Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 946: Scumbag

Uncle He was obviously speechless by Ye Shengling, as if what he said was indeed reasonable, and after thinking for a while, he finally said angrily.

"I see, you little bastard, you should have already seen the girl He Weiwei. Will this be done? So I think the old man's company is useless, but it has become a burden to you. I can't wait. Want to close it for good."

Uncle He screamed and said.

"And did you kid deliberately? No matter how much this company has assets of tens of millions, do you think this is a street stall? You told me to close the stall and close the stall. Do you know how big the loss is? ."

"Fine, I know. If you said I did it on purpose, I did it on purpose. Just say, I will pay you how much this company is worth. I still don't care about this amount of money."

Ye Shengling smiled and said.

"Furthermore, Uncle He, don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Let me take over the management of this company. It is not your and Meng Qian's idea at all. Even if you are in Xiangjiang, how can you not be able to manage it? , I think this should be what Mr. Meng Qiyong said."

"This, how did you guess it."

Uncle He stammered.

"Do you still need to think about it? You can tell this question at a glance, and only you seem to think that the reason is very good. Father Meng has always hoped that I will be the head of the Meng family, but I really don’t know how to do business, and He was also not interested in these, so he wanted to take this opportunity to hand over this company to me to manage. First, he wanted me to exercise, and occasionally to see how well my management level was."

Ye Shengling said lightly.

"But now you can see that I not only won't, but I don't want to. If so, you can go back and report to Father Meng. You tell him that if the Meng family gets into trouble in the future, I will definitely help. What I've told him is still good, but don't worry about me for the position of the head of the Hongmen, let's train Meng Qian."

Hearing this, he was silent for a while before speaking.

"Ye Shengling, your mind can always turn so fast. It seems that no matter what others are doing, you can see through it at a glance. Elder Meng said that your personalities are very similar. In the end, Mr. Meng has already known that you will be like this. He asked me to tell you that although you are not interested in the position of the leader of Hongmen, he really wants to train you as an heir. You know, Mr. The descendants are basically dead."

"Damn, I didn't do this, so why bother to hold on to me? I'm not interested in being this heir."

Ye Shengling heard that Meng Qiyong actually wanted to do something with a moth, and yelled again in annoyance.

"Xiao Ling, even if you don't want to be the heir, you should consider it for Miss Meng anyway. She is still a girl. Although she is now firmly in this position, you can definitely imagine the difficulties you face. Do you have the heart to let her face these things alone? You can obviously help her."

Uncle He said painfully persuading.

"Uncle He, this is not to say whether I want to help the problem. If she is really in serious difficulties, of course I will not stand idly by, but in other things, I also have my own life, and I can never surround her. Turn it around, I know Meng Qian is not easy now, but to sit in this position, she should have to bear these things, how can she not think of these things, let her get used to these things."

Ye Shengling was unmoved and refused to say directly.

"What? Let her get used to it by herself? Are you still a human being! What is the name of a person like you on the Internet when you say such a conscience? Yes! It's a scumbag."

Uncle He suddenly exposed and yelled at the phone again.

"Smelly boy, let me tell you directly. Since you left, Cici often sits alone in the room where you lived in a daze. Hehe, although my old man doesn’t understand you young people. , But I also know that the young lady must be very sad now, you, a brat, dare to say that it has nothing to do with you!"

Just as Ye Shengling wanted to explain, Uncle He continued to shout again.

"Ye Shengling, I know you guys have many women, a few outside the house, and I don’t know if there are any other places, but I will tell you clearly, I don’t care about your other women, but if you dare If I failed the two sisters of the Meng family, my old man must fight you desperately!"

"My fucking...%...#¥#@%"

Ye Shengling was a little incoherent by Uncle He, and after a while he said bitterly.

"You old guy who doesn't understand young people's things, don't make a blind judgement. Do you know that you have a generation gap with us? You are so old and you are still guessing all day long. If you really want to ask, just go. Ask Meng Qian."

Uncle He did not immediately speak, but after a while, he said to Ye Shengling leisurely.

"Xiao Ling, I know that old people shouldn't get involved too much, but your young people's emotional style is really worrying. Although I watched Cici and Meng Meng grow up, I can't do it either. Their lord, I believe that Elder Meng should have also told you about their two sisters. Has he ever said that he agreed with you to marry them."

Ye Shengling remembered that Meng Qiyong had indeed told him this sort of thing, and said with some embarrassment.

"Um...maybe it's a little bit interesting."

Uncle He was silent for a long time. After a long period of time, he finally sighed heavily, shook his head and said.

"How similar this period of history is, I hope it doesn't happen again."

The two of them did not continue to talk for too long, and after casually talking about Xiangjiang, Ye Shengling hung up the phone. Ye Shengling was still relaxing in the office, but left all the following matters to those few people. .

Fortunately, although there are many kinds of work, it is still clear to do it slowly. Ye Shengling is not so particular, as long as those people have finished their work, they will directly pay from the finances.

And the work of these employees has always been systematic and unified management, so this is not very troublesome, and it is almost the same for a period of time. Although this is the last task of the company, the few people who remain are still the same. Still working hard.

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