Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1315 Everyone is in danger

ps: Unknowingly, I have already written 2.7 million. In fact, even I did not expect that I could write so much. However, the results of this book are so poor that it makes people feel no hope at all. Looking at such results, I don’t know how much longer I can persist.

Every day when I close my eyes, I think about giving up because I am too tired.

Perseverance without any hope can easily lead to collapse, just like my current situation.

So, even I don’t know the answer to whether I can continue to persevere.

The next day, in Villa No. 1.

After Su Zhe got up early in the morning, he practiced boxing and moved his body first.

After that, he went to the first floor of the basement to observe the growth of the medicinal materials and sprinkled the accelerating potion.

Although in the basement, these medicinal materials do not get light and do not have a suitable environment, but the growth of these medicinal materials is still very good.

Under the influence of the accelerating potion, most of these medicinal materials have a growth period of more than five years, especially medicinal materials such as ginseng. Because Su Zhe attaches great importance to it and usually sprinkles more accelerating potion, the years are ten years old. That’s all.

Moreover, the medicinal power of these medicinal materials is not only comparable to that of medicinal materials of the same year, but is also much larger in size and weight.

The accelerating potion is enough to make up for the deficiencies in the environment. It can also speed up the growth of medicinal materials countless times, allowing the medicinal materials to absorb sufficient nutrients. This growth is naturally gratifying.

After Su Zhe came to the basement, he poured accelerating potion on these medicinal materials as usual, and ginseng was naturally his focus. He will make the ginseng absorb a little more of the accelerating potion.

After doing these things. He is not the same as before. Go to the training room on the second floor of the basement to practice.

Because Su Zhe is now preparing to send his baby to kindergarten, he cannot practice for the time being.

The serial murders that occurred in Guanzhou City also made him very worried. Although the kindergarten where the baby went to was actually not far from Rosewood Villa, he was still worried about what kind of accident Aunt Wang would encounter when sending the baby to the kindergarten.

Therefore, during this period, Su Zhe was still preparing to send his baby to kindergarten by himself. Let Aunt Wang go out less often.

In this case, at least everyone's safety is guaranteed.

And send the baby to kindergarten,

It only took ten minutes to go back and forth, which was very convenient, so it didn't waste much of his time.

Considering the baby's personal safety, Su Zhe still believes that it is necessary to pay attention to it and must not be careless.

If something unfortunate happened, it would be meaningless to regret it, so he wanted to eliminate this risk completely.

In addition to planning to escort the baby to school, Su Zhe also asked An Xin and Yangyang. During this period, it is better to minimize going out. This can avoid some risks.

At least staying in Rosewood Villa, with so many security guards patrolling, the murderer would not choose this place to look for his target.

Most of the nine victims this month were killed in relatively remote places, while the victims who were killed at home were in communities with little protection, and the victim was the only one at home.

The murderer probably targeted some lonely people in order to avoid exposing his identity or to reduce the chance of being hunted.

Therefore, if Anxin and Yangyang stay at Rosewood Villa and don't leave home, there will basically be no risk.

Fortunately, there is a special online mall in Guanzhou City that specifically serves residents in high-end communities. Customers can place orders online, and then the online mall will deliver the goods to their doorsteps.

There are many products that customers can buy, including daily necessities, and many fresh ingredients are available as long as they place an order online.

These products can be delivered quickly, ensuring absolute convenience and speed.

So, basically, as long as the customer wants to, they can never go out to purchase items.

All daily necessities can basically be found in this online mall, which provides people with great convenience.

Since Su Zhe moved to Villa No. 1, he has been asking An Xin to buy things at this online mall, so that he doesn't have to run out.

In fact, he only learned about this online mall after being introduced by Yan Yuyan.

Although the prices in online malls are much more expensive than those in shopping malls and markets, they are a lot more convenient.

If spending more money can make life more comfortable, Su Zhe is willing to spend the money.

So, he asked An Xin to buy it in this online mall. An Xin wanted to go out and buy it by himself, but he was not happy about it.

Su Zhe did this so that An Xin could relax more and not be so tired.

And now that a series of murders have occurred in Guanzhou City, the role of this online mall has become even more important.

Because An Xin doesn't have to go out. If she wants to buy something, she can just buy it directly in the online mall.

Therefore, now Su Zhe insists on doing this. He tells Anxin to buy things in the online mall in the future and try not to go out.

At least until the murderer is caught.

Although it would be boring to stay at home all the time, but now there is no other choice but to do this.

Of course, Su Zhe would also take some time out to spend more time with An Xin and Yang Yang. He would not let An Xin and Yang Yang stay at home all day.

During critical periods, this method can only be used. Even if the rhythm of life will be affected, it can only be changed first.

As long as the murderer of a serial murder case is not found, it will be a day of unrest.

Not only Su Zhe is like this, everyone else is in danger, and the environment here is better. The security of Rosewood Villa is still very good, so the security level will be higher.

And some places with relatively chaotic public security are the places that really make people fearful.

Because even staying at home is not safe, especially single people who are alone are the most dangerous. The murderer may also break into the home directly, and then the victim will not even have a chance to escape.

This is what people worry about the most. Staying at home and not going out is also scary.

At least Su Zhe's family didn't have such worries. As long as he paid attention when traveling, he would be fine.

Therefore, the business of places like Internet cafes is suddenly booming. Many people would rather stay in Internet cafes to surf the Internet, or turn on a computer and then sleep directly in Internet cafes.

It's not that I don't want to go home, it's because I don't dare to go home. At least a place with a lot of people will be safer.

Now that Guanzhou City is like this, the government has been very worried recently, and they are also seizing the time to deal with this matter.

But there was no other way. Before the murderer was found, they could only dispatch a large number of police officers to patrol the streets and maintain law and order. For this purpose, the government also seconded a lot of troops.

Because Su Zhe had already made an agreement with Yan Yuyan and the others in advance, it was not surprising at all that he went there to pick up the baby now.

Even before his arrival, the baby had prepared everything, even the schoolbag on his back.

This semester has been open for so long, and today is the earliest day for my baby to wake up. He doesn't even need to be called, he just gets up on his own initiative.

Because Su Zhe was sending the baby to school today, the baby got up so consciously. (To be continued...)

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