Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 956: Lose both

She felt that she had to catch this stinky rascal today, otherwise she would be forced to desecrate in vain?

Ye Shengling turned around and found that Zhen Ning had actually caught up again, and felt quite bored in her heart. What does this old woman mean, there is no need to chase herself so hard, but this can also catch up again, but Fortunately, he has now got the Hercules pill, so now he only needs to try his best to escape.

Zhen Ning quickly caught up with Ye Shengling, she patted Ye Shengling's back directly behind her, but Ye Shengling had been prepared, and opened the box directly, and a cold moon came out of her sheath, he turned around and blocked it. On the contrary, Zhen Ning retreated a lot.

"This is a magic weapon?"

Zhen Ning stopped and looked at the weapon in Ye Shengling's hand with a little surprise. She really didn't expect that Ye Shengling, a satyr, had so many treasures. Even if she had the Hercules Pill, she could still hold it. Magic weapon.

She was even more upset in her heart, like this kind of pervert. Why did she hold so many good things? She was not afraid that Ye Shengling was holding the magic weapon in her hand. After Zhen Ning set up an attacking posture, she rushed up again.

Ye Shengling can only resist at this time. Zhen Ning seems to have no mercy at all this time. She carries a strong internal force in every game. Even if Ye Shengling uses the cold moon to resist the attack, she is still shaken out. Zhen Ning The internal force is indeed too strong.

Ye Shengling had no choice but to continue to dodge back at this time. After finding a suitable distance, he held Hanyue tightly with one hand and began to wave his sword style.

A series of sword auras moved towards Zhen Ning, and Zhen Ning couldn't fight against these sword auras. She could only keep avoiding. She vaguely felt that this trick seemed a bit familiar. When she was still thinking about it, Ye Shengling was already Launched the second round of offense.

"Rainbow pear nails"

Ye Shengling should be able to use this trick for the third time, but this time it has undergone some improvements. These hidden weapons that fly out are all injected with a lot of ice aura, and they move towards Zhen Ning's position, the damage of the hidden weapons Attacks with spirit deeds are deadly enough.

Zhen Ning's face was greatly surprised. She felt that this move seemed to be a trick of the same sect, but she had no time to think about it, so she could only dodge left and right.

Ye Shengling didn't dare to give Zhen Ning too much active space, so he could only throw away all the hidden weapons he had carried on his body. It was as if a Gatling machine gun was aimed at Zhen Ning and was constantly shooting. , But Zhen Ning was able to dodge one by one among the bullets and finally survived.

Her speed itself is a big advantage. No hidden weapon can attack her. A small part of it is really difficult to avoid, and she can resist it.

Zhen Ning waved her palms and shot down several silver needles. These silver needles were all attacked by her aura, so she didn't hurt Zhen Ning at all.

Just when Zhen Ning thought he had gotten rid of the crisis, Ye Shengling was already holding the Hanyue in his hand, and was rushing towards her at an extremely fast speed.


The Hanyue in Ye Shengling's hand dragged a long spark line on the ground, and the sword had even begun to surround the spirit energy, and Ye Shengling had also come to Zhen Ning's front.


The spiritual energy surrounding the sword made a whistling sound, and only from this sound, the power of the spiritual energy on the sword could be heard.

Zhen Ning finally paid attention to Ye Shengling at this moment, because she actually felt that her life was in danger, she really didn't expect Ye Shengling to have such a strong attack method at this time.

She has no time to think about anything, she can only withdraw a few steps back quickly, and then the aura on her body condenses, and she slaps her in front of her with a palm.


This palm collided with the sword aura that Ye Shengling had mentioned, and this impact was dozens of times stronger than the one they both had at the beginning.

Neither of them could withstand such an impact. Ye Shengling was repelled. He still held the Hanyue in his hand, but he was already half kneeling on the ground, and his mouth was still bleeding slowly. Come.

Zhen Ning also suffered a lot of injuries. She was directly hit to the ground by Ye Shengling's sword aura, her face was covered with mud, and her clothes seemed to be torn a lot by the sword aura. The clothes are very cool, and now these clothes have been cut with a few holes, it seems that there is a kind of mysterious temptation.

Ye Shengling didn't dare to let go of the cold moon. After all, this was his only support at this time. He raised his head and glanced at the situation on Zhen Ning's side, and saw that Zhen Ning had slowly stood up from the ground. He gritted his teeth even more.

Under the attack just now, he almost exhausted all his strength, but Zhen Ning didn't seem to suffer any injuries at all. Apart from the embarrassment that seemed to be on his body, he actually did not cause any harm to her.

It seems that the strength of this woman is far stronger than that of herself. Ye Shengling stared at her. He was a disastrous defeat this time, and his strength really couldn't beat this woman.

Ye Shengling was convinced in her heart, but Zhen Ning's heart was even more shocked. She was rarely forced to this level. Her level was regarded as a master in the entire family's sect. Her strength has reached Tier 6, but she has already believed that she will definitely break through, because there are many cultivators who are also Tier 6 who are not her opponents.

But today, Ye Shengling seems to be a first-order one? It’s still a second-tier human being beaten like this, she vaguely feels that she has also suffered a little injury, she has not suffered any injuries when she was in the Tianshan Mountains, this is actually the first time since coming to this world, which makes Zhen Ning more angry. Endless.

And most importantly, the man in this world actually touched her, which made Zhen Ning feel that she had been shamed.

"You pervert wait for me, look at how my old lady will clean up you today."

Zhen Ning had forgotten Qian Ying's explanation to her in her mind, she just wanted to give herself a good breath now.

Ye Shengling felt her scalp numb for a while, thinking that this woman was going to be true to herself, so she had to take out a Hercules pill and swallow it in one mouthful.

Speaking of it, it is really the first time that Ye Shengling has used this kind of thing. After all, this kind of baby is usually used in extremely critical situations, but now he is really uncertain whether this woman is really going to kill herself. Ye Shengling had to use it first.

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