Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 949: Let go of prejudice against me

"In fact, in the gem industry, more depends on the trust between the two parties. Because there are not many people in this industry, the customers are relatively fixed, so generally there will not be such strict contracts. That’s not only troublesome, but also stigmatizing. Therefore, most of the company’s current transactions are not contractually agreed. It only depends on the mutual trust between the two parties. But now that the company has such a problem, the outside world obviously thinks that something has happened to our company. The problem, several customers have cancelled their cooperation with us."

He Weiwei said.

"It can be like this, so the risk for our company is quite big."

Zhang Yuan said from the side.

"Yes, these goods are all brought by us from the previous house. If the customer cancels the cooperation, these goods will not be distributed to the next house. All of them can only be smashed into our own hands. I just got them from the system. After checking this part of the cost, all the items in the warehouse add up, and there are already tens of millions of goods that no one wants."

He Weiwei continued to explain.

"So if the company is closed like this, we really can't find a place for these goods to be sold. These are only semi-finished products. It is estimated that few people want to transfer them to peer companies, but we can't take these rough stones by ourselves. Processing, if it is said that there can be green, it will indeed make a lot of money, but if it is useless, it may also lose a lot of money. This is too risky. We would better sell it to other people."

"Is there anyone else who would want it? Haven't all those customers cancelled their cooperation just now, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to find other people willing to accept this batch."

Peng Yang asked.

"I think there will be ones, those are old customers, but we can develop new customers, or use other methods to attract attention from others. Before, our channels were a bit too fixed, but if we open up If you do, you should be able to find other buyers, perhaps the price is more than those of the old customers."

He Weiwei said.

Ye Shengling nodded after hearing this. He knew that He Weiwei was distressing money for herself. After all, if the company went bankrupt in this way, it was indeed a big loss. Although Ye Shengling is already a rich boss, there are many Thousands of assets are lost as they are said to be lost, and that doesn't make much sense.

Rather than processing the goods that have been received, the risk is really not small. After all, most of the quality of these gems is very average after they are opened. If you don’t sell a few good things, you will basically not make a profit. What kind of money, Ye Shengling had to find other low-end buyers to sell after spending a lot of scraps. It was really a troublesome thing.

Regarding He Weiwei's idea of ​​looking for other buyers, several of them don't know much about it. After all, there are fewer people in this industry. If the original customers don't want these goods, it is not necessarily true. Others are willing to take over. Moreover, since they are all newcomers, it is even more difficult to do this business well.

Ye Shengling was the final decision on this matter, and He Weiwei also looked at him anxiously and asked quickly.

"Brother Ye, I know, I'm just a newcomer, and I have never been in contact with these things. We should always try it. Otherwise, these goods will really fall in our hands and the loss will be even greater. The reason why the company If this happens, I’m all to blame. I know you won’t make me lose money, but I feel very uneasy. Can you let me recover some losses for the company? Ye Ge, give me this opportunity."

Seeing He Weiwei actually think like this, Ye Shengling put down the wine glass, looked at her and said with a smile.

"No problem, I don't have much energy to manage this company anyway. If you are interested, I will leave everything to you, whatever you want, but you have to promise me one thing."

"Ah for what."

He Weiwei asked, but she somewhat understood what Ye Shengling wanted to say, and blushed and lowered her head.

"Be my girlfriend, or let go of prejudice against me, I will let you know what I want."

Ye Shengling looked at He Weiwei and said.


Although He Weiwei had already guessed that Ye Shengling would say something about this, she still felt embarrassed after hearing what he said, her face turned red all at once, and she could only stammer.

"This...what is the relationship between these two things, how can this be..."

When He Weiwei was nervous, she couldn't even speak. Ye Shengling said reluctantly and pretendingly at this time.

"Well, if you don’t agree, I won’t force it. Just treat it as if I didn’t say it. Tomorrow I will see if anyone wants this batch of stones and sell them at 50% off. If they can’t be sold within a day, I will process all of them on the spot, and see what I can get out at that time."

"No! This will really make a loss."

He Weiwei said immediately, looking at Ye Shengling, she had to add another sentence.

"Then me, then I will agree."

"Really? It's fine if you don't say that."

Ye Shengling was overjoyed and said happily while holding He Weiwei's little hand.

"Weiwei, now that you have agreed, you can no longer have that kind of thought. From now on you can be my woman honestly. Hahaha."

He Weiwei was a little depressed, even if she didn't agree, even if she didn't agree, Ye Shengling wouldn't just let it go.

Then the company will continue to open as He Weiwei said, so there is no need to close the door for a while. In this case, Zhang Yuan and Peng Yang are still quite happy in their hearts, they don’t have to leave the bed so quickly. Even if you want to find other companies, there is enough time to choose.

But of course they are still more inclined to stay here. After all, the salary here is indeed good in the same industry, and the boss is also very easy to talk to them.

"Mr. Ye, don’t worry. Although this is a critical moment for the company, each of us will do our best to start from scratch. Although we don’t know much about this industry, we newcomers learn from it. It's also fast to get things up, Mr. He, you say yes, you just say what we should do next."

Peng Yang said to He Weiwei that since He Weiwei has been entrusted with a heavy responsibility, he naturally changed his mind. In addition, the relationship between her and Ye Shengling was so obvious that it would not be too much to call her the boss's wife directly.

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