Urban Supreme System

Chapter 124 Taking a Nap

Although having a pistachio like a baby is a lot more fun. However, the quiet and introverted Ling Ruoxue came to Su Zhe's house for the first time, not to mention the two sisters An Xin and An Xuan, even Su Zhe, Ling Ruoxue only met a few times.

Therefore, Ling Ruoxue, who was quiet and introverted, seemed a little cramped here and couldn't let go.

After eating, Ling Ruoxue sat at Su Zhe's house for a while, and she proposed to go over.

Although Su Zhe is not very good at communicating with people, Su Zhe still understands the basics of dealing with people. So Ling Ruoxue was leaving, so Su Zhe took her out for a ride.

But along the way, Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue were still taciturn and did not speak.

They went all the way to the intersection, and Su Zhe stopped a car. After Ling Ruoxue got into the car, Su Zhe just said a word: "See you next time."

From the beginning to the end, Su Zhe only said this sentence.

After Ling Ruoxue's car drove away, Su Zhe turned around and went back.

When Su Zhe arrived home, An Xin had just washed the dishes, walked out of the kitchen, and asked, "Did Ruoxue go back?"

"I just went back by car." Su Zhe nodded and said.

After that, An Xin didn't ask any more questions. In fact, An Xin was also a little curious. After all, An Xin has been coming to Su Zhe's house for a long time, but An Xin rarely sees Su Zhe bringing friends to the house, let alone bringing a female friend to the house.

An Xin has been here for so long, with all her plans, and she only saw Liu Xiong come here once.

And that time Su Zhe was drunk and Liu Xiong sent him back.

So this time Su Zhe suddenly brought Ling Ruoxue to his house for dinner, An Xin felt a little curious, wanting to know the relationship between Ling Ruoxue and Su Zhe.

But although she was curious, she was not a nosy person, so she didn't ask Su Zhe.

After tidying up the dining table, An Xin took off her apron and went upstairs.

Except for Su Zhe, everyone in this family has started to develop a habit of going back to their room to take a nap after lunch.

After a full meal, taking a nap is the most comfortable thing.

Su Zhe came to the door of the baby's room. Sure enough, as expected, the baby was already hugging a doll that was the same size as her, and fell asleep soundly and soundly.

The baby fell asleep, so Su Zhe naturally wouldn't go in and disturb her sleep. Su Zhe looked at the door for a while, then left.

Everyone is asleep, even the little snow dragon and the sulcata tortoise are lying in their nests, fast asleep. Su Zhe felt bored by himself, so he went back to his room.

Originally, Su Zhe wanted to play with the computer and surf the Internet. But when Su Zhe wanted to turn on the computer, he remembered it. On the night when he got the supreme system, the computer in Su Zhe's room was struck by lightning together with him, and his computer was completely scrapped at that time.

At that time, after Su Zhe found out that the computer was scrapped, he still felt distressed for a long time. This computer is Su Zhe's first computer. He used to do part-time jobs to earn money when his parents were still alive, and he saved it for a long time before buying it. Because his idea at the time was to spend more money to buy a better computer, so that it could last longer and the configuration would not be easy to fall behind.

So although this computer has been used for almost three years, and the configuration is no longer high-end, this computer is still enough for him to accept tasks online to make money and do game leveling.

Although he didn't make a lot of money, after other income was filled in the mortgage and his sister's tuition, the money he earned from this game power leveling was enough for him to maintain his family and solve the troubles of eating.

Because this computer was one of Su Zhe's sources of income at that time, it was very important to Su Zhe. Moreover, this computer is of great significance to Su Zhe. After all, this is the first computer he owns, and he bought it entirely by his own ability. After using it for several years, he already has some feelings.

So after Su Zhe confirmed that this computer was scrapped and could not be saved, he felt a little distressed and reluctant.

However, although the computer in the room was scrapped by the lightning strike, Su Zhe, who was also struck by the lightning, got the supreme system. Therefore, it is said that if you lose your horse, you will know that it is not a blessing, and you can be sure about the things in this world.

During this period of time, when Su Zhe needed to use the computer, he always used the computer in Su Yuxin's room. And because he doesn't need to do online game boosting to make money, Su Zhe seldom needs to use a computer anymore. So for a while, Su Zhe forgot that the computer was broken, and he didn't think of it until now when he wanted to play with the computer in the room.

I originally wanted to spend time online in the room, but the computer has broken down, so it is impossible now.

Although the computer in Su Yuxin's room can still be played, but the baby is taking a nap in it, if she goes in to play with the computer and makes some noise, it would be bad to wake the baby up, Su Zhe naturally would not do such a thing.

The bored Su Zhe could only lie on the bed and play with his mobile phone. Su Zhe was asked to go out to find programs, not to mention that Su Zhe didn't like going out very much. And now at this time, the weather is so hot, the temperature is so high, there is no important thing, it is impossible for Su Zhe to go out.

Su Zhe went out this morning because he needed to deliver the magical potion to Su Chong's House, and he needed to discuss with Li Hua about opening a branch, so Su Zhe went out, and the morning was not as hot as it is now.

In fact, Su Zhe didn't suddenly decide to open another Su Chong's House today. This was something Su Zhe had already considered before, and it was only recently that he made a decision.

Now Su Chong's Home can provide 300 to 400 points every day, and now it can also meet the needs of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory.

But this is just that Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory is still developing new drugs, and has not really started producing drugs, and the demand is not that great.

But even if it is now in the stage of developing new drugs, Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory needs a lot of healing potions, so that Su Zhe gets points from Su Chong's House every day and converts them into healing potions to barely satisfy Changhua Pharmaceutical factory.

This left Su Zhe with no extra points to exchange for animals and sell them to Su Chong's Home. Forget it, if Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory successfully develops new drugs, the need for healing potions will definitely double.

So at that time, Su Zhe began to think of ways to increase the speed of gaining points.

But more than 300 points per day can be said to be the limit of the operation of Su Chong's House. The scale of Su Chong's House is so large, and the number of customers it can accept every day is already fixed. Unless it was Su Zhe who used the healing potion to treat the animals, otherwise, it would be impossible to use any method. If there is any significant increase in the source of customers, even if it can be improved, it will not increase the points.

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