Urban Supreme System

Chapter 129 Buying a Computer

Su Zhe browsed the Internet, and he already had some ideas about what computer to buy for An Xuan, and his choice target has been narrowed down a lot.

He listed all the notebook models recommended by netizens, and then he synthesized the performance of each model and compared them.

In the end, Su Zhe decided to buy a Sony ultrabook, model number SVD13228SCW.

Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook is exquisite in appearance, and the net weight of the whole machine is only 1.330kg, which is very convenient to carry out.

Although the body of the Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook is relatively petite and the screen is only 13 inches, the configuration is not low. It has a Core dual-core i5-4200U processor, 8GB of memory capacity and a 256GB solid-state hard drive, and the battery life of the Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook The time is not too short.

The configuration of the Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook cannot be said to be the top configuration, but it is not low, and it can basically meet the daily needs of use.

Su Zhe thought for a while, the Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook is quite suitable for girls, and it should also be suitable for An Xuan.

So Su Zhe directly ordered two Sony SVD13228SCWs, as well as peripheral products needed for notebooks, such as a mouse, and mini speakers. Su Zhe placed the order, filled in the address, and then Su Zhe chose to pay with online banking.

The reason why Su Zhe bought two at once was that he planned to use one for An Xuan's usual study, and the other for An Xin. Su Zhe thought that An Xin would need a computer occasionally, so he simply bought one for An Xin.

After successful online payment for the three computers, Su Zhe re-ordered a Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook, and Su Zhe also configured a set of peripheral products suitable for notebooks. After placing the order, Su Zhe changed the address and contact number before paying.

After the successful payment, Su Zhe sent a message to Su Yuxin, asking Su Yuxin to pay attention to the delivery in the next two days. He bought something online for her and reminded her to sign for it when the time comes.

As for what he bought online for Su Yuxin, Su Zhe didn't say anything in the text message.

That's right, the third Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook that Su Zhe bought was for Su Yuxin.

Su Yuxin didn't have a computer in college, and there are very few college students who don't have a computer in school.

Because Su Yuxin used to want not to waste money, and didn't want to put more pressure on Su Zhe. So she never bought a computer, even though Su Zhe had offered to buy her a computer several times, she had refused.

When buying a computer this time, Su Zhe remembered that Su Yuxin was short of a computer, so he bought her a Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook.

When placing the order, Su Zhe filled in the delivery address of Su Yuxin's school, and also filled in Su Yuxin's phone number. At that time, the computer will be delivered directly to Su Yuxin.

As for the fact that Su Zhe bought a computer and gave it to Su Yuxin, he didn't intend to tell Su Yuxin so early. So in the text message, Su Zhe only asked Su Yuxin to pay attention to sign for the delivery, but he didn't say what he gave Su Yuxin. He planned to surprise Su Yuxin when the time came.

During this online shopping, Su Zhe bought three Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabooks, as well as Su Zhe's assembled computer, plus some notebook peripheral products, which cost Su Zhe almost 50,000 yuan.

A Sony SVD13228SCW ultrabook costs 11,000 yuan,

Moreover, the computer that Su Zhe uses himself, and the computer accessories he chooses are all high-end, so it costs about 13,000 yuan. These 4 computers add up to 46,000 yuan, plus the money needed for other accessories, 50,000 yuan is not much left.

Although it cost almost 50,000 yuan, Su Zhe didn't feel anything in his heart. For Su Zhe now, 50,000 yuan is nothing.

In fact, if you think about it, it's really incredible. If it was a few months ago, Su Zhe would never have imagined such a thing.

When Su Zhe didn't get the supreme system, according to Su Zhe's average monthly income at that time, the money earned from his full-time job and part-time job was included. Su Zhe needs to work for at least 10 months to earn 50,000 yuan, and he can only save 50,000 yuan if he guarantees not to eat, drink, or spend a penny.

In just a few months, Su Zhe's life has changed so much that no one can imagine.

A few months ago, Su Zhe was still under mortgage pressure, worried about losing his job all the time, and needed to use all his free time to work part-time to help support the family. He can't relax for a moment, only in this way can he guarantee to survive stably.

Just to continue to survive, let him do his best, and then he can pursue what he likes.

But now after Su Zhe got the supreme system, everything changed.

Su Zhe, who was unable to make ends meet at that time, now has more than 170 million in savings.

For more than 170 million miles, Zheng Yan contributed 83 million to Su Zhe, and Su Zhe also belonged to the Yuxin Gambling Stone Museum belonging to Zheng Yan's family at that time, bought it at a price of 1.5 million, and was finally estimated to be the least valuable. The 16 million No. 5 Jade won the lottery and gold from the Yuxin Gambling Stone Hall in the end.

Before and after this, Su Zhe directly or indirectly obtained more than 110 million yuan from Zheng Yanli. It is estimated that Zheng Yan now hates him to the bone.

More than 170 million is just Su Zhe's current deposit, not counting Su Zhe's other assets.

Su Chong's Home was acquired by Su Zhe from Li Xin at a price of 7 million yuan for Li Xin's Pet Hospital. Now the value of Su Chong's Home is at least double that of before Su Zhe took over.

Someone once took a fancy to Su Chong's House and wanted to buy Su Chong's House from Su Zhe. At that time, the person who wanted to buy it had already stated that the purchase price would not be less than 20 million.

But Su Zhe directly refused. He doesn't need to rely on Su Chong's House to make money yet, but he is very dependent on Su Chong's House, and will never consider selling Su Chong's House.

With Su Chong's House, Su Zhe can continue to develop the supreme system. If it is for money, with Su Chong's House, Su Zhe can make more money, so it is impossible for Su Zhe to sell Su Chong's House.

Although Su Zhe did not consider selling Su Chong's House, judging from other people's bids, Su Chong's House is now worth at least 20 million.

Moreover, Su Zhe also bought 85% of the shares of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory with the condition of providing healing potions for 50 million plus.

At present, 85% of the shares of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory can be worth at least 130 million, and this is because Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory has not yet really developed. .

At that time, the shares of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory will be really valuable.

If all of them are counted, Su Zhe's current net worth is conservatively estimated to have reached 320 million.

Su Zhe has become a billionaire from a person who still can't make ends meet in a few months. It must be difficult to find someone who develops as rapidly as Su Zhe.

Anyone who knew Su Zhe would definitely be surprised.

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