Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1300: Gain wisdom by taking every step.

Now the basement floor of Villa No. 1 has been mainly transformed into a storage room and used to grow medicinal materials.

The space on the negative floor is large and there are enough rooms, so in addition to a few rooms used to store Chinese medicinal materials and potions, many rooms were used by Su Zhe to grow medicinal materials.

The combined area of ​​these rooms is much larger than the backyard and rooftop in Yanyun City, and naturally more medicinal materials can be grown.

Most of the medicinal materials grown by Su Zhe are precious medicinal materials. Originally, these medicinal materials have very high requirements for the growth environment and cannot grow under normal circumstances.

However, since he has the power of acceleration, he doesn't have this trouble.

As long as the medicinal materials are allowed to absorb the accelerated divine power regularly, then as long as there is soil and water, these medicinal materials can grow very well, and the growth rate will be countless times faster.

Therefore, Su Zhe doesn't have to worry about not being able to grow medicinal materials in the basement. As long as he wants to, medicinal materials can still grow.

That's why he renovated the basement on the first floor and used it to grow medicinal materials.

There are many rows of shelves in each room, and they are all multi-layered. The shelves are already covered with soil, which can save a lot of space and plant more medicinal materials.

Moreover, there are many plant lights installed in the room, which ensure that any medicinal materials can be illuminated and can emit light sources that can supplement the light of the medicinal materials.

10≯In fact, even if there is no plant lamp, as long as there is acceleration power, medicinal plants can still grow well in the basement room and will not be affected.

However, Su Zhe still installed plant lights in the room, even if the effect was weak.

besides. These racks are equipped with automatic water replenishment systems. It can ensure that there is sufficient moisture in the soil. In this way, he doesn't have to worry about the medicinal materials not having enough water to grow, and he doesn't have to come here to water it every day. He only needs to replenish the acceleration power to the pool regularly.

Su Zhe classified these rooms and tried to separate the types of medicinal materials grown. This would make management easier.

Now, he is planning to plant medicinal herbs on these shelves.

However, Su Zhe did not purchase seeds or seedlings of medicinal materials today, in fact. He didn't even think about going out to do shopping.

Because he planned to redeem it directly from the plant exchange mall with points.

Anyway, as Changhua Pharmaceutical's drug sales get better, he gets more and more points every day, and now these points have accumulated a lot.

Suddenly, Su Zhe didn't need so many points, so he just let them go and decided to exchange them for medicinal seeds.

No matter how precious, rare and valuable these medicinal materials are, if they are only exchanged for seeds or seedlings. In fact, it doesn’t cost much points.

Therefore, he didn't bother to make a trip himself. I still have to go out and buy seeds and seedlings.

Moreover, the seeds and seedlings of some medicinal materials are not so easy to purchase, and it is not easy to find them all.

In this case, he could just redeem it directly in the plant exchange mall. It wouldn't cost him many points anyway.

After making this decision, Su Zhe no longer needed to go out to purchase seeds and seedlings, and could start planting directly now.

But before sowing, he still needs to make some preparations.

Su Zhe started using tap water and acceleration power, mixed the two together, and then prepared an acceleration potion that he could use when planting seeds.

After mixing the healing potion, he started the official sowing.

First, Su Zhe opened the plant exchange mall and first found the exchange category for ginseng.

There are many types of ginseng, and their effects are also different. They are classified into red ginseng, edge ginseng, wild ginseng, ginseng root, garden ginseng, Dali ginseng, mountain ginseng, Korean red ginseng, and Korean white ginseng.

However, Su Zhe only needed wild ginseng. When he refined the elixir, he mainly used wild ginseng, which was also the most suitable for medicinal purposes. Other types of ginseng were not available for the time being, so he did not No plans to redeem.

Now you only need to plant wild ginseng. Even if you need to use other types of ginseng in the future, it will not be too late to plant them again, or you can exchange them directly.

Therefore, now he only needs to exchange wild ginseng seeds, and there is no need to use other types of ginseng.

After Su Zhe selected the ginseng and its type in the plant exchange mall, he clicked the exchange button and exchanged hundreds of seeds at once, and then he started sowing.

But before sowing, he had to do one more thing, which was to germinate the ginseng seeds.

In fact, this is very simple. He found a plastic basin, threw all the seeds into it, and poured some accelerating potion into it to germinate the ginseng seeds.

Of course, Su Zhe did not waste time in this process.

Instead, while he was waiting now, he started to turn over the soil and used a small shovel to dig out a small pit, which he would use for seeds later.

If others soak ginseng seeds in water, they usually soak them for about forty-eight hours, because only for this long time can the ginseng seeds fully absorb water and achieve the effect of accelerating germination.

But Su Zhe doesn't have to go to such trouble, because the acceleration potion can compress this time, and the effect is even better.

After only twenty minutes, he picked up the ginseng seeds and began to sow them.

For Su Zhe, this was even simpler. He just buried the ginseng seeds directly in the hole he just dug, and then sprinkled a few drops of accelerating potion on it, and the sowing was complete.

For each seed, he would sow it after a certain distance.

Because these ginseng seeds are redeemed from the plant exchange mall, they are already very good, and the germination rate will definitely be high.

Coupled with Su Zhe's accelerating potion, it goes without saying that he can guarantee that the germination rate is 100%, and these seeds can eventually be turned into individual ginseng plants.

Therefore, he now increases the distance between the seeds. In this way, when the seeds germinate and grow, they will not be crowded together, and he will not need to transplant them again.

Of course, the reason Su Zhe thought of this was because he had suffered this loss before.

In my previous home in Yanyun City, when I planted ginseng for the first time, I didn't separate it, causing them all to grow together, which would affect the growth of the ginseng.

Therefore, he spent a lot of effort to transplant all the ginseng.

Now that he has experience, he will naturally not make this mistake again. (To be continued...)

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