Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1331 An old soldier

Although the flight time Su Zhe booked online last night was at eight o'clock this morning.

However, at around six o'clock in the morning, after breakfast, he and Ling Ruoxue drove to Guanzhou Airport. It was better to arrive some time in advance.

When Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue arrived at Guanzhou Airport, it was exactly seven o'clock, and they arrived an hour early.

He had booked first class. If it was economy class, he would have to arrive half an hour earlier.

But now Su Zhe and the others arrived at the airport an hour early, which was more than enough time.

After receiving their boarding passes, Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue waited in the terminal.

As soon as he sat down, his mobile phone received a video request, which was sent by Yan Yuyan.

After Su Zhe clicked to agree, Yan Yuyan appeared on the screen of her phone. Her expression was a little helpless at this moment.

It can be seen that Yan Yuyan is at home at this time and has not gone to work yet.

"Su Zhe, have you arrived at the airport?" Yan Yuyan asked.

"We just arrived not long ago, but the flight hasn't taken off yet. What's wrong?" Su Zhe replied.

"Well, I can't help it, because the baby misses you, so I can only come to you now." Yan Yuyan's expression became even more helpless. Then she turned the video to the baby next to her and said: "Baby, look Brother is here, if you have anything to say to brother, you can say it now."

The baby was sitting on the sofa, his expression was extremely unhappy, and his mouth was pouting.

When Su Zhe saw the baby, he smiled and said, "My baby, what's wrong? Who made you angry?"

The baby is holding a mobile phone. He said seriously: "Brother, do you not want the baby anymore? Are you going to stop coming to pick up the baby in the future?"

It turns out that the baby was unhappy because he was worried about this. It was all because Su Zhe didn't explain it clearly to the baby yesterday, and now the baby is sad and unhappy.

So he immediately explained: "How come my brother doesn't want the baby? Today he has to go somewhere else to do something, so he can't send the baby to school."

"Really? When will my brother come back? The baby misses his brother." The baby was no longer so depressed.

Su Zhe comforted him: "Brother, after finishing the matter,

Will be back. You have to listen to your mother obediently. If the baby is obedient, your brother will buy a gift for the baby, okay? "

The baby immediately said: "The baby doesn't want any gifts, the baby wants his brother to come back soon."

At this time, of course Su Zhe had to make a promise to the baby: "Okay, brother knows that after he finishes his work, he will promise to come back to accompany the baby as soon as possible, okay?"

The baby nodded. He agreed: "Okay, the baby is waiting for brother to come back at home. Don't forget, brother!"

After checking the time, Su Zhe felt that it was almost time to board the plane, so he said: "Baby, brother is getting on the plane now. We can't chat anymore. Wait for brother to finish his work and then come back to accompany the baby."

"Well! Goodbye, brother, the baby will be obedient." The baby smacked Su Zhe in front of the video, and then gave the phone to Yan Yuyan.

"Su Zhe, you still have a way. We talked for so long just now, but there is no way to make the baby happy. You made the baby happy with just a few words. It's really yours." Yan Yuyan said after getting the phone.

"Okay, I won't delay you getting on the plane. I'm hanging up." Yan Yuyan waved to Su Zhe and ended the video.

Afterwards, when Su Zhe saw that it was time to board the plane, he turned off his phone first.

Ling Ruoxue, who was next to her, saw him finish the video and smiled: "The baby is so cute, but you are really good at coaxing children."

Su Zhe shrugged and said, "It's nothing, it's just that the baby listens to me more. If it were another child, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it."

Ling Ruoxue said apologetically: "It's because of me that you can't send your baby to school this time. When we get to Kyoto, I will choose a gift for the baby."

"It's nothing, you don't need to pay too much attention to it, but if the baby knows there is a gift, she will definitely be very happy." When talking about the baby, Su Zhe can't help but smile knowingly.

As soon as the time came, Su Zhe and Ling Ruoxue started to check in.

After passing the security check, the two of them were taken directly to the tarmac by a special car from the airport.

As for the car Su Zhe drove to the airport today, it was temporarily parked in the airport parking lot.

In this way, when he returns to Guanzhou City, he can drive back directly without anyone picking him up or taking a taxi back.

Su Zhe does this every time he takes a plane because it is more convenient.

Although he doesn't know when he will come back now, but he thinks it won't take long.

After all, even if Su Zhe could treat Ling Ruoxue's great-great-grandfather, his treatment method was different from conventional medical treatment, and it didn't take much time at all.

Therefore, as long as nothing unexpected happened, he thought he would be back soon.

If this trip doesn't take too long, it would be more convenient for him to park his car at the airport.

Although the parking fees at the airport are quite high, Su Zhe doesn't care about the money as long as it makes it more convenient for him.

On the way to Kyoto, Su Zhe finally found out who Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather was.

Before, he only knew that Ling Ruoxue's father, Ling Yizhen, was the municipal party committee secretary of Yanyun City, but he did not know the identities of Ling Ruoxue's other family members. He only knew that the Ling family and the Yu family were on good terms.

And now Su Zhe finally knew who Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather was.

When he knew the identity of this old man, he immediately became in awe, because the people he admired most in his life were the old soldiers who had fought in the past, especially the old soldiers who had experienced that special period. The person he admires most.

Ling Ruoxue's great-grandfather Ling Zhitao was such an old soldier, and many people in the country knew him.

Senior leader Ling Zhitao, a senior general of the People's Liberation Army of the Republic of China, has made outstanding contributions to the liberation cause of the people of the Republic of China.

He has experienced three major wars: the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of general, and won the first-class Bayi Medal, the first-class Medal of Freedom, the first-class Liberation Medal, and the first-class Red Star Medal of Merit. .

His deeds can be said to be unknown to everyone in China. There have been many TV series and movies adapted from his deeds.

Ling Zhitao was upright throughout his life, hated evil as much as possible, and always acted vigorously and resolutely, which was in line with his style as a soldier.

However, in recent years, due to his old age, Ling Zhitao has gradually stopped hearing about his deeds.

However, no one with conscience will forget Ling Zhitao, the old general. (To be continued...)

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