Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1336: Human-like and dog-like

Su Zhe did not expect that such an arrogant person would appear in the Ling family.

It's sad that Mr. Ling has a great reputation all his life, but he has such a arrogant and arrogant descendant.

Although Su Zhe did not get angry easily because of Ling Wenjie's words, in his eyes, Ling Wenjie was just a brainless playboy.

He just regarded Ling Wenjie as a clown, so naturally he wouldn't get angry because of Ling Wenjie's words.

However, Su Zhe is not someone who is easily bullied. It is not his usual style to allow bullying.

Su Zhe showed a mocking smile to Ling Wenjie, and then said lightly: "Are you talking about yourself? You are quite self-aware."

After that, he said this again: "I never knew what it meant to look like a human being or a dog, but today I finally saw it. This word is really very appropriate."

Su Zhe's voice was not loud, and he did not say it to Ling Wenjie's face, but everyone still heard it and knew who he was alluding to.

Just now, Ling Wenjie mocked Su Zhe by acting like a human being, but now Su Zhe responded directly by acting like a human being like a dog. This was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Ling Ruoxue and others couldn't help laughing after hearing this, which made Ling Wenjie even more annoyed.

But Ling Wenjie didn't know how to retort at the moment, because as soon as he retorted, wouldn't he be the one who...≡took the initiative? This is even more embarrassing.

So for a while, he really couldn't find a way to fight back against Su Zhe.

Yu Caifeng, who was standing next to her, saw that her son was being ridiculed, and immediately said sharply to Su Zhe: "Arrogant, are you allowed to be so arrogant here in our Ling family?"

When Ling Wenjie mocked Su Zhe just now. Yu Caifeng did not stand up and accuse her son.

And now Ling Wenjie is back after being ridiculed by Su Zhe. She stood up right away. No wonder someone with a mother like her could raise a son like Ling Wenjie.

Like mother, like son. Ling Wenjie was so arrogant and domineering because of Yu Caifeng's teachings.

Su Zhe seemed to have no fear and said: "You are old, so I will call you aunt first. It is not easy to give birth to a son. This kind of happy event is worth being happy about, but if you don't discipline it well, it will lead to tragedy."

Even though he doesn’t talk much,

But when he satirizes people, his mouth can be poisonous.

Su Zhe didn't just say that Yu Caifeng was old. This was a big taboo among old women and could easily drive people crazy.

Moreover, he also insinuated that Ling Wenjie did not have any tutoring and would eventually become a tragedy.

There was not a single curse word in these words, but it was enough to make Yu Caifeng and Ling Wenjie so angry that their heads were smoking.

The purpose of Su Zhe's coming here was to treat Mr. Ling's illness, not to see the faces of Yu Caifeng and Ling Wenjie. He didn't want to let himself be offended.

so. He doesn't care about the feelings of Yu Caifeng and Ling Wenjie.

Since Yu Caifeng and Ling Wenjie were bullying others, Su Zhe would not remain silent. If you don't make them so angry, how can you be worthy of yourself?

His words deeply irritated Yu Caifeng and Ling Wenjie, and their faces quickly darkened.

Yu Caifeng became angry and said fiercely: "You are not welcome in our Ling family, get out of here."

At this time, Yu Jing stood up and said: "Sister-in-law, Su Zhe is our invited guest. Do you have such hospitality as you? If word spread, it will bring shame on our Ling family."

Because Yu Caifeng and Ling Wenjie no longer give Yu Jing and Ling Ruoxue any face, then Yu Jing will not be polite to them.

You must know that it was Su Zhe who cured Ling Ruoxue's illness, and he also solved a crisis in the Ling family, which made Yu Jing always regard Su Zhe as her savior.

Now that Yu Caifeng and Ling Wenjie are bullying Su Zhe like this, Yu Jing can't bear it.

Seeing Yu Jing getting angry, although Yu Caifeng felt unwilling to do so, she did not dare to do anything to Su Zhe anymore.

Although Yu Caifeng is the elder sister-in-law, she does not dare to offend Yu Jing too much, just because of Ling Yizhen.

Although Ling Yizhen is only the secretary of the municipal party committee now, he is just making a transition. He will soon be promoted to the standing committee of the provincial party committee. This is almost a certainty.

In the Ling family, Ling Yizhen still has a lot of say. After all, he has the most potential.

This is also the reason why Yu Caifeng is afraid of Yu Jing, just because her husband is in the Ling family and is not as valued as Ling Yizhen.

At this time, Ling Wenjie didn't care that Yu Jing was already angry, but he was still unscrupulous: "Come here, get him out of here quickly."

At this moment, there was a sudden cough, which turned out to be from Mr. Ling in the hospital bed.

Perhaps it was because Ling Wenjie and the others were arguing too loudly that Mr. Ling, who was originally resting in the hospital bed, was awakened.

On the hospital bed, there was an old man with silver hair. His weather-beaten face was full of traces of time.

This old man looked so thin and haggard, and not in good spirits. Perhaps he had been suffering from illness for a long time, which made him lose his former charm.

However, the old man's two deep-set eyes are still bright and bright, shining with the light of wisdom, and so sharp that people dare not look directly at them.

And this old man is the old leader Ling Zhitao. He is over a hundred years old. In him, he can still feel the bravery of the past to a greater or lesser extent.

However, age and illness have made this old hero in the past confined to his hospital bed. However, the martyr is still full of ambition in his old age.

Even though Mr. Ling is just lying on the bed now, he still makes people feel like a tiger.

When Dr. Black and the nurse saw Mr. Ling waking up, they hurried over to check him. They wanted to make sure that Mr. Ling's health was normal.

If something unexpected happened to Mr. Ling due to their negligence, the consequences would definitely not be something they could bear.

Even if Dr. Black is a foreign doctor, he still cannot escape.

"What's wrong, why are you all noisy?" This old voice sounded in the room again.

Elder Ling's voice seemed a little weak, but when it was heard in this room, it still made people stay silent and dare not disobey.

At this time, Yu Caifeng winked at Ling Wenjie from behind, reminding him what he should do.

After being reminded secretly by Yu Caifeng, Ling Wenjie finally reacted and hurriedly ran to Mr. Ling to complain: "Grandpa, Xiaoxue brought a Maotou doctor from somewhere and said he wanted to treat you. I can't rest assured. I stopped him, but this person scolded me and my mother bloody..."

Ling Wenjie has now made all the black things white, and said that he is innocent, which shows how shameless he is.

In response, Su Zhe just showed a disdainful smile and was too lazy to respond. (To be continued...)

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