Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 968: Jade color

Lao Zhang continued to take a cigarette, stretched out a hand, made a fist on it, pointed his fingernail of his thumb, and said with squinting eyes.

"It's just such a stone. If this thing opens a window, as long as the surface of the jade can be opened, the value will increase by at least a hundred times. It was processed and sold for tens of millions."

When Lao Zhang said this, his face was full of pride. There was a proud look. This is indeed a commendable thing. For a processing worker, this is his own record. If he can drive If the good stuff comes, you will also have light on your face, and you will be well-known in the industry.

In fact, although this industry does require some insight and experience, luck still accounts for a large proportion. Processing workers can produce a lot of jade, so naturally there will be many people looking for him.

"No way, just a little big stone can sell for tens of millions, these people really have money to burn, then I have a warehouse of stones here."

Ye Bingxin couldn't help but slapped his tongue.

"In that case, why do we have to sell it? Why don't we give it a try? There are so many stones here, and if you just sell one with good color, it should be all the cost."

When Lao Zhang heard this, he looked disdainful again, and said with a cold snort, but he knew that these people were laymen, and it was useless to say it, so he did not speak, but smoked by himself. With smothering smoke.

Ye Bingxin didn’t take it too seriously, but thought it was indeed possible. It could be tens of millions when it was sold well. Of course, this thing is relatively rare, but it should be easier if it’s not that good, as long as it can be worth a few hundred. Wan, that's not going to be able to pay back.

Ye Shengling was a little interested. He saw that Ye Bingxin really wanted to know the appearance of the jade, so he took the stone and came to Lao Zhang's face and said politely.

"Master Zhang, let’s be honest. Although the company says it has been transferred to me, I really don’t know anything about gems. In fact, gems are just the jade industry. The doorway may be That's a lot. You are an expert in this area. Why don't you tell us young people?"

Lao Zhang is withdrawn, but if you really talk to him about this, he can say a lot. Nowadays, there are not many young people who are willing to do this. Ye Shengling is willing to ask him so humbly, his face is cold. It also eased a lot, then lit a cigarette and said.

"Okay, then I'll tell you, you are also the boss of the company anyway, and it is not appropriate for you to know nothing, so that people will be jokes."

With that, he pointed to the stone in Ye Shengling's hand, and then continued.

"From the appearance of this stone, it can be said that there is no special point at all. The inside is absolutely invisible from the outside. There is a characteristic of jade, that is, the outer shell is impenetrable. Compared with For other gems, this thing must be like this when it was dug out. You can't directly see what's inside."

Old Zhang youyou said it.

"The outer shell looks ordinary, but there is one thing, that is, no matter what method is used to detect the things inside this shell, including the most high-tech things, such as X-rays, long-wave infrared, etc. If you can't tell what's inside with this method, then after digging it out, what's inside is very fascinating."

"Because the fineness of the jade largely determines how much the stone is worth. If you can get a full-color jade, the price is more expensive than if you pull several carts of this kind of rough stone back, but if it is just ordinary If you can get one or two, it’s probably not a loss, but if it’s all rubbish, it’s considered to have been thrown in, and all the money has been lost. That’s why it’s very difficult to play this. The cause of the irritation."

"Consider the color? What should be the color?"

Peng Yang was also listening attentively at this time, and couldn't help asking if he didn't understand.

"Listen well, don't interrupt."

Lao Zhang took a cigarette, frowned and said, he continued to look at the stone in Ye Shengling's hand, and said.

"First of all, it should be natural to look at the color. Green is the best in it. The greener the thing, the better. Of course, the price is more expensive. However, one thing must be paid attention to. When distinguishing the color, you must It cannot be under the light, it is better to be under the sun or other natural light."

“Secondly, it’s about transparency. The previous masters didn’t have as many tools as they are now, so the method used is simple. Put a piece of jade on top of a newspaper, and then look at the words in the newspaper through this piece of jade. You can tell what kind of jade is. The one that can be seen most clearly is called glass. This is also the most expensive. The variety is probably priced based on this. The internal structure of this jade is related. If the crystal size inside is close, the texture is good. It’s more transparent."

"In addition to these, there are blemishes in the color base. Green also has different greens. Some of them can be evenly distributed. Naturally, they are better. I won’t talk about blemishes. The ones with impurities will definitely have a great impact on the price. It is gloss and shape. These are all literal meanings. If you still have to explain this, then you don’t need to do this."

After Lao Zhang finished speaking, he added another sentence.

"The jade in your hand is really good, because from the current known conditions, it seems that there is a possibility of cutting up, but if it is really opened, who knows what is inside, this stone is the highest It may be valued at 100,000, but it is a real cut, and it may be scrapped directly, which is worth several hundred yuan. This is the reason why this industry has driven so many people crazy."

Lao Zhang has been immersed in this business for many years, and there are many people who go crazy after getting rich and wanting to commit suicide and jump off the building after losing money. But these are all passing by, and the industry is still developing vigorously.

Although Ye Shengling didn't quite understand, he still nodded, and continued talking after a while.

"Master Zhang, I’m a layman in this aspect, so I may not really understand it. Let’s just say it right. If you look at it according to the standard you said, if the stone can be opened When the green comes out, does that mean we will definitely be able to make money if it’s not for this stone."

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