Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1355 Middle School Grade

readx; Su Zhe handed the Nirvana Shouyuan Pill to Mr. Ling, and then he left the study.

As long as Mr. Ling takes the Nirvana Shouyuan Pill every day, he will definitely be disease-free and pain-free and live for a few more years.

For an elderly person who is over 100 years old, it is already very difficult to live for a few more years.

What's more, Nirvana Shouyuan Pill not only prolongs life, but also has the effect of curing diseases and strengthening the body.

After all, people can only live long if they are in good health. People with poor health will have a relatively short life.

The Nirvana Shouyuan Pill mainly enhances the user's body to increase life span. Therefore, the Nirvana Shouyuan Pill has the effect of curing diseases and prolonging life.

If he could live for a few more years without any disease or pain, that would be a very rare thing for Mr. Ling.

Therefore, for some people, this Nirvana Shouyuan Pill is nothing more than a priceless treasure. No matter how rich you are, you may not be able to buy this pill.

It was still early, and Su Zhe, who left the study, didn't want to go back to the room so early, so he walked to the garden, ready to walk around and relax.

After arriving in the garden, Su Zhe heard the sound of martial arts training nearby. Curious, he followed the sound and walked over.

In an open space, a middle-aged man wearing martial arts uniforms was sweating profusely while practicing boxing.

Su Zhe saw that this man's hands and feet were bound, probably for some auxiliary training with weight-bearing preparations.

And the person who was still practicing boxing this night was Xing Jianglong.

When he saw Xing Jianglong, Su Zhe felt happy because he happened to be looking for Xing Jianglong for something. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet him in the garden. In this way, he

No need to make another trip.

When Xing Jianglong stopped practicing his boxing, he walked over.

When Xing Jianglong saw Su Zhe coming, he said with some surprise: "Doctor Su, you are here too."

Su Zhe shook his head, walked over and said, "Uncle Xing, don't call me doctor, just call me by my name.


Xing Jianglong patted his chest: "Okay, then I will call you by name. Thank you for curing Mr. Ling's disease. I, Xing Jianglong, keep my word. My life will be yours from now on. Whatever you want me to do, you Just say a word."

Before Su Zhe came to Ling's house, when Xing Jianglong went to pick up him and Ling Ruoxue, he once said that as long as Su Zhe could cure Mr. Ling's disease, he would work hard for Su Zhe, go through fire and water, no matter what.

However, Su Zhe didn't take it seriously, but he didn't expect that Xing Jianglong would still remember it now. He was obviously not the one who said he would just forget it.

Xing Jianglong is definitely a person who values ​​friendship and loyalty. As long as he says something, he will definitely do it.

"Uncle Xing, you are serious. There is no need." Su Zhe said.

Xing Jianglong didn't speak anymore. He knew that there was no need to say too much about some things, as long as they were proven by actions.

Whenever Su Zhe needs someone, Xing Jianglong will definitely step forward without any hesitation. He is accustomed to using practical actions to fulfill his promises.

Su Zhe suddenly said: "Uncle Xing, have you hit a bottleneck in your practice recently? It's difficult to improve."

Hearing this, Xing Jianglong couldn't help but show a bitter look on his face.

Xing Jianglong said helplessly: "My strength has not improved for several years. In the past few years, my strength has only improved a little."

In the past few years, Xing Jianglong has been practicing every day for several years, and he will not relax in his cultivation every day.

But now that he is practicing hard every day, Xing Jianglong can barely maintain his current strength. At most, he can only avoid regression. It is basically impossible to go further.

For a warrior, this is undoubtedly a very uncomfortable thing, and the same is true for Xing Jianglong.

But there was no way, and Xing Jianglong had no ability to change this ending, so he had no choice but to accept it, so he was so bitter now.

At this time, Su Zhe said: "Perhaps I can help you. Although it may not necessarily improve you much, it can at least help you break through your current level."

Hearing this, Xing Jianglong became a little excited: "Really? What is the solution?"

Even when his strength could no longer improve, Xing Jianglong still practiced for ten years and never slackened off. This was enough to illustrate Xing Jianglong's persistence in martial arts.

If there is a way to improve his strength, no matter how difficult it is, Xing Jianglong will be willing to try it.

So now that Xing Jianglong knows that Su Zhe may have a way, he can't stay calm.

If divided by martial arts, ordinary, soldier, school, general, commander, king, then Xing Jianglong's strength should belong to the middle school level, slightly weaker than the killer Inu Ying, and more powerful than Le Zhenglin Some.

However, Xing Jianglong's strength has always been limited to the middle school level, and he has never been able to break through.

If there is no special opportunity, perhaps this is Xing Jianglong's highest strength, and there will be no way to improve it in the future. This is the most distressing thing for him.


Xing Jianglong said solemnly: "If you help me break through, I will try any method, and I will pay any price, as long as it is not unreasonable."

"Uncle Xing, there's no need to be so serious, and it doesn't cost anything." Su Zhe smiled and said.

When he saw Xing Jianglong today, he wanted to help Xing Jianglong improve his strength.

Because Xing Jianglong saved Su Zhe, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Xing Jianglong has saved Su Zhe, and he will find a way to repay this kindness.

However, Xing Jianglong's strength has been stagnant. In his opinion, he can just repay this kindness.

Next, Su Zhe took out a small bottle from his body, which he had prepared in the guest room. Inside was ten three-turn marrow cleansing pills, which were specially prepared for Xing Jianglong.

He gave the bottle to Xing Jiang Longhou and said, "This is the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill. The medicinal power contained in it can help you break through your current realm."

The effect of these ten third-level marrow cleansing pills on Su Zhe is already very weak.

But for Xing Jianglong's current state, the power of these ten third-level marrow cleansing pills is very powerful.

As long as Xing Jianglong takes the Third Transformation Marrow Cleansing Pill, it will be enough for him to break through to the late school level in a short time. Even later, it is not impossible for him to use the power of the medicine to break through to the general level warrior.

Therefore, Su Zhe thought that these ten third-level marrow cleansing pills should be of great help to Xing Jianglong.

Judging from Xing Jianglong's current situation, he really needs the third-level marrow cleansing pill, so he will prepare it in advance when he is in the guest room.

Originally, when I met Xing Jianglong

, Su Zhe had already made this decision in his heart.

However, the three-turn marrow cleansing pill was placed in the Supreme Cauldron at that time, and it was not convenient for him to take it out.

Therefore, he will wait until now, and only now will he have the opportunity to give the third-level marrow cleansing pill to Xing Jianglong.

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