, torturing himself is like playing, let alone compare.

The only thing left is that Zuo Chan. This person should have been cultivating under the Tianshan Mountains for many years, and his strength may be stronger than the one who just broke through, but now Ye Shengling has practiced for a long time, and his body has undergone a certain transformation, which is really true. It is not necessarily his opponent.

However, Ye Shengling always wants to test his true strength, and now there are two people who are neither strong nor weak. If Ye Shengling's judgment is correct, these two people should be at the level after birth, and they have cultivated. For many years, the aura is still strong, but unfortunately it is still not pure enough.

At this time, the entire gambling hall was already full of blood, and several corpses had fallen across the ground, but there were only two doors going out here. Those people blocked the door and wanted to go out in a panic.

After the one-eyed dragon brought down all the bodyguards, he immediately rushed to Qian Ying's head and fisted her to the head with one punch. His punch even carried a fierce punch style, the power of which can be imagined.

Qian Ying's reaction speed was extremely fast, and she hurriedly set up her arms to resist. Although she removed a lot of the opponent's strength, she was still knocked back, and her arm felt numb.

The Cyclops still chased after him reluctantly. Qian Ying was also ready to fight back. The two fists were entangled, and there were bursts of sonic booms in the entire venue.

Qian Ying condenses the aura in her palm, and every palm shot will bring a palm wind. The aura she cultivates is cold, so every shot will make people feel frosty.

The strength of her palms lies in her being quite domineering, and she can instantly attack with strength. The one-eyed dragon obviously underestimated Qian Ying's strength. After resisting a few palms, she was beaten back again and again, and the whole person was a little bit overwhelmed.

This also made Ye Shengling who was still sitting aside secretly surprised. It seemed that his judgment was correct. Qian Ying's strength was indeed not as weak as he thought at the beginning, and this person could still hide his aura.

I am afraid Qian Ying has already reached the level of birth, and from the real aura that she reveals, she is not even weaker than herself, at least it must be stronger than the two men in black.

Unexpectedly, today’s gambling game would evolve into a duel between three born masters. Ye Shengling also appreciated it with interest, mainly because the strength of these people would not be too far from his own, so he wanted to watch it too. Look at this level of combat.

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