Urban Supreme System

Chapter 122 Baby's Dad

Ling Ruoxue, who was following Su Zhe, was in a panic. She felt as if she was going to her parents, and she was a little overwhelmed, feeling like a deer bumping around.

Well, this is entirely Ling Ruoxue's overthinking. Su Zhe really just took her home for a light meal, it was as simple as that, and had no other meaning.

"Su Zhe, are your parents also at home?" Ling Ruoxue was confused, so she wanted to find a topic. And she also wanted to know whether Su Zhe lived by himself or with his parents before going to Su Zhe's house.

"My parents are gone, they had a car accident two years ago." Su Zhe said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Ling Ruoxue was full of apologies, and when she mentioned Su Zhe's sadness, she was very disturbed.

"It's okay." His parents had passed away for more than two years, no matter how sad they were, they let it go now, perhaps it was buried deep in his heart. Just mentioning it again will still make him a little sad.


Accidentally mentioned Su Zhe's sadness, Ling Ruoxue didn't dare to speak casually anymore. Fortunately, she arrived at Su Zhe's house soon, and Ling Ruoxue temporarily forgot about it.

The baby ran out of the room when he heard the door open. Because outsiders rarely come to Su Zhe's house, the smart baby knows that Su Zhe is back.

Su Zhe picked up the baby and said, "Are you being naughty today? Did you listen to sister An Xin? And what are you doing in your room?"

"The baby is very obedient, not naughty at all, the baby is watching An Xuan's sister studying in the room, the baby didn't disturb An Xuan's sister's study, the baby is very obedient sitting next to her, and didn't say a word." The baby replied solemnly Dao, in order to make Su Zhe believe her words, he even patted his own small chest to increase the credibility of what she said.

Ling Ruoxue, who saw the baby for the first time, couldn't help laughing at the baby's weird appearance.

Ling Ruoxue looked at the baby carefully, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked the cute little elf. She asked, "Su Zhe, is this little sister your daughter or your sister?"

After hearing Ling Ruoxue's words, Su Zhe couldn't help being a little ridiculous. Is he really that old looking? Why do so many people think that the baby is his daughter, but it is also sad that others will think so, because the baby is only 4 years old, and there is a difference of 18 years between him and Su Zhe.

That's why many people think that the baby is Su Zhe's daughter, instead of thinking that the baby is his sister. After all, there are very few brothers and sisters with such a big age difference, and it is not uncommon for Su Zhe to have a daughter at such a young age.

Su Zhe hasn't opened his mouth to explain to Ling Ruoxue that the baby is just his sister, not his daughter. The baby answered first: "Hi sister, the baby is dad's daughter, the baby likes dad the most."

I don't know what's wrong with the baby, but in front of Ling Ruoxue, since the baby called Su Zhe his father, this has never happened before.

"Where did the baby's mother go?"

"The baby only has a father, the mother doesn't want the baby, the baby has no mother." The baby was still smiling and greeted Ling Ruoxue at first, but when Ling Ruoxue asked about her mother, the baby's eyes gradually turned red and tears began to overflow , The voice of speaking is also crying.

"I'm sorry, it's my sister's fault, baby, stop crying, okay?" As soon as the baby cried, Ling Ruoxue was at a loss. She knew that she had said something wrong, and kept apologizing to Su Zhe and the baby.

It's okay, none of your business. Su Zhe shook his head, signaling Ling Ruoxue not to be nervous.

It was just beginning,

When the baby called Su Zhe his father in front of Ling Ruoxue, Su Zhe wanted to correct the baby, but now that the baby cried so suddenly, his heart softened. Just follow the meaning of the baby.

As long as the baby likes it, being called Su Zhe's father and brother are the same, as long as the baby is happy, it's just a title, why bother so much.

Su Zhe, An Xin and the others would try to avoid mentioning the baby's parents in front of the baby, so as not to remind the baby of unpleasant things.

However, Ling Ruoxue, who didn't know it, asked her where her mother was in front of the baby today, which aroused the baby's longing.

Su Zhe gently wiped away the baby's tears, and said next to her ear, "Daddy's favorite baby, why are you crying?"

"Well, the baby likes daddy the most, and the baby didn't cry." After listening to Su Zhe's words, the baby tried hard not to shed tears, and her little nose was still twitching.

At this moment, An Xin, who was cooking in the kitchen, and An Xuan, who was studying in the room, both came out.

An Xuan called Ling Ruoxue her sister, said hello, and went into the room to continue studying. The baby also came down from Su Zhe's arms and followed An Xuan into the room.

And An Xin, who was wearing an apron, smiled and said, "Hi, my name is An Xin, is this Miss Ling?"

"Sister Xin, hello, just call me Ruoxue, sorry to bother you."

"Don't bother, you sit down first, the food will be ready soon, I'll go in first."

"Sister Xin, do you need my help?" Ling Ruoxue said, she was a little embarrassed.

"No, it will be ready soon. You and Su Zhe chat in the living room first, and you can eat right away." An Xin said hastily. If there are guests who come to the house for the first time to help, An Xin will not do it no matter how busy she is. do it. What's more, making an ordinary lunch is a very simple matter for An Xin, and it can be done easily.

Su Zhe asked Ling Ruoxue to sit on the sofa first, and then asked: "What do you want to drink, tea, orange juice, cola, or iced black tea?"

"Clear water is fine, thank you." Ling Ruoxue said.

Su Zhe nodded, went to get a clean cup, poured a glass of boiled water, and handed it to Ling Ruoxue.

Ling Ruoxue took Su Zhe's cup with both hands, and after she put it to her mouth and took a sip of water, she put the cup in her hand on the tea table in front of her.

Su Zhe sat across from Ling Ruoxue, and he didn't know what the two of them were thinking, so they didn't speak. Afterwards, Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue became silent again, neither of them had anything to say.

Originally, both Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue are people who don't talk much and are not good at communicating with others. Both of them are somewhat introverted for some reason, and they like to close themselves up.

Ling Ruoxue's inner heart is because of congenital heart disease, so she rarely has the chance to be like a normal person. It seems to be repeating the same thing every day, treatment, and then rest.

Ling Ruoxue's life has been going on in this cycle, unchanged, and she lacks opportunities to communicate with other peers. Although Ling Ruoxue is naturally optimistic, she is still somewhat introverted and can't communicate with others.

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