Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1279 Good news one after another

Domestic sales of Joint Spirit reached 1.5 million tablets on the first day.

The sales abroad were twice as high as this, with 2.5 million pills sold on the first day.

Domestic sales, plus the seven drug agent countries, have reached four million pills on the first day, which can be said to be a good start.

Such achievements excited everyone at Changhua Pharmaceutical.

Even Su Zhe is very satisfied with this result. This is only the first day of launch. The sales of Joint Spirit are already so good. The potential for development is unlimited.

Of course, Joint Spirit's performance is not too abnormal and is within a reasonable range.

After all, the efficacy of the drugs launched one after another by Changhua Pharmaceutical is obvious to all, which has indirectly increased its popularity and made patients feel reassured. In the hearts of patients, the drugs launched by Changhua Pharmaceutical are completely trustable.

Therefore, Joint Lingcai has such good sales volume only on the first day of sales. This is all due to the reputation of Changhua Pharmaceutical.

Moreover, arthritis is a complex musculoskeletal disease and one of the most common human diseases in the world. It can be divided into dozens of types, and Joint Spirit can treat all arthritis.

Among them, rheumatoid arthritis causes the most serious damage to patients, and Joint Spirit has a significant therapeutic effect on it.

According to statistics, there are more than 300 million arthritis patients in China alone, and even a conservative estimate of the number of arthritis patients worldwide is 1.2 billion. This is a very huge market.

That’s why Joint Spirit was able to achieve such good sales results on the first day.

Four million pieces were sold in one day, and that was just the first-day sales. In the next few days, sales gradually increased.

This is because the effect of Joint Spirit is so good that you can know its effect immediately after using it.

Although in a short time. Patients still don’t know to what extent the therapeutic effect of Joint Ling can be achieved. Can achieve a radical cure effect.

But at the very least, when arthritis attacks, taking a piece of Joint Spirit can relieve the pain and even achieve complete analgesic effect, allowing the patient to temporarily stop suffering from the pain, and no side effects are found.

Just having this effect,

That’s enough for many people to choose Joint Spirit.

And there are similar drugs on the market. Either it's too troublesome, it's too expensive, or it doesn't work.

But Joint Spirit is different. Its therapeutic effect is very obvious and can even be effective immediately. It is also very convenient. You can just take it directly. The most important thing is that the price of the medicine is very cheap.

Compared with other similar drugs, the retail price of Joint Spirit is a reasonable price, and the therapeutic effect is several times or dozens of times higher. It is even hundreds of times better than similar drugs.

This comparison allowed more patients to choose Joint Spirit, and the reputation of Joint Spirit began to spread. Its sales are increasing day by day.

Today, sales have reached a new height.

Su Zhe checked the email and found that the daily sales volume of Joint Spirit in China has reached 3 million pills, and the daily sales volume abroad has reached 6 million pills. The global daily sales volume is 9 million pills.

It only took four days to achieve such brilliant results, and the sales growth is still increasing and has not slowed down at all.

When Su Zhe saw this sales statistics table. I also felt very excited, a little inexplicably excited.

Today's sales of Joint Spirit. It is very possible to break through 10 million tablets, which should not be a problem.

According to this trend. Joint Spirit's future performance should be very impressive and far exceed the current results. He is very much looking forward to this.

After reading the sales statistics table sent by Li Changhua, Su Zhe clicked on another email, which was sent by Shen Chuxia.

It is still the sales statistics table of Xuejia Cream, because the current main product of Yadai Group is Xuejia Cream. Most of the products developed in the past have been discontinued and are no longer produced. There is only a small amount of inventory on the market.

Therefore, every time Shen Chuxia sends sales statistics, there is only one product, Snow Skin Cream, which is simple and clear.

The global daily sales volume of Snow Skin Cream is 1.5 million bottles, and this result has been maintained for three days.

Many hot-selling cosmetics on the market may not sell 1.5 million bottles in a month, but Snow Skin Cream did it, and sold 1.5 million bottles in just one day, and has already sold 1.5 million bottles. It lasted for three days without any downward trend.

One and a half million bottles are sold in one day. In other words, an average of 17 bottles of Snow Skin Cream are sold every second. This is a very rare miracle for a cosmetic, and it is unique among other products. A brilliance that cosmetics cannot create.

And this is not the limit of Snow Skin Cream, because Snow Skin Cream is still very popular on the market, and demand exceeds supply.

There are still many people in the market who want to buy Snow Skin Cream, but they are still unable to buy it.

Because the production of 1.5 million bottles a day is almost the production capacity limit of Yadai Group.

Therefore, the current Snow Skin Cream cannot satisfy the market interest, and it is also subject to production capacity issues. The sales volume of Snow Skin Cream can only be controlled at 1.5 million bottles, and it cannot be improved.

Once the production capacity is increased, the sales volume of Xuejia Cream will definitely increase again. There is no doubt about this.

And now Yadai Group has acquired a processing plant, and the original processing plant is also adding new production lines, so the production capacity can be increased soon, and it will be greatly increased.

At that time, more snow cream can be produced to meet market demand.

Therefore, the sales volume of Xuejia Cream is definitely not just 1.5 million bottles. After Yadai Group increases its production capacity, the sales volume will definitely reach a new peak.

Even if it is a conservative estimate, Su Zhe believes that the daily sales volume of Snow Skin Cream can definitely be maintained at two million bottles. This should not be difficult for Snow Skin Cream, and it can still be achieved.

After all, judging from the current trend, it is not impossible to achieve this.

This is because Snow Skin Cream is not only effective and much better than similar products, but also has many functions.

Since it is easy to use and has many uses, buying a bottle of Snow Skin Cream is equivalent to buying a complete set of other cosmetics. The price/performance ratio is much higher.

Of course, the most important thing is that the effect of Snow Skin Cream is very good, and the effect can be seen as soon as you use it.

This is the main reason why consumers are willing to spend money. This is an advantage that other similar products do not have. (To be continued)

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