Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1346 Don’t be greedy

c_t;Not long after, Mr. Ling’s room started to get noisy again. [There are almost all the books you want to read. It is more stable and updates faster than ordinary websites. It is full text and has no ads. ]

Everyone in the room tried hard to persuade Mr. Ling, and Dr. Blake and the nurse were also in the team, but Mr. Ling put on a dark face.

The reason is also very simple, that is, Mr. Ling is hungry now and wants to eat.

Originally this was a small thing, and it was a good thing.

Because Mr. Ling has not eaten well since he fell ill, especially since Mr. Ling's condition worsened recently, he has not eaten anything, and he cannot eat even semi-liquid food.

The typical symptom of esophageal cancer is difficulty swallowing. At first, you can't eat dry food, then semi-liquid food, and finally, you can't even swallow water and saliva.

And Mr. Ling is in such a situation. On the one hand, he can't swallow, and on the other hand, he has no appetite.

In recent times, Mr. Ling has relied on infusions to maintain his body's needs.

That's why Mr. Ling is so thin now.

Now Su Zhe's healing potion has made Elder Ling feel better and his appetite has increased. This is the first time that Elder Ling has actively wanted to eat in recent times.

This was originally something that made the Ling family happy.

But Mr. Ling wanted to eat greasy food such as Dongpo pork and braised pork, and he also wanted to drink a few glasses of white wine. ( Marshmallow

This made the Ling family members disagree. Everyone believed that Mr. Ling had just recovered from his illness and should eat lighter food, which would be good for his health.

Dongpo meat and other foods were too greasy for Mr. Ling, so everyone disagreed.

Even Dr. Black didn't agree with eating these foods. He also asked Mr. Ling to eat some light foods first.

But Mr. Ling was not happy. At this moment, he was not a leader or a general, but like a child. He insisted on eating these foods and refused to eat other foods.

so. Only now will the room become lively again.

In the end, these people had no choice but to invite Su Zhe over again and ask him to persuade Mr. Ling.

But Su Zhe just smiled casually and said, "Whatever Mr. Ling wants to eat now. Just feed him whatever you want. If it's just an occasional meal, it'll be fine."

Mr. Ling has been unable to eat food recently. It's rare that he has a good appetite now, so he naturally wants to eat something good. Eat some of your favorite foods.

Moreover, after Mr. Ling took the healing potion, his digestion ability will be greatly improved, so eating a greasy meal now will not cause any serious harm.

Therefore, Su Zhe would not object to Mr. Ling, as long as he didn't eat every meal.

Su Zhe's words immediately made Mr. Ling smile: "You still understand me. You see, Doctor Su has said this, why don't you hurry up and get ready."

Now everyone in the Ling family regards Su Zhe as a miracle doctor. What he said seemed to be the Bible.

As long as he says it, it is correct and cannot be wrong.

Now that Su Zhe has agreed and has no objections, the Ling family members no longer object and go directly to prepare delicious food for Mr. Ling.

The same is true for Dr. Black. Su Zhe can cure Mr. Ling's disease. In his eyes, this is a miracle in the medical world.

As a doctor, Black knew all too well the power of esophageal cancer. And he was Mr. Ling's attending doctor, so he knew how bad Mr. Ling's health was.

Esophageal cancer is a common digestive tract tumor, with the onset age mostly in people over 40 years old all over the world. More than one million people die from esophageal cancer every year. China is one of the areas with a high incidence of esophageal cancer in the world, with an average of about 500,000 deaths from the disease every year.

And Mr. Ling's esophageal cancer has reached the advanced stage, which is still the most serious stage.

Patients at this stage basically cannot survive more than three months, and Ling Lao is already so old. That would be even more dangerous.

Doctor Black already believed that Mr. Ling's disease was incurable, and he was not disappointed.

The only thing he could do for Mr. Ling was to try his best to cover up his condition so that it wouldn't get worse and let Mr. Ling spend the rest of his time in peace.

But Dr. Black didn't expect that Su Zhe only spent more than an hour, and he didn't use any medical equipment, as if he had cured Mr. Ling with his bare hands.

The shock this gave him was unparalleled.

Therefore, every word Su Zhe says now, Dr. Black will ask the nurse to translate it, and then he will write it down in notes.

And now that Su Zhe agrees with Mr. Ling to eat greasy food, Dr. Black thinks this is reasonable.

Fundamentally speaking, Dr. Black believed in Su Zhe's words too blindly, which may not be a good thing.

After all, Su Zhe's treatment method is not a conventional conservative treatment method, and he is not a qualified doctor. He only relies on the magical effect of healing power, which is why his medical skills are so powerful.

But if he doesn't have healing powers, then he doesn't know any medical skills. If he is asked to prescribe some cold medicine, he won't be able to prescribe it.

Therefore, as a doctor, Blake would not do any good if he believed in Su Zhe's words too much.

After all, Dr. Black doesn't have Su Zhe's healing power, so it's impossible for him to achieve this effect.

If Dr. Black followed Su Zhe's treatment method, it would only harm the patient.

Of course, Dr. Black would not act randomly like this. After all, he is still very professional. Otherwise, the Ling family would not invite him to treat Mr. Ling. This shows that his professional skills are still very strong.

Therefore, Dr. Black should not do it exactly according to Su Zhe's method, he is just a reference.

Soon, the Ling family would prepare a sumptuous meal for Mr. Ling, and since it was Su Zhe who spoke, they even poured a glass of wine over.

This made Mr. Ling so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, not to mention how happy he was.

"Mr. Ling, don't be greedy and eat too much. It's not good if you overeat." As a last resort, Su Zhe could only say something to prevent Mr. Ling from eating too much.

Mr. Ling agreed on the spot, and even strongly invited Su Zhe: "I understand, Doctor Su, don't worry, I will take the right amount. Why don't you sit down and have a few bites with me, and have a drink together?"

Su Zhe smiled and shook his head, but did not agree.

He doesn't have much appetite now, and he doesn't like drinking, so he didn't agree.

Mr. Ling was a little disappointed and felt that this was a bit regretful.

But now that the delicious food was in sight, he couldn't help it anymore and took action immediately.

During this period of time, Mr. Ling was unable to eat these things. He had no appetite at all.

It is rare to have such an appetite now, so Mr. Ling must satisfy his appetite and drink some wine. This is one of the joys of life. (To be continued.)

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