Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 998: I'm going to play

Ye Shengling wiped the blood from the knife and put the switchblade into his pocket. Obviously, Tan Fei also wanted to explore his own bottom, so he simply mentioned it first and both sides sat down and talked in detail. Ye Shengling knows very well that although Tan Fei looks gentle on the surface, he is actually a beast in clothing. I am afraid that if he goes to the appointment today, he might find a chance to yin himself.

It can be seen from Tan Fei's attitude that this person did not take Hong Clan too seriously. After all, their Tan family is indeed a handful of songs in southern Yunnan. This arrogance may still exist. But Ye Shengling doesn't care about his spine or arrogance. If he wants to play with himself, he must first weigh whether he is qualified or not.

Lanhuayuan is a restaurant. It should be regarded as a landmark in Ruili. After Ye Shengling stopped the taxi on the roadside, the driver knew where it was.

However, when Ye Shengling arrived, he saw the neon signs flashing in the restaurant because of disrepair for a long time, and he was a little disappointed. He didn't expect that Tang Tang Gongzi would host a banquet in such a place. Obviously, this restaurant already has a certain amount of reception. It’s been years, and the store is still unwilling to pay for renovations. The walls are covered with traces of green moss, which looks quite tattered.

Ye Shengling also knew Tan Fei’s attitude after seeing the place. This kind of hotel is remote and the store is old. Most people really avoid it, so this kind of place has become a gathering place for people in mixed society. Those underground things are also easy to solve here.

Since Tan Fei invited himself here, I am afraid that the way he wants to settle with Ye Shengling is hard.

Ye Shengling didn't think much, and strode directly into the restaurant. There were a lot of people in the lobby of the restaurant, but Ye Shengling didn't pay any attention to them. After entering, he greeted someone who looked like a lobby manager to come over.

The lobby manager also looks like a social person, with his sleeves pulled up to the elbows, showing half of his arms, it is strange that ordinary people in such a store dare to come in. The lobby manager asked Ye Shengling in a voice.

"Hello sir, do you have a phone call to contact the private room."

"No, I came to find Tan Fei. He said he is here. By the way, my name is Ye Shengling."

Ye Shengling said directly.

The lobby manager was obviously taken aback, he had obviously received the wind, but at this time he also gave Ye Shengling a strange look.

"You came here alone? Then you wait here."

After speaking, he walked upstairs, and everyone else in the hall was also looking at Ye Shengling, as if looking at him one after another.

It didn't take long for the lobby manager to walk back, and after taking Ye Shengling upstairs, when passing a passage, two people in black suits also walked up and searched.

"Mr. Ye, these are the rules of Lanhuayuan."

Ye Shengling nodded. Anyway, he had hidden everything on his body. He didn't believe that these rotten sweet potatoes could find any bird. The two people looked for it very carefully, but after groping for a long time, there was nothing. After finding out, he nodded to the lobby manager, and the station continued to lead him into a room.

After Ye Shengling pushed the door into the room, he saw Tan Fei sitting at the innermost position of a round table. He looked at Ye Shengling and shook his head and laughed.

"Mr. Ye, thank you very much for your honor. You are really refreshing, and you are really coming. I still want to ask those two people to invite you today. It seems that I have made an unnecessary move."

As Tan Fei said, his face became a little gloomy.

"But Mr. Ye, you really don’t seem to put me in your eyes. When I said that you were hosting a banquet, you actually came by yourself. Isn’t the Hongmenmeng family so confident, or you? I really don't put my Tan family in my eyes. I really feel that southern Yunnan is where you can cross the border at will."

Tan Fei’s face is a little unhappy. There are seven or eight people in this room besides him. It seems that these should be Tan Fei’s followers. Among them are the younger brothers who were taught by Ye Shengling this morning. Those younger brothers are full. He looked at Ye Shengling fiercely, as if he wanted to do it at any time.

However, there was no trace of fear on Ye Shengling's face. After he pulled out a chair and sat down, he calmly poured himself a cup of tea and said.

"Mr. Tan, why are you doing this? Look at me and I'll be here alone. You shouldn't have such a big battle, just talk, do you have to be accompanied by so many people."

Tan Fei coldly snorted and said with some disdain.

"Who doesn't know what your Hongmen is doing? How can I not be wary of you? Okay, if you dare to come today, it means that you also want to solve the problem. I am not unreasonable. People, please tell me how to solve today’s matter. As long as I can accept it, nothing will happen from now on. I’m happy enough.”

Ye Shengling took a faint sip of tea, then asked with a smile.

"Okay, then Mr. Tan might as well talk about how you can accept it."

"Are you still playing around with me? I know that your Meng family is also in the gem industry, but what you have always done is the international market. China’s jade and gem industry has always been done by our Tan family, and now you also want to be the Huaxia market. Just come here, right now when our Tan family doesn't exist, right?"

Tan Fei said coldly on his face.

"Go back and tell your boss that no one has ever dared to steal money from my Tan Fei. If you really dare to come, then don't blame me for unscrupulous."

"I probably understood what Mr. Tan said, which means I can't play with the stones in southern Yunnan?"

Ye Shengling finally understood why Qin Fei was so hostile to him. He thought that this trip to southern Yunnan represented the Meng family. The Meng family had never been involved in China’s jade market. If he suddenly appeared here now, he In his eyes, it seems to represent another layer of meaning.

This is a big job grabbing a job. Qin Fei can still keep his anger, so he immediately puts on the cruel words, as if trying to fight to death.

Ye Shengling really didn't want to involve the Meng family, but when he heard Qin Fei's words, he felt a little upset in his heart, so he raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and said faintly.

"If I say, I will play it?"

"Then I will make it clear, I will definitely not let you leave from southern Yunnan, at least, I will not let you leave alive."

Tan Fei's eyes shrank, gritted his teeth and said. There are no outsiders here. His hideous look is completely unacceptable to the elegant manners in the weekdays, and now he is still exposed.

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