Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1323 Sister Baobao teaches you

After Su Zhe arrived at school, Bao Bao immediately took Mengmeng to find him.い说┆梦┆小┆说,

This surprised Su Zhe. He didn't expect that the baby would bring another little girl to him. This was very rare for the baby.

Of course, he wouldn't have thought that it was because of his relationship.

Therefore, now the baby and Mengmeng can play together.

After Mengmeng saw Su Zhe, she immediately said in a crisp voice: "Hello, baby brother, my name is Mengmeng."

It is easy for people to like such a cute little girl. At least Su Zhe thinks Mengmeng is cute and interesting: "You are so polite, but I don't call you baby brother. Mengmeng, you can call me brother Su Zhe. Or just like the baby, you can just call me brother."

Mengmeng said in surprise: "Is this okay? Can Mengmeng call you brother?"

Su Zhe smiled and said, "Of course you can. There's nothing wrong with that. Mengmeng just call me brother!"

Hearing this, Mengmeng first looked at the baby cautiously, because Mengmeng still remembered that she had promised the baby just now that she would not take away the baby's brother.

Therefore, Mengmeng had to know whether the baby would be unhappy before she dared to call Su Zhe her brother.

However, the baby was not unhappy. She was still innocent and could not think so complicatedly, so Mengmeng sweetly called Su Zhe "brother."

"Brother, you are so tall. You are much, much taller than Mengmeng's father." Mengmeng still remembers this.

Indeed, with Su Zhe's height of over 1.8 meters, he is considered outstanding among ordinary people, a little taller than the average height, so Mengmeng will always remember this deeply.

Su Zhe smiled and then continued: "Then Mengmeng eat more food, don't be picky, eat less snacks, and you will grow taller in the future!"

Mengmeng opened her eyes wide and asked, "Is this true? Then Mengmeng won't eat snacks at night."

Su Zhe echoed: "Of course this is true, Mengmeng will definitely be very tall in the future."

At this time, the baby said: "The baby also needs to eat a lot. The baby is taller than Mengmeng."

Mengmeng also said immediately: "Then Mengmeng eat more, more than the baby, so that you will be taller than the baby."


Baobao and Mengmeng revolve around the issue of eating to grow taller. He kept talking, and Su Zhe next to him found it very interesting and made him laugh heartily.

After a while, Mengmeng’s mother also came to take Mengmeng back. Su Zhe also took the baby back.

Su Zhe held the baby's hand. When leaving, he heard Mengmeng talking to his mother.

"Mengmeng won't eat snacks today. She will eat a lot of food. She will definitely grow taller than the baby."

The previous sentence was normal, and Mengmeng's mother was very happy to hear it, but Mengmeng continued: "Mom, I also want to be like the baby and have a brother. Can you give Mengmeng a brother too?" come out."

What this kid said. It's really not surprising, and it can't be taken seriously at all.

If Mengmeng wanted a younger brother, it would still be possible, but Mengmeng wanted her mother to give birth to a younger brother. This left Mengmeng's mother to do what she wanted.

At least Su Zhe couldn't help laughing after hearing Mengmeng's words. Although he didn't turn around, he knew that Mengmeng's mother's expression at this time must be very wonderful.

The baby seems to be in a good mood. On the way back, she sang the children's songs she had thought of in school.

After singing for a while, the baby suddenly stopped and lay down behind Su Zhe. He said to him: "Brother, can the baby not go home?"

Hearing this, Su Zhe asked: "Why don't you want to go home? Where does the baby want to go?"

It's still early at this time, and if the baby wants to play, he can take the baby to play. Just say hello to Aunt Wang.

The baby blinked and replied: "The baby wants to go to his brother's house and play with brother Yangyang, is that okay?"

It turns out that the baby wants to go to Su Zhe's house to play with Yangyang, not somewhere else. This is of course no problem. As long as the baby wants to go, he can go there anytime.

Because his home is also the baby’s home.

So Su Zhe said: "Of course it's no problem. Then let's take the baby to play with Brother Yangyang."

The baby cheered in the car: "Oh yeah! That's great."

Since the baby wanted to go to Su Zhe's house to play with Yangyang, he would say hello to Aunt Wang and explain the matter on his way back.

In this way, Aunt Wang can be prevented from getting worried when she sees that the baby has not come back for a long time.

After that, Su Zhe drove directly to Villa No. 1 and went back to his home.

After returning home, he shouted: "Yangyang, the baby is here to play with you."

After hearing the sound, An Xin walked out of the kitchen. When she saw the baby, she smiled and said, "The baby is here! Just in time, I made some desserts, come here to eat with Yangyang."

"Okay, thank you, sister Xiaoxin." After the baby called out sweetly, he immediately ran over.

After An Xin put the baby on the seat, she turned to Su Zhe and said, "Su Zhe, do you want to eat something together?"

Su Zhe, who had just changed into slippers, said, "No, just feed the baby and Yangyang. I'll go back to the room first."

After the baby took a bite of the cake, he raised his head and asked, "Yangyang, what were you doing just now?"

Yangyang replied: "I was doing my homework here just now, and I haven't finished it yet!"

So, Baobao began to say: "Sister Baobao can write a lot of words, and she can also read them. If Brother Yangyang doesn't know how to write, you can ask Sister Baobao! Sister Baobao will definitely teach you."

After hearing this, Yangyang put down his spoon, then took the homework book next to him, pointed at one of the characters, and asked: "Then how do you read this character? I can write it, but I don't know how to read it."

The baby was very interested at first, but after looking at it, she found that she couldn't read the word, and she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

However, Baobao quickly said: "Sister Baobao doesn't know this word either. The teacher hasn't taught it yet. After the teacher teaches Sister Baobao, he can teach Brother Yangyang, okay?"

Yangyang nodded and said seriously: "Well, okay, wait until the baby learns it, then teach me."

"Then Brother Yangyang can't ask others. You must wait for Sister Baobao. And Brother Yangyang, you also call me sister, not Baobao." Finally, Baobao emphasized again.

"Oh, Yangyang remembers it." Yangyang didn't have any objection, because as long as the baby is happy, that's fine.

For Yangyang, the baby is a very rare good friend. As long as the baby is willing to play with him, Yangyang will cherish it very much, so as long as the baby is happy, anything is okay.

Yangyang always remembers Baobao's words in his heart, but he won't forget them easily. (To be continued.)

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