Urban Supreme System

Chapter 119 The World Is Really Small

However, Su Zhe saw that the girl was in good spirits, full of vitality, and she didn't look like she was sick. Because Su Zhe didn't know how to see a doctor, he was not so sure, so he asked Ling Ruoxue.

"No, I just took the girl to check her body. She is not sick." Ling Ruoxue explained.

The girl was exchanged by Su Zhe from the pet exchange mall, and she was originally the best individual of the same breed. And when the girl was just exchanged, Su Zhe also used divine power to help the girl grow up, and by the way, slightly strengthened and improved the girl.

So the possibility of the girl getting sick is relatively small, it's just that Ling Ruoxue, who cares about the girl, takes the girl out for regular checkups.

Since Yu Xuanhao gave her the girl, she would often take the girl to the pet hospital for physical examination, or do pet care for the girl.

Since Yu Suyi also introduced Su Chong's House to Ling Ruoxue, Ling Ruoxue and Yu Suyi would often come to Su Chong's House with their pets

And in the end Ling Ruoxue also learned from Yu Suyi that the boss of Su Chong's House is Su Zhe.

From then on, Ling Ruoxue came more frequently, even if Yu Suyi didn't have time to come, Ling Ruoxue would bring the girl over by herself, it can be said that she would come once a day.

So it's not surprising that Su Zhe met Ling Ruoxue at Su Chong's House. It was not easy for Ling Ruoxue to meet Su Zhe at Su Chong's home. Ling Ruoxue has been to Su Chong's House so many times, and it was the first time she met Su Zhe at Su Chong's House today.

Sometimes Ling Ruoxue wondered whether Su Zhe opened Su Chong's House. If Ling Ruoxue hadn't reconfirmed from the employees of Su Chong's House that their boss is Su Zhe, she would definitely think that Yu Suyi lied to her.

Ling Ruoxue has never seen a boss like Su Zhe, and for so long, Ling Ruoxue has not seen Su Zhe come to take a look and care about her business.

In fact, Ling Ruoxue wronged Su Zhe. In fact, although Su Zhe didn't come to Su Chong's House often, he would come to Su Chong's House 2 to 3 times a month.

Although every time he came here to deliver healing potions, at least Su Zhe had been to Su Chong's House. It's not like Ling Ruoxue thought, she never came during this period of time.

It's just that every time Su Zhe came, he handed the healing potion to Li Hua, talked to Li Hua for a few words, and then left. He didn't stay in Su Chong's home for long.

Because every time Su Zhe came to Su Chong's house, either Ling Ruoxue hadn't come yet, or Ling Ruoxue had already left with the girl. So Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue have never met each other, and they met for the first time at Su Chong's House until today.

"Su Zhe, thank you. I like girl very much. With her, I feel that every day is much more fun." Ling Ruoxue said sincerely.

If Yu Xuanhao was here, he would definitely be fighting for himself. This is simply too unfair, the girl was given to Ling Ruoxue by Yu Xuanhao, and it cost him 8 million to get the girl. But now Ling Ruoxue is thanking Su Zhe, which is too unfair to Yu Xuanhao.

"Thank me for what, Yu Xuanhao gave it to you, it's none of my business." Su Zhe smiled, he also didn't understand why Ling Ruoxue wanted to thank him, and he didn't give the girl to Ling Ruoxue, and he At that time, Yatou and another eagle bulldog were sold to Yu Xuanhao at a price of 1600W. It can be said that Yatou earned 800W.

"Anyway, thank you. If it weren't for you, my cousin wouldn't have had the chance to give me a girl. And you saved me twice. I haven't had the chance to thank you yet.

" Ling Ruoxue said, she kept a natural smile all the time.

Su Zhe actually admires Ling Ruoxue's mentality. It seems that no matter what happens, Ling Ruoxue can face and welcome it optimistically.

Every time Su Zhe sees Ling Ruoxue, she always keeps smiling, as if by her side, you always feel the sunshine. So Su Zhe has always liked Ling Ruoxue's smile, and felt that it was the most beautiful part of Ling Ruoxue, not her appearance, but her smile. A very natural, people feel a smile from the heart.

Knowing that her time was numbered, Ling Ruoxue never complained, nor accepted her fate pessimistically. Instead, I plan to take advantage of the last time to take a look at the beautiful world.

It was also that time that Su Zhe who happened to pass by rescued Ling Ruoxue.

If Su Zhe hadn't just passed by, perhaps Ling Ruoxue would no longer exist now. So Ling Ruoxue has been grateful to Su Zhe since that day.

But it was a pity that Ling Ruoxue, who was in a coma at that time, did not see Su Zhe's appearance. This was her biggest regret at that time.

What she wanted most at the time was to find Su Zhe before she passed away when the disease relapsed, and at least let her say thank you to Su Zhe.

But her family has never been able to find Su Zhe, and there is no news of Su Zhe. Ling Ruoxue, who was full of hope, occasionally felt a little disappointed in her heart as time passed day by day. I began to think that it was impossible for me to have the opportunity to meet Su Zhe.

In fact, at that time Su Zhe did not expect that he would see Ling Ruoxue again, and even use his divine power to save her again.

Sometimes I have to say that the world is really small. Su Zhe saved Yu Suyi's pet Xiao Jin, and the hospital where An Xuan was sick happened to be run by Yu Xuanhao's family. As a result, Yu Xuanhao guessed that Su Zhe was very good at curing diseases, and told Yu Suyi about this guess.

After Yu Suyi knew the news, she happened to meet Su Zhe outside, and she also drove Su Zhe to Su Chong's home, and finally said that she hoped that Su Zhe would help her save her cousin.

Su Zhe agreed to Yu Suyi and followed Yu Suyi to her aunt's house.

Before seeing Ling Ruoxue, Su Zhe would never have thought that the person Yu Suyi wanted to save was the person who passed out on the side of the road and was rescued by him. Before this, neither Su Zhe nor Ling Ruoxue thought that they would meet again by fate, so sometimes the world is really small.

In the end, Su Zhe not only cured Ling Ruoxue's illness, but also allowed her to live a normal life.

And when Su Zhe told her that her illness could be cured, Ling Ruoxue asked Su Zhe a question.

Originally, Su Zhe thought that Ling Ruoxue would ask if she could really recover, or when she would be fully recovered. In the end, she didn't expect that what Ling Ruoxue asked was, would she have a chance to see him again in the future?

Su Zhe was really a little stunned by Ling Ruoxue's question at that time, he didn't expect Ling Ruoxue to ask this question. Su Zhe felt that Ling Ruoxue seemed to take her life and death very lightly, as if she didn't care what her final result would be. This is what Su Zhe admired Ling Ruoxue. Few people can be as indifferent as Ling Ruoxue. Facing life and death.

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