Urban Supreme System

Chapter 126 Su Zhe's past

Although the baby's body temperature is normal, Su Zhe is still a little worried. The consequences of a child's illness can be large or small. The baby is still young, so even if he feels uncomfortable, he may not say it.

So Su Zhe grabbed the baby's hand and tried to transfer his divine power to the baby.

Su Zhe was relieved after being tested by divine power.

Although the baby's body responds to the divine power, it shows the feeling of wanting to absorb it. But it's not particularly strong, it's normal.

Although healthy people can also absorb divine power, their reaction is not so strong. Only sick people will have a strong feeling, the more serious the disease, the greater the reaction to the divine power.

Now it seems that the baby is not sick and looks very healthy.

Su Zhe breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was not sick, he didn't care too much. He thought it might be because the baby was tired from playing, and now he was listless.

During the meal, the baby is still not in the same spirit. It's not the same as before, it seems that there are endless things to say. He just hugged his small bowl and ate silently.

Maybe the baby is bored at home. It seems that I need to find some time to take the baby out to play outside. Looking at the baby, Su Zhe thought.


After dinner, An Xuan went back to her room to study, while An Xin was bathing the baby, while Su Zhe stayed in the room alone.

Su Zhe sat on the bed, leaning against the head of the bed.

He accidentally glanced at the computer on the computer table, and suddenly thought that he should assemble a computer for himself.

Sometimes it is really inconvenient if there is no computer in the room. Whenever Su Zhe wanted to use the computer, he had to go to Su Yuxin's room.

Occasionally, it’s okay once or twice, but in the long run, it’s still necessary to install an extra computer in the room.

Otherwise, during the day like today, because the baby is taking a nap in the room, it is not possible to play on the computer to kill time.

When you find time, go outside to assemble the computer, or buy accessories directly online, or assemble it yourself.

A computer should also be built for Anxuan, as she sometimes needs to look up some study materials online.

Su Zhe was thinking about buying a laptop for An Xuan, but when it was still a desktop, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the caller ID on the phone screen and the familiar name on it, Su Zhe himself didn't know what it was like.

As for feelings, Su Zhe is a person who can't let go of them, so he won't lift up a feeling easily. And once he gave his feelings, he would never let go.

But after Su Zhe gave all his feelings, Shu Muyu suddenly left him.

At that time, Shu Muyu's departure made Su Zhe's life seem to lose color, and his world suddenly turned gray.

All of his strength was shattered at once, and at that moment he felt the despair he had never had before.

Even when he was 10 years old, he was wrongly accused of stealing while living on the street, no one believed that he was innocent, and he did not feel hopeless.

Everyone was insulting him, how harsh and mean the words were, but he didn't despair, he still endured it.

A large group of people surrounded him and beat him non-stop. Several big men beat and kicked him.

There are also several children who are about the same age as him at that time,

Although the adults were doing "business", the children did not dare to approach him, but they also spat at him not far away, and some children threw small stones at him.

Although he is small, he has great strength. Those small stones hit Su Zhe very painfully.

Although the parents of these children are by their side, although they don't let the children get close to Su Zhe, they don't restrain their children's behavior, but let them do what they want.

In the eyes of these parents, as long as the children don't get close, it's fine, and other things are up to the children.

It's no big deal to hit a thieving beggar, a waif without a father or a mother.

In the end, Su Zhesheng was beaten so badly that he fell to the ground involuntarily.

Although Su Zhe had already fallen to the ground, his head was bleeding, his body was covered with wounds, and he became powerless.

But they didn't feel relieved yet, and they still didn't let Su Zhe go.

It seems that Su Zhe committed the heinous crime of anger and hatred. They represented the party of justice and came to punish Su Zhe, doing justice for the heavens.

Even at the end, one person felt that kicking Su Zhe was not enough. He searched for it on the ground, and within a short time, a big stone was found for him.

The man took the big stone and walked to Su Zhe's side.

He raised the big rock high above his head, then slammed it down on Su Zhe's hand.

Immediately, Su Zhe's palm became bloody and bloody, and the blood flowed a lot.

Su Zhe saw it before the stone fell, but he had no strength to move his hand to avoid the stone, so he could only watch the stone hit his palm hard.

The ten fingers connected to the heart, and the pain that went deep into the bone marrow made Su Zhe's body shrink back. He just let out a muffled groan, and he had no strength to cry out.

In fact, the "righteous men" who are doing justice for the heavens, don't think about whether they really need to do this?

What was missing was just a few buns. Is it necessary to teach Su Zhe a lesson like this? Let alone Su Zhe did not take their buns, even if Su Zhe did take their buns, there is no need to punish Su Zhe like this!

In fact, many of the people who were beating Su Zhe here didn't even understand the matter, and didn't know what they had lost.

It was just because of a call from the victim that he came over to fight Su Zhe without even asking the matter clearly.

In fact, Su Zhe did not lie, he did not go to get the buns, and of course the victim did miss a few buns.

But these buns were not taken by Su Zhe, but Su Zhe knew why they disappeared.

At that time, the steaming hot meat buns really attracted the hungry Su Zhe, making Su Zhe unable to leave.

Although Su Zhe wanted to eat it very much, but he didn't have any money with him, so it was impossible to get it.

At that time, Su Zhe was too hungry to walk, so he simply didn't leave, and stayed in a corner not far from the steamed stuffed bun stand.

Even if you can't eat it, it's nice to smell the aroma. With this thought in mind, Su Zhe really stayed in the corner for a long time.

At that time, he never imagined that such a thing would happen later.

At that time, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun stall, because he wanted some change for the customers, put the steamed stuffed bun in his hand aside and turned around to look for change.

As a result, when I turned it around again, two of the buns were gone.

The boss clearly remembered that he put the steamed stuffed bun next to him. He remembered that there were 3 steamed stuffed buns, but now there was only one. It was obvious that someone took the stuffed stuffed bun while he was not paying attention.

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