Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1363 Iron Giant

readx; Judging from the instructions on the communicator, they all knew that the alienated humans and alienated beasts ahead were not running very fast.

And this time, neither the alienated people nor the alienated beasts broke out, nor were they alienated.

Therefore, alienated humans and alienated beasts have not caused any panic or damage yet.

Therefore, Su Xin and the others did not dare to pursue him too hastily, and could only keep a certain distance.

Although if they do this, it is very likely that the alienated people and alienated beasts will escape, and this mission will fail again.

But if they don't do this, once they push the aliens tightly and allow the aliens and beasts to break out, it will easily cause panic and cause huge harm to ordinary people.

For this reason, Su Xin and the others always kept a certain distance and did not dare to get too close.

Su Xin and the others want to slowly push the alienated people and alienated beasts to the outskirts before they take action.

Everything went smoothly, and the chase only aroused the curiosity of a few people.

But fortunately, it didn't cause any panic.

Because everyone is not aware of what happened now, and they don't know that the danger is passing by them, so they continue to do their own things without changing.

This time, the alienated people and the alienated beasts were also very cooperative. They didn't mess around. They followed Su Xin's idea and kept running towards the suburbs.

However, just because it went smoothly, it made people feel a little uneasy.

Feeling that there was something fishy about this, he said, "Captain, there seems to be something wrong with this. The target seems to be specifically cooperating with us."

On the other side, Su Xin said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter what they are, as long as we can catch them, we can't let them escape this time."

The pony-tailed girl replied: "No matter what is wrong, we will catch up now."

The short-haired girl still said nothing and just followed silently.

Now is a rare opportunity, the best chance to hunt down alienated humans and alienated beasts. So even if they knew there was danger ahead, they still had to catch up and give it a try.

This is what everyone thinks.

Soon, Fu Yanjie and the four of them arrived at the sparsely populated suburbs. Alienated humans and alienated beasts are hidden here.

After observing the traces on the ground for a while, Fu Yanjie said, "They are nearby, they probably haven't escaped yet."

The pony-tailed girl nodded and said: "We are starting to hunt now, but try not to separate. You cannot act alone because the target this time is very dangerous."

As soon as they finished speaking, just as they were preparing to take action, a person suddenly appeared, and there was a cat next to him.

But this person and the cat made Su Xin and the others' eyes freeze.

Because this man and the cat were the alienated humans and alienated beasts they had been hunting, they didn't expect that they would show up on their own initiative before they started hunting.

"Haha, do you think I will be caught by you so easily?" The alienated man laughed. He said ruthlessly: "You are all idiots. I brought you here on purpose, just to deal with you so that the remaining people will not be afraid."

It turned out that this alienated person had already planned it. He knew that the pony-tailed girl and the others were the main members of an organization that specialized in dealing with alienated people and alienated beasts.

Therefore, the alienated people deliberately led them to the suburbs in order to eliminate them all here.

The reason why he did not take action in the city was because he was worried that other members would be rounded up, so the chance of doing so was slim.

therefore. This is why alienated humans and alienated beasts are so cooperative and take the initiative to come to the suburbs.

Although this alienated person looks a bit ferocious, he is not much different from ordinary people. If one relied solely on the naked eye, no one would know that he was an alienated person.

The cat next to the alienated person looked like an ordinary tabby cat. It was at most a size larger than an ordinary tabby cat. Apart from the bloodthirsty eyes, there was nothing unusual about it.

The ponytail girls also use special methods. Only then was it confirmed that they were alienated humans and alienated beasts.

If Su Zhe were here, he would definitely recognize who this alienated person is, because he has also been looking for this alienated person.

The pony-tailed girl said: "Lei Ba, you have committed many crimes and your crimes are already heinous. I advise you to just let it go."

It turns out that this alienated person is Lei Ba, and he is also the murderer of this serial murder case. The number of confirmed victims has reached twelve. This crime is already unforgivable.

If Su Zhe were here, he would never let Lei Ba go.

"Your joke is not funny. Do you think you can do anything to us with just a few people? I will kill you all. Then I will be stronger. No one can do anything to me in the future. I am the world." The king, haha..." Lei Ba laughed crazily again.

Lei Ba seems to be very confident in his own strength. Although the opponent has many people, he is not worried, and he also wants to kill all four of them.

The pony-tailed girl said, "It's shameless to say that. I'm going to see if you have this ability now."

"Really? Then I'll show you if I have this ability." Lei Ba smiled wildly.

After that, Lei Ba screamed at the sky, and his body suddenly expanded several times. At this time, his height reached at least three meters, which made people feel frightened.

Moreover, Lei Ba's skin color is no longer that of a normal person, and is closer to the color of metal.

It's obvious that he has activated his own abilities, transforming himself into a monster with incomparable power and defense.

The tabby cat next to Lei Ba also meowed at this time. Its sound was very weird. It didn't sound like a cat at all. It seemed more like the sound made by a knife scratching the glass. It was very sharp and uncomfortable to listen to. , I have the idea of ​​covering my ears and running away from here.

Then, the size of the tabby cat also increased rapidly. Originally, its size was just a little larger than the ordinary tabby cat, and it was not outstanding.

But now the size of the tabby cat has become countless times larger after the alienation. In terms of size, it is no longer a tiger, which is even more surprising.

Fortunately, the pony-tailed girl and the others are the only ones here now, and they have seen this kind of thing many times, so they are not surprised.

If any ordinary person appeared here, they would definitely be frightened when they saw this scene.

This is why the ponytail girl and the others brought the fight here.

It was because they were worried about causing panic among ordinary people that they led Lei Ba here to minimize the damage. (To be continued.)

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