Urban Supreme System

Chapter 133: A Vase Worth 30,000

After preparing all the healing potions that need to be prepared today. In this way, Su Zhe's work today is basically completed.

After doing these things, Su Zhe went back to the room to get his clothes, and then went to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

In the morning, we practiced the gymnastics together, and after sweating, Su Zhe felt very uncomfortable. Then Su Zhe started to work on the medicinal materials in the backyard, and finally prepared so many healing potions.

When everything was done, Su Zhe couldn't wait to take his clothes and take a shower.

After taking a bath, Su Zhe felt refreshed.

After Su Zhe took a shower, An Xin had already made breakfast.

There was already a large bowl of preserved egg and lean pork porridge on the dining table, as well as a pair of chopsticks. Obviously An Xin prepared it for Su Zhe, because no one else got up at this time.

And An Xin was mopping the floor with a mop. An Xin would clean the house every day before coming to have breakfast.

In fact, Su Zhe sometimes feels that cleaning every day is unnecessary and not considered dirty, and it is even more unworthy if he is exhausted, but unfortunately An Xin does not listen to persuasion.

Su Zhe ate up a large bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and ate it clean, leaving nothing behind.

Regarding food, Su Zhe has the mentality of not wasting it if he can. What's more, the preserved egg and lean meat porridge made by An Xin is very fragrant, which suits Su Zhe's taste very much.

Su Zhe put his own bowls and chopsticks into the sink in the kitchen, greeted An Xin, and went out.

When Su Zhe went out, neither An Xuan nor the baby got up, and the baby woke up very late every day. It is rare for An Xuan to have one day of rest in a week, so every Sunday, An Xuan would sleep in and wake up naturally.

As long as there is nothing to do, sometimes even if An Xuan wakes up, she doesn't want to get up. She often stays under the covers and doesn't get up until noon.

According to An Xuan's words, if you don't sleep in on Sunday and relax yourself, you will feel sorry for yourself and this sacred day.

Because I know that An Xuan usually studies very hard, and never has anyone to worry about. So on Sundays, An Xuan slept in and no one cared about her.

After Su Zhe went out, he stopped a car.

Tianhai Car Shop is the first place Su Zhe will go to today. Tianhai Car Shop can be said to be the largest 4S store in Yanyun City.

Su Zhe didn't buy a finished car yesterday, so he planned to choose a car today.

The reason why I chose Tianhai Automobile is that unlike ordinary 4S stores, Tianhai Automobile only sells cars of a single brand.

There are many brands of cars sold by Tianhai Automobile.

Because Su Zhe didn't know much about cars, and he didn't know which brand of car to choose, so he planned to see more cars of different brands, so as to have a comparison.

But Su Zhe didn't want to be too troublesome, going to so many 4S stores.

In order to save time, Su Zhe chose Tianhai Automobile, because Tianhai Automobile has a relatively complete range of car brands.

After getting in the car, not long after, the driver took Su Zhe to Tianhai car dealership.

After Su Zhe paid the fare, he heard a loud noise when he got out of the car. Moreover, Su Zhe heard begging from the noise. He looked towards the source of the noise, but saw a group of people gathered together, as if they were watching something.

I don't know what happened inside.

When this kind of thing happened, Su Zhe was not in a hurry to go to Tianhai Automobile to buy a car, he wanted to go there first to see what happened.

"You are old, don't pretend to be pitiful, you broke Lao Tzu's antique vase, lose money soon, don't force Lao Tzu to call the police."

"Obviously you bumped into me, how can it be blamed on me."

Before Su Zhe approached, he heard this conversation. Su Zhe felt vaguely familiar with the former voice, as if he had heard it somewhere before, and he walked into the crowd at a faster speed.

A middle-aged man in the crowd had a fleshy face, his arms were extremely thick, and tattoos could be seen on his exposed shoulders.

When seeing this middle-aged man, Su Zhe remembered as if he had seen him before, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

Opposite this middle-aged man was an old man sitting paralyzed on the ground. At this time, the old man was panicked and at a loss.

And on the ground next to them, there were broken pieces of porcelain all over the place.

"You are old, you mean I have wronged you, let me tell you, my vase is an antique, worth at least 30,000 yuan. You'd better hand over the money to me now." At this time, the middle-aged man's face turned dark , a pair of fierce eyes, staring at the old man viciously.

"Otherwise, don't blame me for calling the police. If you enter the police station, it won't be so easy to solve."

"Don't call the police, I beg you, please don't call the police. I will lose money, but I don't have that much money now, so I'll give you an IOU, okay?" I called the police, was frightened, and hurriedly knelt down to the middle-aged man to plead for mercy.

The old man was helpless and flustered, and was about to cry out of anxiety. Even the onlookers couldn't bear it, but no one dared to stand up for the old man.

"It's really fucking unlucky to hit your mother's IOU. Not to mention the broken vase, I'm still kneeling on your knees early in the morning." The middle-aged man spat on the ground, and then kicked the old man.

How could the old and thin old man withstand the kick of the middle-aged man. The old man was kicked by the middle-aged man and fell to the ground. Originally, the old man wanted to get up and plead with the middle-aged man, but the kick did a lot of damage to the old man's body and made the old man unable to get up for a while.

Su Zhe frowned and couldn't see it anymore. Even if the old man broke the porcelain, he shouldn't be treated like this!

"Don't pretend to be an old man. I know that you have money in that piece of rag, so quickly give it to me." The middle-aged man said impatiently, and then stepped forward to grab the old man's wallet.

"I can't give you this money. This money is for my grandson's medical treatment. It is life-saving money. I beg you to be merciful. I will return the money to you in the future." The old man held his wallet tightly, otherwise The middle-aged man snatched the money. The money was used by the old man to treat his grandson, so no matter what, he could not lose it.

"You obediently hand over the money to me, let's forget about today's matter. If you don't give it, don't blame me for being cruel." The middle-aged man saw that the old man was covering the money tightly, and he couldn't grab it for a while. , he said, threatening the old man to take it out by himself.

But the middle-aged man obviously made a mistake in his wishful thinking. The old man's money is for his grandson's medical treatment. Even if the old man is going to be arrested and jailed, he will not give the money to the middle-aged man.

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