Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1186 Are you injured?

The efficiency of these personnel who assist the masked woman in handling the scene is very high.

The body of the giant tortoise was quickly transported to the transport truck, and the broken armor scattered on the ground was also found and brought back one by one.

Even the surrounding environment destroyed by the giant turtle has been restored one by one, including the deep pits smashed by the giant turtle, which have now been filled in. The environment that was ravaged due to the battle has been restored to its original state.

If you are not a professional, you will not notice anything strange when you come here, nor will you think that there was a fierce fight just now. After restoration, it will be exactly the same as the usual seaside, and there will be basically nothing. different.

And the time it takes for all this is very short and very efficient.

Obviously, these personnel are professionals in this field, and have dealt with similar incidents many times, so they are so skilled and can restore the damaged environment around them in such a short period of time.

After everything was done, a middle-aged man who seemed to be leading the team came to the masked woman and reported: "The scene has been processed. Except for some particularly broken tortoise shells, everything else has been found, so the sand pits have been filled. draw."

The masked girl just nodded, and then said: "Collect the team and transport them back to the base."

After that, the masked woman didn't say anything else, but turned back to her car and drove away.

It is estimated that this middle-aged man is already accustomed to the personality of the masked woman, so he has no reaction or dissatisfaction with her coldness. He has become accustomed to it.

So the middle-aged man followed the masked woman's words and it seemed that all the personnel were now ready to take the team back.

After these people left, the seaside became silent again, with only the sound of rolling waves. There were no more strange noises.

If someone came here at this time, it is probably impossible to guess what happened here, because there is no trace left at all.

It is estimated that even if Su Zhe comes back here again. You may think you are in the wrong place.

Because the time used in this process is too short, the efficiency is amazing. Totally unexpected.

But Su Zhe would not return for no reason. He didn't even know that the masked woman had gone to the beach and took the giant turtle's body with her.

At this moment,

He was still thinking if the giant turtle was discovered, would it cause a sensation to the outside world, would the news leak out, and would the beach tomorrow be temporarily blocked by relevant departments. Just like the top of the mountain last time.

In fact, what Su Zhe was most worried about was whether his identity would be discovered and whether anyone would know that he did this.

Because he doesn't want to be famous yet, doesn't want to bring endless trouble to himself, and doesn't want to be regarded as Ultraman who destroys monsters, so he is most worried that his identity will be exposed.

However, Su Zhe thought that his identity would not be exposed. After all, he did not meet anyone when he left just now, so no one should see him.

Think about it this way. He felt much more at ease.

In fact, what Su Zhe is worried about now is a bit unnecessary.

This is because he doesn't know the masked woman and them yet. The scene has been covered up, and even the giant turtle's body has been brought back to their base, so ordinary people will not know about it.

Therefore, Su Zhe need not worry that his identity will be exposed.

Of course, this is because he left too quickly and didn't know what happened next, so he was worried like this.

If Su Zhe knew that the masked woman appeared at the scene, he would probably be even more confused. I would also like to know more about her identity.

When Su Zhe went back, he drove very fast.

so. Soon he returned to the community with the two dragon turtles, after confirming that there was no one around. He let the two dragon turtles out of the car and let them return home.

Because Su Zhe knew that the little dragon turtle was injured, that's why he was so anxious to come back now. He wanted to treat it as soon as possible.

Su Zhe had just walked in with two dragon turtles and was about to treat the little dragon turtles when An Xin walked down.

"Ah! Why are you bleeding? Are you injured?" An Xin couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw Su Zhe.

There was no way. Su Zhe's clothes were stained with blood at this time. It looked like he had shed a lot of blood, so An Xin was frightened.

Su Zhe took a look at his clothes and saw that there were indeed blood stains everywhere.

However, these blood stains were not his, but the blood of the giant turtle, which was only splashed on his clothes during the battle.

Although the battle between Su Zhe and the dragon turtle was very fierce just now, the giant turtle only got beaten during the whole process and did not hurt him at all.

So in the battle just now, he was not injured from the beginning to the end. It was just that during this battle, he consumed a lot of energy, and now he just feels a little tired.

"Don't worry, these bloodstains are not mine. Dragon Turtle and I went fishing in the sea just now, but we didn't handle the fish well, so it splashed all over ourselves, so the blood on our clothes is all fish blood." Su Zhe Quickly explain to An Xin so as not to worry her.

Although Su Zhe was not injured, he still did not plan to tell anything about the giant turtle now.

Because this kind of thing sounded dangerous, and he didn't want An Xin to know, so he made an excuse.

An Xin did not doubt Su Zhe's words, because the blood on his clothes did not look like human blood, but was somewhat similar to fish blood.

So she was relieved when she saw that Su Zhe was not injured, but she still asked uneasily: "Then are you injured yourself?"

"I'm not injured, but the little dragon turtle was scratched by a stone, so I plan to treat it." Su Zhe shook his head and said.

"Is Little Dragon Turtle's injury serious?" An Xin was still very concerned about Little Dragon Turtle's injury.

"As long as I'm here, there will be no problem, don't worry!" Su Zhe said confidently.

An Xin relaxed a lot and said, "That's good. I'll get you clothes first. After you treat the little dragon turtle, you can take a bath."

"Okay, thank you." Su Zhe replied.

After saying that, he stopped wasting time and immediately checked the little dragon turtle's wounds, preparing to start treating it to prevent the injury from getting worse and causing an uncontrollable situation.

Because the little dragon turtle was injured by the giant turtle, and the giant turtle was infected with the death energy, Su Zhe did not dare to be careless about this matter.

Even though he has divine power, he doesn't dare to be too arrogant when it comes to dealing with death energy.

Now it is necessary to treat the little dragon turtle's injury as soon as possible so that he can relax. (To be continued)

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