Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 994: The gentleman does not take the love of others

But now Tan Fei is really going to explode. If the stone that Ye Shengling had just snatched from the warehouse was related to air luck, then it would be purely a matter of face that the second stone was now being taken away openly. No one in southern Yunnan dared to do this to him, Ye Shengling was provoking him.

Tan Fei was indeed furious, and turned his head back and glared at Ye Shengling a few times, but Ye Shengling didn't care about it at all.

The bidding between them is still a little farce. After all, this auction is not without such bidding. The auction is still going on, but the next few stones are not good. Tan Fei has never raised a sign. Ye Shengling also did not bid.

It has been almost the end, and when more than ten pieces have been sold, the starting price of this stone is 100,000 yuan. Tan Fei raised the sign and said at this time.

"Five hundred thousand. All of you present are friends if you give face to me. I like this stone by Tan Fei. If someone really likes it, you can also ask for a price."

Tan Fei has always disdain to use his identity to suppress others, but now he is indeed outraged by Ye Shengling. In order to prevent someone from causing trouble, he also spoke before asking the price.

What he said was a very obvious threat. Great Young Master Tan had spoken, which meant that he would be an enemy if he didn't give face, and who would dare to be an enemy with Tan Fei.

But just as his words fell silent, Ye Shengling raised the sign leisurely and said.

"Six hundred thousand."

When Tan Fei turned his head, he actually saw Ye Shengling again, and he was about to fly in anger. If it weren't for so many people between them, he would have liked to rush up on the spot and tear up Ye Shengling's signs. Tan Fei looked at Ye Shengling furiously, and said babbledly.

"Ye Shengling, did you come here to look for things on purpose? Are there any holidays between us? Why are you always targeting me!"

"For you? How could it be possible, Mr. Tan thinks too much."

Ye Shengling said with a smile casually.

"Didn't you just say it? If someone really likes it, you can also ask for a price. Unfortunately, I think this stone is pretty good."

Tan Feiqi’s face twitched a bit, but he always pretended to be more pretentious, so he resisted not scolding him, he had already been snatched two stones by Ye Shengling, the first one was luck, the second one was face. This third piece is his own dignity problem.

This Ye Shengling is obviously targeting himself, and this is already so obvious. What girlfriend likes is all nonsense! Qin Fei has never been humiliated in this way, this is simply rubbing his dignity in place, and it is absolutely impossible for him to let go.

"Really? Since everyone likes it, let's do it all."

Tan Fei said viciously.

"One and six hundred thousand."

"Two million six hundred thousand."

"Three million six hundred thousand."


The price soared like just now, and the speed was even faster, because this time both people are bidding purely for the sake of bidding.

"One thousand two million six hundred thousand!"

Neither of them gave each other too much time to think. Every time the other party finished shouting the price, the other person would immediately add it. After Tan Fei held the sign and finished the price, the next second should have been Ye Shengling's offer of 1,300. It was six hundred thousand, but there was no voice from him in the venue.

Everyone looked at it, Ye Shengling seemed to hesitate for a while, and then said leisurely.

"Forget it. You Dao is a gentleman who doesn't take people's love. I think Mr. Tan also really likes it. Then I will fulfill you. I won't call it anymore."

Tan Fei suddenly stopped when he heard this, his face turned pale, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Is there anyone, come here to take care of a master!"

Qin Fei yelled, of course there is no shortage of jade processing masters in this kind of place. Soon someone walked up and placed the stone on a machine. According to Qin Fei’s instructions, he did not open the window. It was a microdermabrasion, and it cut it off with a single knife.

This is a stone worth 12.6 million yuan. Tan Fei just wants to know what is inside. After the machine is cut, the stone is divided into two halves. At this time, the jade surface inside can be clearly seen. A gray scene appeared.

Ye Shengling already knew what was inside, so he laughed out loud.

"Mr. Tan, it seems that you've hit your eyes this time. Don't say 16 million for this stone, even more than one thousand and six hundred. I didn't expect your vision to be so special."

"Are you playing with me on purpose?"

This amount of money is nothing to Qin Fei. He raised his head and looked at Ye Shengling at this time, and said with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Ye, anyone who dared to play with me like this in southern Yunnan hasn't shown up yet, you just started this."

Ye Shengling nodded and didn't say a word. From the moment he grabbed the second stone from Tan Fei, he knew that he and this person couldn't just leave it alone. If they were already offended anyway, it would be better to offend to the end. It's a vent to those girls.

At this time, the whole auction dared to speak no more, and these people on the court did not even dare to be surprised, because they could clearly see that Tan Fei was really angry.

Tan Fei is a disciple of Zongzheng, and his name is no less than the existence of the **** of emerald in the jade circle. In addition, the influence of his Tan family in southern Yunnan is extraordinary. Let’s say that the Tan family is in the jade circle. The influence, that is well-deserved boss.

And Tan Fei is also strong in his own right. No matter if it is due to his ability or background, others dare not fight against him at all. But today I met such a master who doesn’t eat raw rice and robbed Tan Fei of stones. Forget it, and even dare to play with him.

In fact, when Ye Shengling just came to this auction house, although it was indeed a bit eye-catching to bring a lot of beauties, most people did not pay much attention to him. After all, people who gamble on jade are basically either rich or expensive, so In the realm of Ruili, there are really a lot of rich people.

They also regarded Ye Shengling as the second generation ancestor who had money to burn bags, and brought a few beautiful beauties here to spend money to play. There were a lot of such people every year, and they had already seen a lot of them.

But the second generation ancestors who came to play were basically led by someone, so they all knew that there were everyone in this industry. It would be a big taboo to come out to play high-profile and high-profile, to provoke others everywhere, because You never know where the person you provoke is.

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