Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1305 The key to victory or defeat

Su Zhe spent the entire day today in the basement.

Since getting up in the morning, he has been practicing in the basement. Even lunch was brought to him by An Xin.

Throughout the day, he never left the basement and kept practicing.

Of course, Su Zhe doesn't practice physical skills all day long. Sometimes he also practices the Divine Power Fist, trying to make himself more proficient in controlling the Divine Power Fist.

Because after many battles with people infected with death energy or beasts infected with death energy, he found that the effect of this divine power fist was very great.

If Su Zhe and the person infected with death energy are evenly matched, then the divine power ball will become the key to victory or defeat. It is even possible that he can defeat the more powerful person infected with death energy with the power ball.

In battle, this divine power fist can play a very magical role. It will become the nemesis of the dead air infected people and the dead air infected beasts, weakening the opponent's strength with the greatest advantage, and forming suppression.

Therefore, he found that this divine power fist was becoming more and more important.

Especially now that Death Qi infected people and Death Qi infected beasts appear frequently, the effect of this divine power fist is even more unparalleled.

Unless Su Zhe's strength is twice as strong as the Death Qi Infected Person and Death Qi 1↓ Infected Beast, and he can completely suppress his opponent with absolute strength advantage, then there is no need to use the Divine Power Fist.

Otherwise, the Divine Power Fist is very important, because the Divine Power Fist can cause double damage to the Death Qi infected beast.

In this way, he can defeat those infected by the death energy at a smaller cost with his divine power fist.

so. This divine power fist will become his trump card. It is very important to him.

therefore. Whenever Su Zhe has time now, he will practice the Divine Power Fist to become more proficient in controlling it. While increasing the power of the Divine Power Fist, he can minimize the consumption of divine power. This is his latest goal.

And during this period of time, his gains have been considerable.

Especially through actual combat, Su Zhe understood the advantages and disadvantages of Shenli Fist. It can be more intuitive, so he can specifically improve the weaknesses.

Of course, in addition to practicing divine power boxing, he also often practices the manipulation of divine power.

Because Su Zhe wanted to use divine power,

He then creates another way of fighting and uses it to deal with those infected with death energy, like the Divine Power Fist. He just wants to diversify his attack methods, so that the chance of winning will be greater.

Of course, this is not a simple thing and cannot be done easily.

so. Now he is still in the process of groping, and the progress is not very good.

but. Su Zhe is not in a hurry, because this is a process from scratch, and of course it cannot be accomplished overnight.

And it's still uncertain whether this will succeed, so he naturally won't expect too much.

During the day, Su Zhe passed by practicing.

Even at night, he only went up to have dinner with An Xin and Yangyang, and then went to the basement again.

However, at night, Su Zhe came not to practice in the basement, but to refine healing potions.

During this period of time, due to house viewing, house buying and decoration, he had no time or place to refine healing potions, so he had not refined healing potions for a long time.

If you count, he has not refined the healing potion for nearly ten days. If he doesn't hurry up now, he will not be able to reach the amount for this month.

Before, it was because I was delayed by something and there was no suitable place to refine the healing potion. This is an excusable thing.

Now that Villa No. 1 has been renovated, Li Hua has also sent a large amount of Chinese medicinal materials, which are all stored in the basement.

In this way, if he doesn't seize the time now, it will be a bit unreasonable.

Although Su Zhe did not refine healing potions during this period of time, he maximized his points every day to convert them into healing powers, and then stored them in the Supreme Cauldron.

Similarly, he would also input his recovered divine power into the Supreme Cauldron every day, and take a large amount of recovery pills every day to accelerate the recovery of the divine power in his body, in order to store more divine power in the Supreme Cauldron.

In this way, when he has time to refine the healing potion, he will have enough divine power to drive the Supreme Cauldron.

After ten days of accumulation, Su Zhe's healing power stored in the Supreme Cauldron had reached more than 26 million points.

If he refined all the healing power stored in the Supreme Cauldron into a healing potion, he could refine more than thirteen thousand liters of healing potion, and it would be forty times the concentration of healing potion.

However, if Su Zhe wants to refine all these healing powers into healing potions, it will not be an easy task.

Because it takes a lot of time to complete all the refining.

Now he is refining a furnace of one hundred liters of healing potion, which takes about fifteen minutes to complete.

Calculating at this speed, four furnaces can be refined in one hour, which means that four hundred liters of healing potion can be refined in one hour.

The healing power currently stored in the Supreme Cauldron is enough to refine more than 13,000 liters of healing potion. Calculating this way, it will take at least more than thirty hours to complete all the refining.

And this is only possible under the most ideal circumstances, but in reality, it is impossible to be so ideal.

For example, during this process, he needs to get Chinese medicinal materials, and he is not a robot, so he cannot continue refining them all the time.

Therefore, it will only take longer in the end.

The most important thing is that the healing power that Su Zhe refines every day is not static and cannot always be 13,000 liters.

For example, he now exchanges points for healing power every day, and then stores them in the Supreme Cauldron. With his current physique, he will exchange 2.7 million healing power every day.

In this way, Su Zhe would need to refine more than a thousand liters of healing potion every day.

Just refining more than a thousand liters of healing potion would take him almost four hours.

If Su Zhe wants to refine all the healing power stored in the Supreme Cauldron into a healing potion before this month is over.

In the following days, his refining time should not be less than six hours a day. Only then would it be possible to refine all the healing power of the Supreme Cauldron into a healing potion.

During the day, Su Zhe needed to practice and had no way to refine the healing potion, so he could only have time to refine it at night.

In this way, his entire night will be taken up, leaving him with no free time, and even his sleeping time will be compressed.

But in order to complete this task early, he had to do this. In the next half month, he would have to work harder. (To be continued...)

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