Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1353 Words are like the person they are

Su Zhe specially prepared ten Nirvana Longevity Pills for Elder Ling, which could probably keep Elder Ling alive for another five or six years.

Although five or six years is not too long, it is enough to shock people.

Even if the effect of this life-extending medicine is only to increase the time by one year, it is still considered a heaven-defying elixir.

Of course, it was not that Su Zhe was stingy and unwilling to give Mr. Ling more Nirvana and Longevity Pills.

Just because no matter how much Nirvana Shouyuan Pill he gave Mr. Ling, the effect would not be better than this.

Because this medicine has its own resistance, if you take it too much, the effect will naturally weaken, and even in the end, it will have no effect at all.

In addition, Mr. Ling is already old and his physical condition is not very good. Taking too much Nirvana Shouyuan Pill will not only have no benefits, but will also have many side effects. Mr. Ling's body may not be able to withstand too much power of the medicine. .

If you are a young person with a good physique, there is still no problem if you take more Nirvana Shouyuan Dan.

But with Mr. Ling's physique, taking ten Nirvana Shouyuan Pills is already the limit.

If it exceeds this amount, there may be some sequelae, which is not worth it.

Therefore, there is no need for Su Zhe to give Mr. Ling too many Nirvana Longevity Pills, which Mr. Ling will not be able to use.

However, just ten Nirvana Longevity Pills can extend Mr. Ling's life for another five or six years, which is already very good. I don't know how many people want to get it, but have no way to get it.

If Su Zhe puts these Nirvana Shouyuan Pills out for sale, I don’t know how many people will want to snap up them.

I am afraid that many rich people are willing to pay 100 million to buy these ten Nirvana Longevity Pills.

So as long as Su Zhe is willing, he can sell these Nirvana Shouyuan Pills and quickly recover the money he used to exchange for the prescriptions.

As long as he refines a large amount of Nirvana Shouyuan Dan. And if he sells them all, just selling the Nirvana Shouyuan Pill is enough to make him the richest man in the world.

Of course, Su Zhe has not had this idea so far. And there is no need for him to make money by selling Nirvana Shouyuan Pill now.

Next, he thought about it, found another bottle, and put some elixirs in it again.

But this time it’s not the Nirvana Shouyuan Pill.

But the third transformation marrow cleansing pill.

These three-turn marrow cleansing pills are all made from medicinal materials of relatively low age. This was something he refined before.

However, the power of these third-level marrow cleansing pills can no longer meet Su Zhe's cultivation needs.

Now, the three-turn marrow-cleansing pills he takes are all made from older medicinal materials.

Therefore, Su Zhe took these three-turn marrow-cleansing pills. They were all placed in the Supreme Cauldron, and he had never taken these elixirs again.

Of course, the low-level third-level marrow-cleansing pills in these years cannot meet the needs of cultivation. This is only for him, but for other people with lower strength, the power of these three-level marrow-cleansing pills is still very amazing.

After all, Su Zhe used to practice these third-level marrow cleansing pills, so the power of this medicine is naturally not too weak.

Now he has a more powerful third-level marrow cleansing pill. That's why these elixirs were left idle in the Supreme Cauldron instead of being used again.

Su Zhe also filled the bottle with ten three-turn marrow-cleansing pills, these pills. He has another use.

He has not taken out the other elixirs. Now he is storing them in the Supreme Cauldron. He will just take them out when needed.

Then, Su Zhe took the Supreme Cauldron back into his body.

After taking back the Supreme Cauldron. He took two small bottles and left the room.

After coming out of the room. Su Zhe asked a servant here and learned that Mr. Ling was in the study now.

then. He followed the path pointed by the servant and walked towards the study.

After arriving at the study, he knocked on the door and received a quick response. It was Mr. Ling's voice: "Come in."

Hearing this, Su Zhe opened the study door. It was not locked, so he opened it with a twist.

This study room is large, but because there are many bookshelves inside, the space does not appear to be very spacious.

When he came in, Mr. Ling, who was wearing a Tang suit, was at the table, writing with a brush.

At this time, Mr. Ling was very focused. He didn't even know who came in. He didn't even raise his head to take a look and continued to write.

Su Zhe didn't bother Mr. Ling and just walked over.

He just stood behind Mr. Ling, admiring Mr. Ling's writing without making a sound.

Although Old Man Ling is old, his strokes are sonorous and powerful. His strokes are majestic, just like iron paintings with silver hooks.

As the saying goes, words are like people, and Mr. Ling's words are just like his person. He is full of awe and righteousness, and his words are also majestic. Ling Lao's strokes are not restrained at all.

Looking at this skill, it is estimated that Mr. Ling has been practicing calligraphy for a long time, so he can write good calligraphy.

Mr. Ling wrote eight big words, "Don't forget your original intention, and you will always succeed." Each word is vigorous and powerful, and it can be seen on the back of the paper.

When the last stroke was completed, Mr. Ling put down the brush in his hand.

Only then did he raise his head: "Hey! It turns out you are here. I thought you had already rested."

Su Zhe smiled and said, "It's still early."

After that, he looked at the calligraphy written by Mr. Ling again and praised: "Mr. Ling, your handwriting is really good. You are not inferior to the calligraphers at all."

Mr. Ling hates people who are opportunistic and flattering. He also dislikes people who flatter others in front of him. But now that Su Zhe has praised him, Mr. Ling is very happy.

Therefore, Mr. Ling was smiling happily now, but he still said modestly: "I just write casually for entertainment, and I can't get on the stage."

Later, Mr. Ling sighed again and said: "Speaking of which, I haven't held a pen for a while, and now I feel a little rusty when writing."

It's no wonder that since Mr. Ling's condition became serious, he couldn't even get out of bed, and he couldn't even eat. How could he come to practice calligraphy? That's why Mr. Ling said that he hadn't practiced calligraphy for a long time. .

Finally, Mr. Ling said gratefully to Su Zhe: "If it weren't for you, maybe I wouldn't have the chance to pick up the pen again. Thanks to you, I can stand here and practice calligraphy again."

What Mr. Ling said was indeed correct. If it weren't for Su Zhe, he might have spent the rest of his days in the hospital bed, and it would be absolutely impossible to pick up the brush again now.

That's why Mr. Ling was so grateful to Su Zhe. This debt was so heavy that it would be difficult for Mr. Ling and the Ling family to repay it.

"Mr. Ling, please don't say that. Don't mention the past anymore," Su Zhe shook his head and said.

Mr. Ling laughed and said, "Okay, okay, I won't mention it anymore. I won't mention it again. Is there anything wrong with you coming to see me now?"

Su Zhe nodded, then took out the bottle containing the Nirvana Shouyuan Pill and handed it to Mr. Ling. (To be continued)

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