Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 942: Then go get your salary

"Let me add that last year, my performance ranked second for a full eight million. I want to say that, you should remember me too."

The man said proudly on his face.

This is indeed a very proud achievement, but when he said it in such a tone, he really did not put Ye Shengling in his eyes. Even He Weiwei felt that this attitude was very bad.

Even if they want to force Ye Shengling, they shouldn’t use such an attitude. It seems that they want to humiliate Ye Shengling. It seems that Zhou Jianshe should have told these people in advance. NS.

The people in the conference hall laughed. They didn't care about Ye Shengling's thoughts. Instead, they looked at Ye Shengling mockingly, wanting to see what he could do.

Brother Ye, they are irritating you, don't break out at this time, otherwise the loss of the company will only be greater. He Weiwei thought in her heart and could only pray that Ye Shengling would not be angry.

But Ye Shengling was indeed not angry, just laughed, and then said heartily.

"Awesome. Being able to surpass the second place with a performance of 8 million yuan, shows that you are definitely a talent. I just heard that you want to submit a resignation letter. I can probably guess the reason. I am afraid that your ability is really good. Too strong, a small shop like ours may not satisfy you in terms of treatment."

Ye Shengling immediately pointed to Zhang Yuan, and then continued.

"If this is the case, we are not embarrassed to drag you down like this, Zhang Yuan, you immediately give this colleague the priority, let him resign as quickly as possible, and we should pay no less."

"What!? What are you talking about..."

The person was stunned. His whole expression was as ugly as if he had eaten shit. He didn't expect Ye Shengling to say that. But he was shocked, including all the employees in the meeting room. I was speechless.

The man stammered speechless, but the man with glasses sitting behind him said again.

"Mr. Ye, if the company can even let go of the top seller, then there is no way for the rest of us to stay here. I think the other brothers in our department are not worth mentioning in the eyes of Mr. Ye. , Then you say we should also go."

"Are you again?"

Ye Shengling looked at that person and said.

"He is the boss of the man just now and the director of one of the departments."

Zhang Yuan explained next to Ye Shengling.

"It turns out that you are sorry for your subordinates."

Ye Shengling looked at him with a smile and said.

"For a company, your department is arguably the most important thing. It doesn't matter if you leave alone. If you leave, what can I do in this business, so I personally still don't want you to leave, so let me I have just arrived, and I still don’t understand your situation. I decided to increase the salary of everyone here by 10%, so what do you think."

His words were thrown out like a bomb, and he said these words only after firing a person, and it seemed more weighty. Although a 10% salary increase was a big expense, Ye Shengling didn't have it either. What is it?

Those present here were indeed shaken a lot, and many people talked a lot. Everyone focused on the man with glasses, and just waited for him to speak at this time.

However, the man with glasses did not care what Ye Shengling said. He had already guessed that Ye Shengling could only use a salary increase to keep them in this situation, so he was not surprised at all, and even thought about it in his heart. Should we continue to fight for something?

He looked at Ye Shengling and said with a disdainful smile.

"It turns out that President Ye still hopes that we can stay? But I can't tell that President Ye's new official has three fires, and even President Zhou can be expelled. I am afraid that even if we stay here, we will not be able to fall. What a good end, it’s better to leave now, so that you can be more decent, Mr. Ye, what do you think."

This person spoke with an old-fashioned look. Obviously, he was determined that Ye Shengling would take a step back. If an old employee wants to show some attitude when the new leader takes office, Ye Shengling can still understand this, but this People are obviously here to stand up for Zhou Jianshe, and Ye Shengling is no longer in the mood to get used to him anymore.

"You are right. If you continue to stay here, when I find your replacement, I will definitely sweep you out without hesitation. Since you have seen through, then I can only express my regret. If you want to go decently, then go get your salary."

Ye Shengling didn't hesitate this time, but said directly.

"This...this is also."

The people in the conference room were a bit at a loss as to how Ye Shengling's attitude changed. Why did he have to raise his salary just now to keep people, and now that two sentences are wrong, people will be driven away.

And they really couldn't believe that Ye Shengling would actually agree with him. As he said, their department is the most important in the company, and it is also a major source of funds.

If the resignation of the crown king is considered a broken arm, then the dissolution of their department, or the departure of the director, should be considered to be broken, so they absolutely cannot believe that Ye Shengling was willing to affect the company in this way. Benefit.

"Mr. Ye, you, are you kidding me?"

The man with glasses also said in disbelief, he gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Shengling's face with some anger.

"Of course I’m not kidding. Don’t worry, I’m never too difficult for others. As long as you want to leave, I will definitely not stay. I heard that everyone here came with a letter of resignation, and they have already handed it in. , Very good. No matter what your reasons are, I will definitely agree. Similarly, I will not give you less salary."

Ye Shengling's face gradually became serious, and he looked at them and said.

"Zhang Yuan will be responsible for the resignation procedures at the moment. You can take care of your pay slips, and all wages will be paid on the same day. From then on, you will no longer belong to the company."

"Huh? This..."

"What the **** is going on."

There were unbelievable discussions in the conference room, including the two people who had just been expelled. They were also unable to accept the ending. These people had a mocking expression just now, but now it looks ridiculous. It's just oneself.

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