Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1349 1.8 million bottles

After about ten minutes, there was no movement outside the door.

After Su Zhe confirmed that Yu Caifeng had left, he turned off the music and took off his headphones.

But while he was in the room, he didn't see Yu Caifeng's extremely distorted face when she left.

Su Zhe's unwillingness to help this time probably made Yu Caifeng even more resentful, and she didn't know how to curse him in her heart.

But he doesn't care about these things. He doesn't know if Yu Caifeng has given up now and will bother him again. He doesn't want to see her hypocritical face again.

Su Zhe knew very well that with Yu Caifeng's personality, even if he was willing to heal her father, she would not be grateful to him.

This kind of extremely powerful person will only remember the bad things of others, but not the good things of others.

If Su Zhe fails to cure Yu Caifeng's father, then Yu Caifeng will definitely not look at him well, and she doesn't know how to deal with him.

Therefore, not only would he not get any benefit from helping someone like Yu Caifeng, but he would also make himself embarrassed.

Su Zhe would not do this kind of thing stupidly.

You must repay a favor if you are kind, and you must repay a favor if you owe it. This is the principle that he has always adhered to.

But Su Zhe cannot do such things as repaying evil with kindness. This is not his style of doing things. He insists on repaying revenge.

What's more, 2←, even if he helps Yu Caifeng, he may not end well, and he may get into trouble, which is also possible.

Therefore, Su Zhe would not agree to Yu Caifeng. No matter what kind words Yu Caifeng said, he would not let him change his decision.

Now Yu Caifeng has left. No more knocks. This made him happy and peaceful.

As long as Yu Caifeng doesn't bother Su Zhe anymore. That was the most ideal thing, he wouldn't have to look at Yu Caifeng's face anymore.

Su Zhe, who was staying in the guest room, felt that there was nothing to do, so he sat in front of the computer, turned on the computer, and logged in to his mailbox.

Because he and Ling Ruoxue took a plane to Kyoto early this morning, which gave him no time to check his mailbox.

After arriving in Kyoto.

Su Zhe immediately treated Mr. Ling, but delayed it for a long time.

Therefore, until now, he has not had time to receive new emails, mainly the sales statistics table of Xuejia Cream and the sales statistics table of Joint Spirit.

This morning, Shen Chuxia and Li Changhua had already sent it to his mailbox, but he never had time to read it.

Now that Su Zhe is free, he will receive these two emails.

Snow Skin Cream Sales. The changes are not big, and the daily sales increase is not too much.

these days. The sales volume of Snow Skin Cream only increased by 100,000 bottles and now reaches 1.8 million bottles.

The current sales volume of Snow Skin Cream is 1.8 million bottles a day, which is equivalent to nearly 21 bottles of Snow Skin Cream sold every second in the world, which once again broke the record.

The lowest price for a bottle of Xuejia Cream is 380 yuan, which means that Yadai Group’s daily revenue has reached 680 million yuan just relying on Xuejia Cream.

After excluding all expenses, the daily net profit of Yadai Group can reach 360 million yuan, accounting for more than half of the revenue, and its profit margin exceeds 50%.

If Snow Skin Cream can continue to maintain this sales volume, then Yadai Group's annual revenue and annual net profit will be very impressive.

One day's revenue is 680 million yuan, and one year is more than 240 billion yuan. Its annual net profit has reached more than 130 billion yuan.

And the amazing revenue and net profit of Yadai Group are only brought by one product. Other companies may not be able to do this.

This snow cream has been creating miracles since its inception.

In the future, when Yadai Group launches a moisturizing cream with greater market demand, I don’t know what miracle it will create. The current revenue and net profit will at least double. This is the lowest conservative estimate.

The increase in sales of Xuejia Cream is not large, but the increase in daily sales of Changhua Pharmaceutical's Joint Spirit is astonishing.

The current global daily sales volume of Joint Spirit has reached 22 million pills, an increase of 5 million pills compared with before.

And this achievement is far from the limit of Joint Spirit. If the production of Joint Spirit can be guaranteed and sold all over the world, then the sales volume of Joint Spirit may be several times higher than the current sales volume.

At least because Changhua Pharmaceutical's current production plan has set Joint Ling at 22 million pills, the current sales volume will remain at this number and will not increase.

If the output of Joint Spirit can be increased again, sales will continue to increase accordingly.

However, according to the demand for Joint Spirit in the pharmaceutical market, Changhua Pharmaceutical has now decided to increase the production of Joint Spirit to increase its sales again.

Therefore, it won’t be long before the sales volume of Joint Spirit will be even higher than it is now.

The current performance of Joint Spirit in the market has far exceeded Su Zhe's initial estimate. He did not expect that the sales volume of Joint Spirit would increase explosively. It was really amazing.

As for Changhua Pharmaceutical's other drugs, the sales volume has not changed much and has maintained the status quo.

Since production has not been increased and new agents have not been selected, it is naturally impossible for the sales of these drugs to increase.

Therefore, except for the daily sales volume of Jieseling, which is 18 million pills, the daily sales of other drugs are 22 million pills, which is the same as Joint Spirit.

Because Changhua Pharmaceutical has not yet cooperated with new agents and has not decided to change its production plan, the sales volume of these drugs will remain unchanged.

If Changhua Pharmaceutical develops new foreign markets, the sales of these drugs will definitely increase again.

At present, Changhua Pharmaceutical only cooperates with agents in seven countries. There is still a huge market that has not yet had time to develop, and it can continue to increase its market share.

Therefore, there is still a lot of room for improvement in drug sales, and the increase is only temporarily suspended.

Both Li Changhua and Liu Xiong are already looking for new agents. They believe that new markets will be opened and expanded soon. By then, the sales of these drugs can continue to increase.

However, even if it does not open and expand new markets now, Changhua Pharmaceutical's results are already very satisfactory.

Whether it is Changhua Pharmaceutical or Yadai Group, their development speed has far exceeded everyone's expectations and subverted people's perceptions.

His current achievements are enough to make his peers stunned and envious. (To be continued...)

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