The Ghost King roared at Xiao Xue Long and rushed towards Xiao Xue Long again. The attentive audience discovered that the speed of the ghost king was actually much faster than before.

And Su Zhe noticed that the ghost king's eyes turned red at this time, as bright as blood.

Before Xiao Xuelong could take precautions, he was shot and flew out by the ghost king, as if the ghost king not only became faster, but also greatly increased his strength.

When Zheng Yan saw this scene, he felt relieved and his face became better. Now the potion that the Ghost King was taking had finally exerted its greatest effect.

"What's going on? Why is the ghost king suddenly more powerful than just now? It must be Zheng Yan's trick again. Su Zhe, we can't wait. We'll go and rescue Xiao Xuelong now." Some were anxious, worried that Xiaoxuelong would be unpredictable.

"Wait a minute, Xiaoxuelong hasn't lost yet." Su Zhe was also very nervous, but he felt that Xiaoxuelong hadn't shown his strength yet, so he was not sure what the final result would be.

The ghost king succeeded in one strike, and pursued while winning, opened his big mouth and rushed towards Xiao Xuelong again, the snow-white fangs were flashing with a chill. The ghost king now only knows how to fight, and only knows to kill everything he sees.

Xiao Xuelong quickly got up from the ground, avoiding the ghost king's bite, but he did not avoid the ghost king's next attack, and was knocked to the ground again.

Xiaoxuelong just got up, when the ghost king approached again, and Xiaoxuelong also pounced on the ghost king.

Immediately, Xiao Xuelong and the Ghost King were biting each other, and several roars were heard from time to time on the field, and the battle became more and more ferocious.

Xiaoxuelong and the Ghost King fought on a par, and they quickly became enamored.

Xiao Xuelong quickly pounced on the Ghost King and bit on the Ghost King's neck. Xiaoxuelong's speed was too fast, the Ghost King didn't react, he couldn't avoid it all at once, and was bitten by Xiaoxuelong in the neck.

At this time, the ghost king seemed to be extremely powerful, and it struggled so hard that it threw Xiaoxuelong off. Although the ghost king broke free from Xiaoxuelong, his neck was also bitten by Xiaoxuelong. Although the wound was not big, it was dripping with blood.

But the ghost king didn't seem to know the pain, and the injured ghost king was even more ferocious, and immediately rushed towards Xiaoxuelong, and the two dogs bit each other again.

There were also several scars on Xiaoxuelong's body, and the blood was mixed with the soil on the ground and stained on Xiaoxuelong's pure white hair.

The Ghost King and Xiao Xuelong didn't know how to be timid, let alone tired. Both dogs seemed to have endless energy, and the fight became more and more intense towards the end.

The Ghost King once again threw Xiaoxuelong to the ground, and even opened his mouth to bite on Xiaoxuelong's forelimb. Xiaoxuelong didn't resist at all, but just endured the bite of the ghost king. Xiao Xuelong used his sharp teeth to bite down on the Ghost King's neck.

The ghost king biting Xiaoxuelong couldn't avoid it, but Xiaoxuelong bit his neck tightly. The ghost king who has taken the potion does not know the pain at all. Although Xiaoxuelong was biting his neck, the Ghost King still didn't open his mouth, and still held onto Xiaoxuelong's forelimbs tightly.

The bright red blood gurgled out from the wound, and the blood of Xiaoxuelong and the ghost king were mixed together, and it was impossible to tell whether the blood belonged to Xiaoxuelong or the ghost king.

Xiaoxuelong and the ghost king have competed to the end, and now it's just the ghost king and Xiaoxuelong who are competing, who can't stand it first.

At this point in the game, everyone's hearts were lifted and they couldn't help crying.

In the end, the ghost king couldn't hold it anymore and fell down. Even if the ghost king does not feel pain, he is not tired.

But the ghost king was bitten on the neck. In the case of a lot of bleeding, it still couldn't hold it anymore.

Although the ghost king fell down, he still bit on Xiao Xuelong's forelimbs and held on tight.

Xiao Xuelong just threw it hard, and then the ghost king who was at the end of the shot was thrown away.

Xiao Xuelong roared against the sky, his roar was as low as a lion, full of the domineering arrogance of an inviolable king. Xiaoxuelong stepped on the ghost king's corpse, looking down at everyone like a king. His pure white hair was like snow, stained with red blood, and the blood remaining on his mouth. At this time, Xiaoxuelong seemed to be a The general, who had just come from a battle of thousands of troops, was majestic.

This dog fighting match was really unexpected. I didn't expect that Xiao Xuelong was an upset and won the Ghost King.

Zheng Yan gave Zhang Hu a fierce look and snorted. Seeing Zhang Hu's heart skipping a beat, a lot of beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

This time, Zheng Yan suffered a heavy loss. Su Zhe and Yu Xuanhao alone had a total loss of 20 million. With the odds of 6.3, Zheng Yan needs to pay 106 million, and because Zheng Yan has too much confidence in the ghost king, he deliberately raised the odds of Xiaoxuelong, which attracted a lot of bets. is the head.

Zheng Yan today can be described as stealing chickens without losing rice, losing soldiers and losing generals.

Su Zhe and Yu Xuanhao brought back Xiaoxuelong. It seemed that Xiaoxuelong was seriously injured just now, especially his forelimbs.

But now Xiaoxuelong's injury is not serious. Even the wound on Xiaoxuelong's forelimb is not very serious.

In fact, the reason for this is that before Xiaoxuelong came on stage, Su Zhe gave 10 points of divine power to Xiaoxuelong. Because Xiaoxuelong was not hurt at that time, the divine power was not absorbed, and was temporarily stored on Xiaoxuelong's body. The divine power was on Xiaoxuelong's body. It doesn't evaporate so quickly.

In this way, if Xiaoxuelong is injured in the competition, these 10 points of divine power will work to repair Xiaoxuelong's body, so Xiaoxuelong's wound is healed so quickly now.

Actually, it wasn't that Su Zhe didn't want to use his divine power to strengthen Xiaoxuelong. He also wanted Xiaoxuelong to be more secure during the competition. However, strengthening divine power is different from healing divine power. Xiao Xuelong absorbs the enhanced divine power every day, and it is not how much enhanced divine power he has. Xiao Xuelong can absorb as much enhanced divine power.

Now Xiaoxuelong can only absorb at most 2 or 3 points of strengthening divine power every day to strengthen and improve his body. Xiao Xuelong could no longer absorb the other strengthening divine powers, and would only slowly drain away from his body, without any effect.

Strengthening divine power is not the same as healing divine power. Healing divine power can be absorbed as long as Xiaoxuelong is injured, no matter how many points of healing divine power are absorbed, until the damage is healed. But strengthening divine power is different, there are limits.

The reason why the Sulcata tortoise was able to absorb a full 100 points of divine power at that time was because most of the divine power absorbed by the Sulcata tortoise was accelerated divine power, and there was only a small amount of enhanced divine power.

Although there is a limit to the amount of accelerated divine power absorbed every day, this limit is much greater than that of enhanced divine power.

Because the amount of strengthening divine power absorbed every day is extremely limited, Su Zhe only uses 2 points of divine power to strengthen Xiaoxuelong every day, instead of choosing to strengthen Xiaoxuelong at one time.

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