Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1230 Resurrection from the Dead

At the end of the game, when I thought the winner was about to be decided, something dramatic happened. [][^^Library]

Since No. 22 and No. 46 floated up at the same time, the two bettas were motionless. All these signs indicated that both bettas had died in the battle.

Since the two fighting fishes died together in the end, this has never happened in previous competitions.

Even clubs that have held many competitions have never encountered this kind of thing.

Although it has happened before that a Douyu champion died after a game, but that was because the injury was too serious and he died after the game.

Instead of like now, the two bettas died directly in battle.

After all, no matter whether it is No. 46 or No. 22, people are betting. If the club declares one of them to be the champion, the people on the other side will be dissatisfied.

And if No. 46 and No. 22 are both champions, then the club will have to pay money to both parties, which will cause the club to lose a lot of money for nothing.

Regardless of the other option, it will be difficult for the club to choose.

They neither want to increase their losses nor offend the club members.

And now this situation is something that no one can predict.

Therefore, for a moment, everyone in the scene was dumbfounded and stared at the fish pond.

However, even if the two betta fish died, they still did not let go and kept biting each other, which shows how desperate they were just now.

The club staff also hurriedly contacted the senior management to ask for instructions on how to handle the current situation.

Many of the people present were powerful people. The staff did not dare to make them dissatisfied or offend them, and they could not make their own decisions and cause the club to suffer losses. Read the full text of the latest chapter

So in this situation, we can only ask the superiors for instructions and let them decide how to handle this matter.

"It seems that this bet is a tie. No one loses and no one wins." Zheng Yan turned around and said to Su Zhe.

However, his tone was obviously unwilling, as if he was not satisfied with the current situation.

Originally Zheng Yan thought he had brought these two fighting fish.

Meeting Su Zhe here again made him think that he could win this time with these two fighting fishes.

After all, these two betta fish are products from the laboratory, and their fighting power is much more powerful than ordinary betta fish.

so. Zheng Yan initially thought that his chances of winning were very high. Only with this certainty would he bet with Su Zhe.

But unexpectedly, Su Zhe and his Douyu died together in the end.

Because Su Zhe said that as long as his Douyu fails to win the championship of the Fish King Competition, he will lose, and if not, Zheng Yan will lose.

But now the fighting fish of Su Zhe and Zheng Yan are both dead. It can be said that they are double champions, or they can be said to be no champions.

so. Zheng Yan would say that the two were tied, neither losing nor winning.

However, after hearing this, Su Zhe showed a meaningful smile.

After he smiled softly, he said: "That's not necessarily the case!"

These words made Zheng Yan frown and make him a little confused. In this situation, no one is the winner, so why is Su Zhe still so confident and smiling so weirdly.

Just as the club is discussing how to deal with the current situation. The originally peaceful fish pond suddenly began to fluctuate.

There was some movement suddenly where No. 46 and No. 22 were.

The betta fish, which had been biting each other tightly, suddenly separated at this moment. And the movement in the water is getting louder and louder.

Under everyone's gaze, No. 22 remained motionless, but at this moment, No. 46 suddenly turned over, and its body began to shake slowly. Now that it has begun to come alive.

"It's alive. It's risen from the dead."

"I saw it, it's not dead, it's a miracle!"

"I knew it was destined to win. How could it die? I guessed it right."

As No. 46 "resurrected from the dead", the atmosphere at the scene began to erupt, and exclamations continued to sound.

The club staff were relieved to see that No. 46 was not dead. Today's game was really ups and downs, making people's hearts feel like they were on a roller coaster.

Although I was shocked, I still had a close call in the end.

The current situation is the best result for the club. At least there is no need to lose the gambling funds of both parties.

Moreover, the club will make money from this. Although No. 46 is a dark horse with high odds, because Su Zhe is not well-known in the Douyu circle, the people who bet on No. 46 are Very few.

Therefore, the club can make a lot of money this time as the banker, so now is the best situation. Of course, this is for whoever comes to the club.

Zheng Yan, for example, really didn't want to see this happen.

When No. 46 started to move, his face began to look ugly.

When Liu Xiong saw that No. 46 was not dead, he, who had always been calm, became very excited at this time: "Su Zhe, did you see that No. 46 is not dead? It is not dead. You won the tournament."

Su Zhe smiled slightly, turned to Zheng Yan and said, "Oh! It seems that I won the game."

"Congratulations on winning the game, and also winning the bet between you and me." Zheng Yan did not fall out, but quickly put on a smiling face.

For him, he couldn't be angry at this time, otherwise, it would be even more embarrassing, which would be even more embarrassing. He would not do this.

Therefore, in order to maintain his demeanor, Zheng Yan tried his best to fake a smile and act very grand.

But only Zheng Yan himself knew what he was thinking.

"Thank you, then. It seems that I can keep my Ferrari. You, the Zheng family, are kind enough to give me another car. I'm really embarrassed." Su Zhe deliberately reminded Zheng Yan about the car.

He wasn't worried that Zheng Yan would deny his credit, it was just a car, so Zheng Yan couldn't afford to lose.

If Zheng Yan really refused to admit it, it would be even more embarrassing than losing a car. If this kind of thing spreads, it will be even more looked down upon.

So Zheng Yan would not do this. The reason why Su Zhe said this now was just to provoke Zheng Yan deliberately.

"It's just a car. I'll have someone transfer it to your name right away." No matter how good Zheng Yan's disguise was, there was still a trace of resentment in his eyes.

In fact, Su Zhe was not surprised at all when No. 46 suddenly came to life.

Because he sensed from the beginning that No. 46 was not dead, but still alive, that's why he was so confident and not worried at all.

And his induction was not wrong, No. 46 was indeed alive. xh118

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