Urban Supreme System

Chapter 111: One Thousand Two Hundred KG

Although the baby said that he was going out for a walk, but as soon as he left home, the baby seemed to have forgotten this sentence. After the baby took a few steps, he took Xiao Xuelong as a mount and asked Xiao Xuelong to run around with her on his back.

The little snow dragon being ridden by the baby felt so depressed. Originally, Xiao Xuelong lost a lot of freedom when being ridden by the baby. In addition, Xiao Xuelong was worried that the baby would fall off and get hurt, so Xiao Xuelong never dared to run as much as he wanted, and could only jog steadily .

The baby pointed there, and Xiao Xuelong obediently walked there. During the process, the baby kept giggling and laughing non-stop.

Such a game, it seems that the baby will never get tired of playing it.

Seeing that the baby is in such high spirits and smiling so happily, Xiaoxuelong's depressed mood seems to have dissipated a lot, and he is more cooperative with the baby, so that the baby can have more fun.

The baby played with Xiao Xuelong for a long time, Su Zhe didn't bother them, but just followed the baby and Xiao Xuelong, watching the baby so as not to encounter any accidents.

Su Zhe played with the baby all the time, usually when the baby was about to go to bed, Su Zhe called the baby and Xiaoxuelong back, and took the baby and Xiaoxuelong home.

Although the baby still wants to continue playing, he has not played enough. But the baby still listened to his brother very much, so when Su Zhe said it, the baby and Xiaoxuelong obediently turned around and followed Su Zhe home.

It was almost at the intersection that the baby wanted to get off Xiaoxuelong's back, and Su Zhe picked him up.

After arriving here, Xiao Xuelong was truly liberated. As soon as the baby was picked up by Su Zhe, Xiao Xuelong immediately let go of her feet and ran towards home. That speed is not known how many times faster than before.

The baby may be tired from playing just now, and the baby who was held in Su Zhe's arms soon fell asleep. Seeing that the baby was sleepy, Su Zhe couldn't help walking faster than before.

When the baby was about to fall asleep, Su Zhe finally brought the baby home.

Taking advantage of the baby's sleep, An Xin quickly took the baby to the bathroom and helped the baby take a bath. Just now the baby was sweating all over, and his body was a little dirty. It's really not good if he doesn't take a bath, and it will be a little difficult to fall asleep.

While An Xin was bathing the baby, Su Zhe made a glass of milk for the baby. The baby drinks a glass of milk every night before going to bed, and it has become a habit now.

After the baby took a bath and came out in a set of pajamas, Su Zhe gave the baby milk to drink.

The baby is very obedient, unlike other children who need to be coaxed by an adult, and drink a glass of milk by himself.

After the baby finished drinking the milk, Su Zhe asked the baby to rinse his mouth with water, then Su Zhe carried the baby to the bed and let her sleep.

Maybe milk has the function of helping sleep, or maybe the baby is really tired from playing. The baby, who had regained some energy after taking a bath just now, fell into a deep sleep not long after lying on the bed, and did not let An Xin tell a story.

And outside at night, Xiaoxuelong, who has been used by the baby as a mount, jumped on the back of the Sulcata tortoise as soon as he came back. After bullying the Sulcata tortoise for a while, he used the Sulcata tortoise as a pillow . Little Xuelong seems to regard the Sulcata tortoise as its outlet, and spread all the grievances on the Sulcata tortoise.

An Xuan, who had to get up early for school tomorrow, got better after studying and went to bed early to rest.

And An Xin, who had been busy all day, went back to her room to rest after finishing all the housework and keeping things in order.

Su Zhe felt that the house that was still lively just now, after everyone went back to the room to rest, the house seemed to be quiet all of a sudden, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Everyone went back to the room to sleep, only Su Zhe couldn't sleep in the room alone.

Last night, Su Zhe didn't sleep the whole night. But Su Zhe, who has not slept all day,

Now, he doesn't feel sleepy or drowsy at all. On the contrary, Su Zhe feels that he is still very energetic.

Helpless, Su Zhe, who is full of energy, can only practice gymnastics in the room to consume too much energy.

Since Su Zhe broke through that day and his physique reached 50 points, Su Zhe's physique improvement speed has slowed down. One of the reasons is that Su Zhe spent less time practicing physical training, so the speed was relatively slowed down. This is one aspect of it.

Another reason is that since the physique broke through to 50 points, the effect of the first form of body training is much weaker than before the breakthrough.

So after more than half a month, Su Zhe's physique was only 55 points, which was only increased by 5 points.

Although the number of physique has only increased by 5 points, the increase in his strength is not low. When his physique was at 50 points before, he could punch 1000kg with one punch, but now Su Zhe with 55 points of physique can punch 1200kg, which is a full increase of 200kg.

These numbers were obtained by Su Zhe himself after a simple test. Although the accuracy is not very high, it is enough for Su Zhe to roughly estimate his own strength.

It takes about 3 hours to practice the first form of the physical exercise completely, and it needs to consume 500 points of divine power. It is only when Su Zhe's physique reaches 50 points that he can complete the practice once.

Su Zhe, who is full of energy, can only rely on cultivation to pass the time and consume his energy.

Su Zhe has practiced the first form of body training countless times. So Su Zhe remembered every move and every move in the first form clearly.

Su Zhe's movements were continuous and skillful, and looked pleasing to the eye.

If you look at each movement in the first exercise of the body training exercise separately, it will feel very simple. But when you practice together, it will look very complicated, and you will find that the changes in the first form are very subtle.

Su Zhe, who has devoted himself to cultivating, sometimes seems to be full of loopholes in his movements, as if he is weak and not frightened. But in the blink of an eye, his movements are full of power, every punch, palm, and kick reveals a mighty power, which makes people daunting.

It gives people the illusion that two different people are practicing two completely different sets of exercises. But it is obvious that only Su Zhe is practicing the first form, so it makes people think very contradictory. It looks weird and hard to get used to.

And if someone is here and wants to imitate Su Zhe, they will find that if they just follow Su Zhe casually, there is nothing wrong. But as long as you take it seriously and want to learn the first form, you will find that the more you look at it, the more chaotic your thinking becomes, as if it is a mental disorder. And in the end, you will find that you have not recorded a single action.

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