Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1303 A stronger heart

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Whether it is Changhua Pharmaceutical or Yadai Group, their development is getting better and better, and Su Zhe does not need to worry.

Moreover, as Yadai Group launches a new product moisturizing cream, Changhua Pharmaceutical also has three new drugs in the trial stage, and it will not take too long to launch them on the market.

In this way, the future prospects of Yadai Group and Changhua Pharmaceutical are even brighter. Its development speed and bright prospects will definitely make its peers envious and jealous.

This made Su Zhe feel more at ease. It seemed that becoming a world-class enterprise for Yadai Group and Changhua Pharmaceutical was not an unattainable dream.

One day, this goal can be achieved, and it doesn't take too long. It can be achieved in the foreseeable future.

This is no longer a fantasy on his part, nor is it a mirror image. Yadai Group and Changhua Pharmaceutical have achieved this goal step by step.

Yadai Group and Changhua Pharmaceutical already have this potential and can become leaders in the industry.

These few emails are enough to make Su Zhe feel happy for the whole day. It will definitely make people feel happy when they see such good news when they wake up early in the morning.

After he read the email, An Xin had already made breakfast and was asking him to go out to eat.

After Su Zhe responded, he turned off the computer and walked out.

After breakfast, Yangyang went back to the room to change into a set of training clothes, and then ran to the garden to practice martial arts.

Yangyang likes to practice martial arts very much, maybe because he has the desire to become stronger and wants to be as strong as Su Zhe and be able to protect the people around him.

Therefore, Yangyang was very hardworking and conscientious in practicing martial arts. He took the initiative to practice martial arts every time and never needed Su Zhe to remind him.

Just like now, after Yangyang had breakfast, he immediately changed clothes and went to practice martial arts.

Su Zhe also went out with him. Before practicing boxing, he asked Yangyang to do some warm-up exercises and then run a few laps around the garden. Only at the end can you practice boxing.

Next to him, he gave Yangyang pointers and corrected some of Yangyang's wrong moves.

After that, Su Zhe went back inside. Do your own thing.

He came to the basement on the first floor again,

He immediately came to see the newly planted medicinal materials.

These seeds that were planted yesterday have fully sprouted today, and many seedlings have grown up. They are growing well.

Su Zhe once again prepared some accelerating potions. Then sprinkle some potion on every medicinal plant here to speed up its growth.

With these accelerating potions, he believed that these medicinal materials could grow quickly.

After finishing working on the medicinal materials, Su Zhe came to the second floor.

The basement on the second floor was mainly transformed into a training room by him, specially prepared for his daily practice.

Because he is now in Guanzhou City, he can no longer go to the basement of the Supreme Martial Arts Hall to practice every day like before.

And Villa No. 1 has such a large basement. The space was so wide, so he used the second floor of the basement and turned it into a training room, which would be much more convenient.

And with this training room, it will be much more convenient than before in Yanyun City.

At least he can practice at home instead of going to the Supreme Martial Arts Hall to practice, which saves a lot of time in going back and forth.

Because when he lived in Yanyun City, there was no space for cultivation at home, and his room could not meet the space needed for cultivation. It would be very inconvenient to practice at home, so he was asked to go to the Supreme Martial Arts Hall to practice.

And now this villa has such a large space, which is enough for his daily practice, so of course he will not waste it. So the basement was converted into a training room.

However, there are only some ordinary fitness equipment in the basement. For ordinary people, these fitness equipment are still very effective and can also play a role in fitness.

But for Su Zhe, it is basically useless. Not even a warm-up is needed.

In the basement of the Supreme Martial Arts Hall, the fitness equipment is specially customized and can only be used by warriors who have reached a certain level of strength.

At the beginning, Su Zhe used these fitness equipment to exercise himself, and it had some effect.

But later on, as his strength gradually improved, these fitness equipment were of no use at all.

Even the fitness equipment specially customized by the martial arts school is no longer effective for Su Zhe, let alone the ordinary equipment here, which has no effect at all.

With his current terrifying power, he could damage the fitness equipment here just by accident.

In this case, these ordinary fitness equipment would not be able to play their original role. In the end, they would just waste Su Zhe's time.

Therefore, Su Zhe usually does not need to use these fitness equipment. At best, it is just a decoration here.

Now, in his cultivation, he mainly relies on physical training and elixirs.

Su Zhe felt his body and found that the potency of the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill in his body was almost exhausted.

So, he poured out three more three-turn marrow-cleansing pills from the Supreme Cauldron, and then dropped them directly into his mouth.

This three-turn marrow cleansing pill melts in the mouth and is quickly transformed into pure medicinal power, and then enters his Dantian for him to absorb in order to strengthen his body.

However, Su Zhe found that the power of the third-level marrow cleansing pill had begun to weaken a lot for him.

"It seems that when refining this elixir next time, the ginseng used must be of a higher age." He thought to himself.

Because the main medicinal ingredient of the Sanzhuan Marrow Cleansing Pill is ginseng, the Sanzhuan Marrow Cleansing Pill he is taking now is made from ginseng that is about seventy years old.

At the beginning, the effect was pretty good, but now that his strength has improved a lot, the effect has naturally weakened.

That's why Su Zhe decided to use ginseng and other medicinal materials that were older when refining the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill next time.

Only in this way can he continue to maintain the speed of improvement in his strength.

After taking the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill, Su Zhe began to practice the second form of physical training.

Practicing physical training can not only improve one's strength, but also speed up the absorption of the power of the third-turn marrow cleansing pill, so that the strength can be further improved.

This is Su Zhe's daily practice schedule, and he does this almost all the time.

Especially here in Guanzhou City, without Shao Zhan here, he would have no one to practice with.

Therefore, when practicing, Su Zhe could only rely on physical training and taking the third-level marrow cleansing pill to improve his strength.

The efficiency of this cultivation is of course not as good as the effect brought by actual combat.

However, compared to ordinary warriors, his cultivation efficiency is still top-notch, and ordinary warriors still cannot compare with him. (To be continued.)

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