Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1338 I am willing to try

"Get out of here."

Elder Ling's angry voice seemed to still linger in this room, making it clearly audible.

Although Mr. Ling is sick now, and although he is in his twilight years as a martyr, getting angry still makes people feel heartbroken.

Just when Ling Wenjie was still complacent and hadn't realized what was going on, Yu Caifeng hurriedly walked over and explained to Mr. Ling: "Grandpa, don't be angry. Wenjie also said this because he cared about you. He also means well."

Although Ling Wenjie didn't understand, Yu Caifeng could see it.

Mr. Ling was angry not because Su Zhe did not have a medical qualification certificate, but because of Ling Wenjie's words.

Although Yu Caifeng didn't know why Ling Wenjie's words made Mr. Ling so angry, she still put in a good word for Ling Wenjie first.

In the Ling family, if Mr. Ling is angry, no one can protect Ling Wenjie.

Only then did Ling Wenjie finally understand that Mr. Ling had told him to get out, not Su Zhe.

This made Ling Wenjie's face full of astonishment. He still didn't know what he had done wrong. Why did he just expose Su Zhe's lack of medical qualification certificate and make Mr. Ling angry instead?

Could it be that because Su Zhe was brought back by Ling Ruoxue, Mr. Ling had been protecting Su Zhe. This made Ling Wenjie more and more unwilling to accept it.

Mr. Ling looked at Ling Wenjie, shook his head and said, "Don't think that I am confused. I know exactly what he is thinking."

Yu Caifeng said hurriedly: "Wenjie, come and admit your mistake to Grandpa."

Although Ling Wenjie was full of unwillingness, he still came over and apologized: "Grandpa, I'm sorry. It was Wenjie who was wrong. Please don't be angry."

Mr. Ling was very disappointed that Ling Wenjie still hadn't realized his mistake. He shook his head and said nothing more.

after. Mr. Ling turned to Su Zhe again and said: "Su Zhe, I have lived to this age and have nothing else to ask for. What I was worried about before was Xiaoxue's illness, but now Xiaoxue's illness has been cured by you." Okay. I can walk with peace of mind."

Mr. Ling finished his words intermittently. Regarding his current physical condition, every sentence he said was very difficult.

Especially when you cough,

It made him feel very painful, but he still insisted and finished.

Ling Ruoxue said in surprise: "Grandpa, how do you know this?"

No one in the Ling family knew that Ling Ruoxue's heart disease had been cured, but they didn't know how she was cured, and she never told Mr. Ling.

After that, Ling Ruoxue looked at Yu Jing, maybe her mother told Mr. Ling.

But Yu Jing was also a little confused. They had promised to keep the secret at that time, so how could she go back on her word? So she didn't know how Mr. Ling knew about this.

Mr. Ling just smiled and said kindly to Ling Ruoxue: "Silly boy, your mother didn't say that. How come there is no way to know what I want to know."

Indeed, with Mr. Ling's identity, it would be easy for him to investigate anything.

Moreover, Ling Ruoxue's illness has always been what Mr. Ling is most concerned about. Why did he keep ignoring it? After he learned the truth. Only then will you feel completely at ease.

Therefore, Mr. Ling knew that Su Zhe cured Ling Ruoxue. It's not surprising at all.

However, Mr. Ling knew about this, but others did not. When they found out about this, their faces were full of disbelief.

Because everyone present knew how serious Ling Ruoxue's illness was. No matter whether they were at home or abroad, they had tried, but there was still no way to cure her.

But in the end, they didn't know what happened. Ling Ruoxue's heart disease suddenly healed.

Although everyone was very curious, Ling Yizhen's family kept silent about it, so over time no one knew about it, and no one mentioned it again.

But now when they heard what Mr. Ling said, it seemed that Su Zhe in front of them had cured Ling Ruoxue's heart disease. How could this not surprise them?

Ling Wenjie was the first to question Su Zhe again: "Grandpa, you must have been deceived. How could he cure Xiaoxue?"

"You, you bastard." Mr. Ling's face turned red with anger and he coughed for a long time before he calmed down.

Naturally, Yu Caifeng was the first to explain to Ling Wenjie and put in a good word. She knew that if she allowed Ling Wenjie to continue talking, she would probably make Mr. Ling very angry.

Mr. Ling's temper was always hot. Although he was sick now, he burst out again when Ling Wenjie was angry: "Get out of here and don't let me see you again."

Yu Caifeng knew that it was useless to say nice things at this time, so she hurriedly asked Ling Wenjie to apologize and then pulled him out.

If Ling Wenjie says anything else if he still stays here, it will really be over.

Although Yu Caifeng and Ling Wenjie left, they still held a grudge against Su Zhe in their hearts, because they both believed that it was Su Zhe who made Mr. Ling angry with Ling Wenjie.

But Su Zhe didn't care about these things. He didn't take Ling Wenjie and Yu Caifeng seriously.

After Ling Wenjie and Yu Caifeng left here, Su Zhe felt that it was much quieter now and his mood became happier.

Afterwards, Su Zhe smiled for a while and said, "Mr. Ling, I don't have a medical qualification certificate. Can you still trust me to treat you now?"

"Why don't you worry? I have already earned enough by living to this day, and I still make money." Although Mr. Ling is very weak now and it is very difficult to speak, he still does not forget to joke.

Finally, Mr. Ling said: "If there is only one person in the world who can cure my disease, it is you. You can cure me, it is God who cares for me, and there is nothing I dare not do."

These words were too high a comment on Su Zhe, and everyone present could not accept it.

Because Mr. Ling has never had such a high opinion of a person, but now he has used it on Su Zhe.

It seems that Mr. Ling really values ​​Su Zhe very much, that's why he said such words now.

Perhaps Mr. Ling did know a lot about Su Zhe, so he made such a comment. It seems that many things are not as simple as Su Zhe thought.

Think about it, many of his actions will attract the attention of the country, such as the many drugs launched by Changhua Pharmaceutical.

Therefore, it is normal for someone with Mr. Ling's status to know Su Zhe.

Fortunately, for now, these things have no impact on him.

Su Zhe shrugged and said modestly: "Mr. Ling, you are kidding me. I don't have such great ability. But as long as Mr. Ling can trust me, I am willing to give it a try."

At this time, he still doesn't want to talk too much, but he will try his best. (To be continued)

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