Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 988: Closed disciple

His voice was loud, and a few people immediately looked at them, and then someone closed the door of the warehouse, and a few people surrounded him.

Lao Zhang only saw who the young man was at this time, his face turned ugly in an instant, and he whispered beside Ye Shengling.

"No, I know who this person is. His name is Tan Fei. This person is very powerful in southern Yunnan. He...I remember that he is a closed disciple of Zongzheng who is known as the Emerald God."

Lao Zhang is familiar with many forces in southern Yunnan. When he came, Ye Shengling also introduced some of them. In fact, the people who bet on jade are roughly that concentrated, because the Internet is developed and the transportation is much more convenient. In recent years, there have been a lot of people pouring into southern Yunnan, so naturally there are a lot of people who are interested in playing this.

In addition to these individual players, the industry has always been supported by the fixed source of customers. Although this industry can make people profiteering, it also has to bear huge risks and be able to make a name in this industry. Of course, it is To be generous, so those who are well-known in the jade circle are all wealthy people. All in all, the regular customers in this industry must have a worth of tens of millions at the end. This is only an entry level.

Power and money have always been divided into families. Powerful people will not be short of money. Rich people have many ways to convert money into power. Therefore, if you can play in the jade circle, you are definitely rich. , The corresponding definitely has a lot of energy.

Tan Fei is a master of the Emerald God Sect, and can be called a **** by all the gods in the jade circle. Of course, he relies on more than his extraordinary ability to see jade.

The Zong family was a great master of the capital. It originated in the end of the old dynasty. The ancestors of the Zong family worked in the famous Qiao family compound for a period of time. At that time, they were also deeply liked by Qiao Zhiyong. , So I started very quickly.

Shanxi merchants have always been doing very well in business, and the Zong family is no exception. After the Xinhai Sea, they have grown bigger and bigger, and they can find good development space among the warlords. However, during that period of time has always been relatively displaced, and the Zong family was almost lost. A certain warlord had directly exterminated his tribe, but fortunately, he finally chose to stand on the side of the people in terms of national justice. The team that almost went all out to fund the people was finally saved.

Since then, the clan has developed faster and faster. As a representative of a national enterprise, it has now become a big family in the capital. It is not measurable by how much money, and this status is beyond the reach of wealth.

Zong Zheng likes to play jade, it's just his personal preference. And Qin Fei is also from the same family. The Qin family’s background is not as well-known as the Zong family, but the same is also the Qin family is one of the best in southern Yunnan. They control most of the processing plants in southern Yunnan. Although they do not have their own brand, they are here. The industry is also equivalent to a leader.

In other words, as long as it is in China, no matter what brand of jade you buy, the capital of the Tan family must be in it, so Tan Fei's power in southern Yunnan can be imagined.

In fact, the main business of the Tan family is not just jade. I always think that the Tan family rarely participates in other processing processes directly. The reason why he appeared here is purely coincidental. As the disciple of the **** of jade, sometimes also Will come to the source of jade to play with stones.

Tan Fei himself is about 27 or 28 years old, and he is not very old. At least he is definitely a young man in this industry. Although Lao Zhang doesn’t know much about Tan Fei, he is a Zongzheng person. The closed disciple, it must be definitely not a leisurely generation.

After he came back to his senses, he probably felt that he was a bit of a loss when he was dirty with a woman. After pushing his glasses a little, he said with a softened expression.

"I didn't expect that such a beautiful beauty would come to play with rocks. She is really a hero in female middle school, but I have already asked for this stone. There are still a lot of rocks here. Can you go to other rocks."

What he said was quite polite. In fact, Ye Shengling didn’t plan to take this stone anymore. Although this stone was absolutely excellent in color, since Tan Fei had already asked for it, and it was indeed their first step, if he was robbed of it by himself. If you come down, I'm afraid anyone will feel that you can't live up to the face, which will definitely make others uncomfortable.

When I came out to do business, I asked for money but not for gas. Anyway, I have already arrived at the source of jade, so I don’t need to find another stone. I don’t need to make any conflicts about this matter. After thinking about it, I went to Meng Meng. Said beside him.

"Mengmeng, if someone else came first, we don't want it. Let's go and see others."

"No, I just like this one, I want this one, and doesn't it mean whoever gets it first? It's obviously I got it first."

Meng Meng said with her mouth flat, she was also very smart. She didn't say that this stone was a treasure, only that she liked it.

Whoever gets the rough stone on the ground first is the rule. Since Ye Shengling said it is a treasure, Meng Meng only wants to get the stone. No matter who Tan Fei is, she doesn’t know. .

Meng Meng was originally a kind of baby-faced face, and when she was coquettish, she was even more cute and messed up. If she was someone else, she might have been confounded by Meng Meng’s beauty. It’s just that Tan Fei has experienced a lot, except for the first glance. I was a little surprised by Meng Meng, but now I am still shaken by her.

But he didn't say Meng Meng either. Instead, he raised his head, looked at Ye Shengling and said with a faint smile.

"Now, right now, take your girlfriend from here, get out."

This person is actually not ugly. Wearing these glasses is a gentleman, he is a gentle scum. Although his face is polite and with a smile, what he says is not human at all.

In fact, Qin Fei's personality is like this. He has long been used to the boundary of southern Yunnan, and there is no one who dared to fight against him. He didn't have the opportunity to Ye Shengling again. He would only look back at the boss and said.

"I'll settle this stone, put it away."

Ye Shengling hadn’t really planned to ask for this stone. He just thought about persuading Meng Meng to persuade Meng Meng, but when he heard Qin Fei’s words, he raised his head and glanced at him. Tan Fei didn’t even care about Ye Shengling. He felt that it was impossible for Ye Shengling to have any opinions, but at this time it was a person with the appearance of a little brother beside him who looked at Ye Shengling, fisted and said.

"You little cricket, what the **** are you looking at?"

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